Is abortion murder or a matter of personal freedom?

The definition of something living includes the ability to grow, which is exactly what is going on inside a woman, who is pregnant. An abortion ceases the growing process, therefore ending the future life of a human being. This little being may not start with a heartbeat or brain activity, but cells are still dividing and allowing it to.

It arguably it is life when you can save the child in premature birth at age 24 weeks. The 24 weeks old life can both be taken and saved by the same doctors – killing the idea, that it is not a child and does not have a brain. If we would have stock strictly to the free abortion period, you could argues so, but since we do not, that argument is failing under the current laws.

Children cannot be and do not ask about being born, this is purely an option adults have. Whether the woman get pregnant or not is a choice by actions or lack of same, by two individuals – rape excepted. Pro-life individuals say abortion is taking the right to live, from a human being, a right an embryo cannot defend.

In ancient Rome infanticide were permitted under Roman law, but that doesn’t make them humane. Leaving your child on someone’s doorstep, or committing murder are considered a major penalty today, so why not abortion!! Roman law also support the institution of slavery (non-racial based slavery that is, the Romans didn’t discriminated based on race, everybody was entitled to be enslaved by Roman standard), yet today we see slavery as an abomination. Just because it is legal, does not mean is morally right or can be defended morally.

In 1973 abortions were made legal throughout the US, yet many would be more than happy to see them made illegal once more. Do you feel abortion is a woman’s right like the slave owners use to think of their rights to keep the slaves!!!

Abortion is a problem, because you can’t have the right of one part without violation the right of the other (it’s child vs mother in this case). For the taxpayers, abortion is cheaper than having many unwanted babies born and our earth is closes to being overpopulated as it is, so why is abortion a problem?

The answers is, because it ethically and morally wrong and the problem should be handled as a human rights issue, it’s hard to defend human right when the same individuals arguing for it, are so easily killing others just because they don’t have a voice or dear I say vote. Then the human rights outcry, become rather hypocritical when we don’t based our society on a moral principal and stick to it, but pick and chooses based on personal preferences, we then lose the moral justification.

Abortion Facts:

  • 40 million abortion are done annually, globally
  • The number of unhealthy abortions is unknown, since the statistics doesn’t support the distinction on a global level
  • Having abortions legalised is beneficial for most adults, the mother and farther, society in large etc. with only one victim the child – without a vote
  • Only 9 Weeks after Fertilization, more than 90% of the body structures found in a full-grown human are present (medical classification changes from an embryo to a foetus at this point) - at this point the child might be able to feel pain, but it’s unknown if it is so
  • 24 Weeks after Fertilization, is the latest abortion time, however also within the reach of modern medicine to save the child if prematurely born. Here we see a clear crossover where the same child can be saved or killed, depending on the circumstances

So emotions and the law sat aside, what is morally right here?

So is abortion murder or a matter of personal freedom?
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  • personal freedom, i dont consider the thing alive until it can breathe oxygen for its self

    • So a 9 month old, but yet unborn baby, can be killed at will in your view then.

    • its not a baby, its a fetus. a pre-baby. but personally im not going to make a decision for someone else. we shouldn't be able to choose what someone does with his or her own body. and a fetus is still considered a part of a womens body because until it is born the baby needs the womens body to grow. we dont get all worked up over tonsils being removed. and this might be a bit of sidetracking, but why is it everyone is all for protecting kids while they grow up but then at a certain age (mainly 18 but could change depending on situation) we just throw them out into the world and dont care anymore? for instance, we get more worked up over a car accident where a kid is killed then where just an adult is killed. the adult was a kid once too you know. but whatever, people do what they do. (and yes, the 9 month old can die based on my view, since he/she was going to die anyway, its best to save him/her the pain of dying later.)

    • "since he/she was going to die anyway" no the alternative is to get born and live. I do agree about having a lot of other issues in the world besides abortion, however just because we have one issues doesn't mean to should be interest in others as well. Otherwise to should choose between the arguing against racist or sexism, or saving the whales or stopping pollution. We can do more than one thing you know.

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  • I think it should be allowed for a certain amount of time. Up until the point where the child is considered a foetus. I think it definitely should be allowed in cases of rape or where there is a genuine risk to the mother's life. I don't think that any woman should HAVE TO carry a baby for nine months and give birth if she doesn't want to. But I also believe that you shouldn't be able to abort a near fully developed baby. If you believe that abortion at any stage is murder then don't have one. Everyone has different morals and if someone has different ones from you then why would you force them comply with yours?

    • So week 8/9 then?

    • Yes I suppose. But I'm very split on the whole issue of when a child can be considered a person.

  • "Do you feel abortion is a woman’s right like the slave owners use to think of their rights to keep the slaves!!!"

    seriously abortion and slavery are comparable?

    i'm pro-choice. please respect that
    I'll respect your pro-life position

    • It an analogy, a similarity between like features of the two things not saying it is same, to assume so is stupid. Abortion is abortion and slavery is abortion, they do have one common feature and that is what I am comparing. Both contains legality over life and death of another human being, simply because the law say so, and the law say so because of those in power is in favour of it, that's the similarity.

    • correction slavery is NOT abortion...

    • analogy: a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification so you comparison of slavery to abortion is on the level of life or death of a human being? where did slavery pertain to the death of slaves? If you want to compare slavery to abortion it should be on the grounds of human rights... or better yet if you want to compare abortion to something maybe compare it to assisted suicide or capital punishment whereby people choose to take a life based on personal beliefs.

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  • Abortion is someone's choice for sure, no one should have to carry a child for 9 months if they didn't intend to have it.

    • No and that's what's birth-control is fore. to prevent this, you even have a morning after pill preventing fertilisation of the egg.

  • I recognize that abortion is murder of a fetus/ unborn child--- which ever term you use. But I'm still prochoice. You had me until you compared aborting a pregnancy to slavery. That's not even close.

    • Exactly abortion is more like the Holocaust. A silent holocaust.

    • No. The Holocaust we're independent human beings with minds and rights of their own. If abortion was the same, there would be no question of whether or not it SHOULD be illegal. It's not. There are two sides to this. The women's rights to her body and the right of the fetus to live.

    • Banning abortion isn't right. To me, it never will be. If we do ban abortion, we should also make having sex illegal unless they plan on having the child. If they don't plan on having children and do concieve BOTH parents should be punished accordingly. Making a women have the (unwanted in this case) child, so she can "learn her lesson" is bull.

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  • I'm pro-choice in the sense that a woman can have the choice to have an abortion, as well as the choice not to. Pro-life only limits the woman to one, which I think is unfair.

    I've said this before, but a foetus that is eligible for abortion is not a living, sentient being. It has no thoughts or feelings, and relies on it's mother for food and oxygen.

    • "Pro-life only limits the woman to one, which I think is unfair" .. then she can remove any option for the child, I think that is far more unfair. "but a foetus that is eligible for abortion is not a living, sentient being. It has no thoughts or feelings" .. until what week, does this apply? "relies on it's mother for food and oxygen." so?

  • Really, it's for you to decide whether it's right or wrong. What do you believe in and is the trade-off worth it in you're mind?

    It's a chicken or the egg kind of question that we all must answer for ourselves.

    Where does life start a heartbeat? The formation of the first limb, or bone? One could argue that even a partially produced life must be saved for stopping it from finishing would be murder but when does it start then? Does a man kill thousands of children when he masturbates or does a women kill thousands when her body kills off weaker seed?

    Ok, so then the logical thing to say would be the brain but even that brings up problems. Do you believe that humans have souls? I personally believe that a human body is almost like a computer and our soul's operate it. That's why a good person could have a brain problem that makes them act like an asshole, or even evil. But now I'm just getting off track

    My point is, it's more philosophical than you might think. A lot of the things that we wish science could answer, it simply can't right now. Definitely not now and probably not ever.

    • "it's for you to decide whether it's right or wrong." actually yes, as I human in a democratic sociaty I have an equal say in this. "What do you believe in and is the trade-off worth it in you're mind?" I believe at the very least abortion beyond week 8 should be illegal, I believe in personal responsibility. I believe in a principal, if a principal is uses as argument for abortion, then the same principal must apply to everything else in our legal system - and it's doesn't. "Where does life start a heartbeat?" life state when the egg is fertilised and starts dividing. The question you want to ask is when it's is human life you can't killed, and that is basically unknown so far, however current laws clearly overstep the boundary as it is. "Do you believe that humans have souls" .. actually I don't, the Bible say humans are souls, we don't have souls, but that's a completely different topic, however still interesting.

  • If I don't have the necessary funds to raise a kid then I don't want him \her a life In poverty.

    And if you don't feel bad for killing a fly.. Or even , for supporting slaughterhouses, then you should also go okay with abortion.

    • Did you really just compare the life of a human to a fly?

    • @BelleGirl21 Just because it's another specie doesn't mean the life of a fly is worthless

    • @BelleGirl21 @olivia183 Yes that is what I'm saying. You don't necessarily have to think of a small creature's life, like a fly, but think of all the sheep, fish, cow, pig, chicken that we eat. And I'm not saying that killing those animals are nice, though I'm not vegetarian but luckily I never had to think of abortion luckily.

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  • It's both in my opinion.

    You're right that it is technically life but as it can affect, and at times endanger, the life of the mother drastically, they deserve a choice especially in cases of rape. There are no easy choices on this matter though. Whatever stance you take involves a certain grey morality.

    What would help in this debate is "pro-lifers" seeing the effect of pregnancy on women and "pro-choicers" (if that's a word) seeing the effect of childbirth on men and on not seeing the embryo as an inanimate object that is only alive if they deem it so.

    • Good answer, I do agree about allowing abortion in case of rape, incest (child abuse), if the mothers life or health is endangers by the pregnancy, in short the way is uses to be before the current laws. On regular circumstances I don't believe the pa rants should have a choice, they have in fact already made it, when they have sex without proper birth control and didn't use the morning after pill. Abortion is too invasive and too serious to uses as late birth control.

    • Thank you. I understand why but I would be in favour of there being a certain time frame on the mother making a choice. Though complete, unlimited access to abortions is only tolerable if you only see one side of the argument.

  • Excellent although to be honest i expected this to be another pro death article.

    Pro abortion means you believe your individuality is superior to another's. That you believe some human beings are of lesser human dignity than your own.

    That one persons ability to void their irresponsibility under the nanny state overrules the life of another human being. Scientifically there is no debate on whether the life form is human and even have a name for it, we know for a fact that it is but people's unwillingness to be responsible is a bog part of it

  • Boy, you are inviting a shit tornado. You do know that, right?

    People who are pro choice are usually girls who say things like "it's MY body, I can do whatever I want". What about your child's body? Who the fuck are you to decide what should happen to your baby's body? And future. And life. Huh? Whores just don't want to deal with the consequences of being so fucking dumb... that's why they are pro choice. Choice for the mother, none for the baby and often none for the father as well.

    To those who disagree, leave your down vote and move along. I'm only here to state my opinion. I'm not leaving shitstorm on other people's opinions, so don't leave your shit on mine too. OK?

    • I know, but shit storms are inevitable when talking about abortion, gay rights, feminism, religion etc.. Subjects that are very divisive in nature, but if only one or two GaG'er think a bit about what principles they personally wish was applyed and why, then I see it as a success.

    • If only... Those topics has been discussed more than enough times. It gets old because the same shitstorms keep happening again and again

    • WOW yea I will do whatever I want with MY body cuz if I accidentally get pregnant even when I'm on birthcontrol (yes, it happens), I don't want to be forced into 9 months of pregnancy at least, 20+ years of my life devoted to some kid I didn't even want. No thanks, not when I can just not have the child in the first place

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  • What is morally right to you might be different for others. And do you really think the outlawing of safe abortions would prevent dangerous ones? Hell no. Then you're putting the life of a living mother and a fetus in danger. Or in your case, that would account for 2 people.

    • I know, but it would be less than the 40 million annually we have now. There are no easy deal here.

    • Just don't try and meddle in people's business. You have every right to express your opinion, but what other people decide to do with their bodies has nothing to do with you or even affects you remotely.

    • Really.. then you don't understand politic or democracy, that is how policies are changed. Arguing changes influencing media etc. until some day the power shifts in your favour.

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  • I think all the controversy over abortion is really just controversy over women having sex. There are so many ways to reduce the motivation for abortions by making child birth and child raising less desperate, but no one wants to do those things. Instead, the "pro-life" people also seem to want the raising of a child to be as horrible of a situation as possible. This makes no sense, unless you think of children as a punishment for having sex. In that case, yes, raising a child should remain a desperate situation, and abortions should be banned. That way if a girl decides to have sex and gets pregnant, her life is ruined. God wins, right?

    • What man isn't interest in women having sex, who could we have sex with if no women had sex... this is a stupid argument. Women can have sex and use contraception, and if it fails use the morning after pill. Plenty of options, so that argument is invalided in the west today.

    • It would be invalid if the "pro-life" people weren't also adamantly opposed to contraception and didn't preach abstinence as the only solution. But alas..

    • I have never been opposed to contraception on the contrary, especially if you are also promiscuous (and let's face the bulk of abortion are done by promiscuous women) then a condom is only way to have some protection against STD's. I would preach abstinence pre-married only (not post), and only for Christians, for non Christians however they can do wherever they like and do anyway so why bother. For Christians it's a duty and those who claim to be Christians, but don't follow Christianity... I'll say they are truly disqualifies as Christians, however that is not for me to judge, God will do that - but it certainly is hypocrisy.

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  • I'm pro-choice. No one should interfere with a women's choice when it comes to her body. Also it's better to provide a safe clean environment for abortions rather then having them to resort to underground procedures or "home remedies".

    • I don't agree with the "women's choice when it comes to her body" for the reason stated, however the "safe clean environment" is a solid argument, in a way you saying 'the lesser of two evils'.

    • But the baby is not her body, and her baby is a living being with unique DNA.

    • It's not a baby yet and is using me to survive.

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  • Great take 👏👏👏👏

  • I think abortion is awful but at the same time women have the right to do what they please. If I got pregnant I don't think I'd be able to abort because of my religious beliefs. Only way I could abort is if I know my baby will have a mental defect or if i was raped.

    • "women have the right to do what they please" .. not really, murder is not a woman choice, why should abortion be? "able to abort because of my religious beliefs" .. what does you religion say about abortion, if I may ask?

    • A woman has a right to her body. A child growing in her is HER body. You and no one else has any right to take away the freedom to do with herself as she pleases. I get rally sick of men trying to control women. I'm a christian obviously my religion doesn't tolerate murder.

    • The Bible say the law of Moses was from God and is a perfect law, and the law of Moses say abortion is murder. Hence God said abortion is murder, therefore Christians are against abortion, so you are either not a Christian or yore against abortion - you can be either, but you can't be both.

      Maybe think of this (although not related to religion at all):

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  • Im pro life, my dad was one of those "inconvinient" babies. My grandmother found out she was pregnant at 17 with my dad. When her parents found out they kicked her out of their house to fend for herself; she was forced to marry her abusive boyfriend. Years later he left her for someone else and she married my grandfather. My dad was her only child. Had abortion been legalized 3 years earlier my dad would most likely not have been born, my brother and I would not have existed, and my daughter wouldn't be here. Four lives extinguished from "a right to choose". You're not just murdering one baby, you're wiping out the generations to come. Watching my baby on ultrasound at 10 and 21 weeks i can't imagine how someone can justify ripping him or her out of his or her environment to die in pieces on a table.

    • Thanks for your story.

    • How would you know if your grandmother would had taken the abortion? seriously she could had gotten a abortion anyway during that time if she wanted to. When abortions were illegal women went out and did them illegally anyway. You using "if abortion was legal I wouldn't be born" is not a really good defense for pro life. Just saying.

    • Also just because abortion is legal doesn't mean every single woman will go out there and do it so.

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  • The moral of the story is that if you are not responsible to someone else life then you don't have the right to make life decisions for those people.

    Rather than be greedy and try to bring out as many lives as possible, wouldn't it be better to focus on helping those who actually need help? There are hungry, desperate and beaten down folks out there needing a hand and people are focusing on something irrelevant to them?

    • One doesn't exclude the other. However, you can't defend an injustice by saying "wouldn't it be better to focus on helping some one else who need help". We should fight all kinds of injustice abortion included. And yes fighting only to save unborn children but letting millions of born children suffer is hypocritical. But all I can do is argue and maybe, just maybe make one or two people thing about why they really support abortion. That is the extent of what I can do. The world will be just as unjust tomorrow as it was yesterday.

    • Actually no, you have a finite resource, time and effort. You don't want to do everything and fail at them all. Do one thing at a time. Pick the one you can do and is the most effective. You can do more than argue. Donate your income. A couple of dollars can save a person life if you know where to donate. Injustice, unfairness and the whole evil things occur everyday right in front of you. You don't have to do anything. If you do, pick the one that you are certain is going to help rather some controversy.

    • That's should stop any democratic person fighting for or debating what he or she believes in.

  • I think it depends on how you see it. People who see it in a bad way can think of it as murder, it's murder to them, where people who are for it can see it differently

    • I know people do see it differently. Slave owners didn't see the slaves as human either, that didn't make then right though. So the issues is not what people 'think', the issues is what is real.

    • That's true. Opinions aren't facts and everyone is gonna have different opinions on things but that doesn't mean that they're right. There's always a reality, the truth that you can't change. It really shouldn't matter what people think or say. The only thing that should matter is the reality. And I'm a logical person so this makes perfect sense to me and this is how I always talk. More logic and less bullshit

    • Yes, we need more logic and less bullshit in politics.

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  • I believe abortion is a someone's choice and no one should be able to take your decision from you or have the right to command you to do something you don't want to, it will always end up badly

    • 1. We do that all the time - "no one should be able to take your decision from you" 2. That someone, is every member of society this is about moral and not a personal choice, since someone else's life is involved - someone's choice

    • 1. please give examples of your choice is taken from you 2. how is pregnancy not personal? since it involves the person

    • 1. Conscription is done all the time, incl. the USA in case of total war. The decision of what to do with your life, or not to kill is taken away from you as a soldier at war. Our laws limits our operational freedom all the time, like we can't smoke wherever we pleases that's a limitation of our personal freedom. You can't drink and drive. Almost all law are somehow a limitation of our freedom, for the greater good of society or for consideration of others rights and freedom. 2. It ceases to be personal when it involves somebody else's life, otherwise rape and murder would be personal as well. But it isn't because it involves others. Our choices and options are limited all the time in consider ration of others. Abortion involves a unborn child, hence is not solely a personal matter, and it's also why it's regulated by law today and why is was once illegal altogether.

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