To inspire those put to themselves first.
He flattered me all night.
He kept telling me how beautiful I was.
I felt so good.
For that moment, I felt like I had the world in my arms.
I was his center and his attention.
We drank, shared laughter,
and cuddled in eachothers arms.
"It's getting late. I really should get go...iii..nn"
Before I could even finish my sentence, he planted yet another kiss on my lips. We proceeded to make out.
The session was so heavy....
In my mind, I wanted to stop him. But my body craved more.
It had been such a long time since I felt this good.
We kept going until all clothes were removed.
Yeah, you can guess where this went.
One week later
It was almost as if he vanished off the face of the Earth.
All of my calls, were forwarded straight to voicemail.
I had let a few days pass before even contacting him.
Not once since our meet, did he try to reach out to me.
"Did we even use protection?" I thought to myself.
Wishing I had never drank so much that night.
Something that should have mattered at that moment, seemed important to me now because of the dilemma I was in.
What's wrong with my thinking?
I should have cared about this regardless of the circumstance.
How could I allow myself to be used?
I got intoxicated with a man I barely even knew!
I continued to beat myself up in my mind.
The days never seemed so long as they continued to slowly lag by.
I was afraid for my life.
I put it at risk.
I didn't know if I was pregnant.
I didn't know if I had an std.
The window period to be tested had not yet passed...
I knew If I tested now, I could be false-negative because my body did not build up antibodies against this disease.
So, it would not be detected until a significant amount of time.
I tried to shake these thoughts.
I was no longer myself.
I tried to function doing my every day tasks, but the night me and him had together, kept re-playing in my mind like a bad dream.
"A few moments of pleasure isn't worth your entire life."
Think before acting.
Some people go through experiences and remain untarnished. Others walk out, with information that alters their life forever.
All it takes is ,
One time.
One choice.
One person.
Diseases do not discriminate.
No one is immuned.
It's up to you to keep yourself healthy.
How can I better protect myself against stds?
- Get tested together with partner before engaging in any type of sex act.
- Just because you did this together once, doesn't mean the process stops (get regular check ups every few months to ensure that you BOTH are in good health).
- Always use protection
What do I do If the condom breaks?
Don't panic.
There is a pill called Plan B which is very effective against preventing pregnancy.
This pill isn't an abortion pill. It is an emergency contraceptive used to prevent the release of an egg from the ovary. If fertilization does occur, Plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from being attached to the womb.
Plan B should be taken within the first 72 hours after having unprotected intercourse. The sooner you take it the beter.
It produces pregnancy rate by 89%.
The pill is very costly.
So unless you plan to break pockets every time, I suggest you stick with regular condom usage.
This pill isn't meant to prevent regular use of birth control method.
It is for emergency use only.
Am I to blame if I have sex with someone and they never contact me again?
That's just the chance you take when you have sexual encounters when you are not in a committed relationship. Some men, will be real and genuine with you. Others will be deceptive to get what they want.
Don't be so quick to jump in bed with a guy if you want his respect.
Give it time.
If he respects and genuinely likes you, he won't make an issue out of this.
If you choose all means always put your health first! :)
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