I was sucking this guy's dick , and..

he was taking like forever..like really I wasn't enjoying it after about 20 minutes and he said I was doing real good and I've done it b4 and it never took that long..like I don't want to think it was my fault like I suck at doing it haha no pun intended. but anyway and he was like 'just use your hand for awhile' an I was like ok so I come face to face with him and he's all like id prefer if you didn't kiss me after that..um WTF I just sucked Your dick. and finally after, he was like ur going to have to use mouthwash if you want to kiss me. and he's a nice guy I don't get it wtf..are there a lot of guys like this and doesn't this piss girls off?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I am going to guess that he's fairly young. I would guess no older than early twenties. Am I right?

    When I was younger like most guys I had all sorts of "I'm not gay damn it! " hang ups and the idea of kissing a mouth that was sucking a cock... even MY OWN was disturbing.

    With a few years and a little maturity, I out grew that.

    Regardless of his age my guess is that it's exactly that an "I'm not gay" thing.

    Here's my advice. No more blow jobs. Simple as that. If you really did a good job which I'm sure you did, he'll eventually ask for it.

    When he does you lay the cards on the table and tell him you feel. And if he gives you any sh*t about it being a dirty thing, then just leave him with "So it's to dirty for your mouth but not mine?"

    That should get him thinking.

    • EXACTLY. And ya he's 19. I wish I would have thought of that to say!

  • Not all guys are like this. I don't understand this one. Things would be different if well, let's just keep it pg-13, but honestly that's just way too picky. I would suggest you find another guy who will gladly give you a kiss after putting his penis in your mouth. I think there is a lesson here that is should be printed on fortune cookies. "A wise woman once said, it is not the penis, but the man attached to it that must be most important." I like this. It would make a great coffee mug, and or shot glass. Thanks for the advice! - J

    • "A wise woman once said, it is not the penis, but the man attached to it that must be most important." - LMAO! That's priceless.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Did he ask you to give him oral sex? Maybe this guy doesn't like oral sex. Consider it a lesson learned--don't ever give this guy oral sex again whether he wants it or not! Ya, it sure sounds offensive, but if you think about it, he should say something if he is turned off by it and he probably put it as politely as possible, but I guess he could've stopped you from giving him oral sex to begin with, right? Ya, I would be really pissed off and been like excuse me? are you kidding me? and probably left without another word. How did you respond?

    • Ya he asked for it. first I was just like stunned..i didn't even know what to say, because other than that he seems to be a really great guy so in a way I guess I didn't want to get rid of him per say for a..well what I consider a fault.

  • I have never had this happen and as far as I know none of my friends have either. I can tell you this should it ever happen, the sex would end when he backed away from the kiss and I'd be heading home alone.

    • Thank you! I'm glad you see it that way too

    • I sure hope that is what you did? I have no idea why any woman would stick around for a guy like that. He can use his own hand or get a blow up doll to take care of him.

  • You should've been like ew, ya, you're right, that was nasty! I have to go brush AND use mouthwash and left the premises and never returned.

    • O that's good, I should have done that

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9 9
  • That ain't nice, it's his own d***! I don't like the way this guy sounds..

  • It sounds like he is aware that he does not keep himself clean. I know of no way too scrub a vagina, but a penis, there is no excuse for it not being clean.

  • I think a little time apart from this fellow will be profitable for all parties.

  • Well why were you sucking this guy?

    • Well I like(d) him..but after he said that I was just like.. are you serious?? I felt like..low, and in a way a little bit disrespected

    • Well you should feel disrespected. From now on, don't just do it because you like a guy.

    • Then why should I do it?

    • Show All
  • Sounds like a selfish prick to me.