Is it weird for two guy friends to jerk off together?

I was just wondering if it is OK for two guy friends or close friends to jerk off together without sexual attraction but doing it as one of the crazy thing that guys do. Which means no blowjobs, no anal sex... I do not believe in double standards
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Weird, yes.

    Ok, yes.

    It is not a crazy thing that guys do. It's what guys who have gay tendencies do. Even though there is no mutual touching, the participants, on some meaningful level, are deriving sexual pleasure as a result of having a member of the same sex present while they masturbate.

    Denial is a VERY powerful thing.

    Try being introspective. Ask yourself, are you sexually attracted to men? I have a feeling you r, and that's fine.

    Perhaps the masturbators are probing to see if the other guy will make the first move, and initiate sexual contact with them?

    • Nice try sir but no. I can't find myself bisexual or homosexual if I am the guy who is looking to date a girl only a girl, not a guy.

    • Who you are looking to date has nothing to do with it. Do you ever notice you feel attracted to men? I'm not judging.

    • No but you and the whole world can say anything about me but I don't care actually only I know if I'm gay or not.

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  • Not sure how that works. You might want to elaborate on that. Are you two jerking off to each other? To something on screen or picture? I unno. Best friends are supposed to feel more comfortable around each other.

    Also, no one has any right to tell you what's OK and what's not OK in terms of sexuality.

    • Yes two jerk off with each other (each jerk their own dick) while watching games or straight p*rn.

    • Then it's just jerking off to something else, and you two are just THAT comfortable around each other as best friends. Wow. Uh... no. I don't think I can find anything wrong or "homosexual" about it, even if I tried.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I read your question...

    Then I read the other answers..

    and now I'm confused.

    Are you two just hanging out, jerking off watching p*rn...

    or are you jerking each other off?

    Cause if you aren't touching each other.. it isn't gay.

    While uncommon.. It isn't bad or wrong..

    One of my ex's jerks off with his brother...

    I know other guys that have said they have "jerk off buddies"

    and I've jilled with my bestie before..

    • Yeah, he mentioned jerking off to p*rn (and games?) with a best friend next to him. But look at all these people calling him gay. :P It's a bit unusual, but hard to find anything "gay" about it.

    • Games as in watching sport games and thanks proxity for understanding where I come from.

    • But yeah either both of us watching p*rnography and jerking our own dicks not mutual or doing it while watching games to relax.

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  • I think that it is sort of weird in a way. Sounds like two friends experimenting. The next round is going to be a kiss, then a massage, then a blow job, lol. G-A-Y.. :-) ...

  • Yes that's weird. And it's not a double standard. It's just as strange for two chicks, unattracted to one another, to rub one out next to each other.

    • I guess and I have to say it may be MORE awkward than gay because you can't call them gay if they aren't.

    • Also I'm saying if two guys jerk off together as each other jerk their own while watching p*rnography together not rubbing others .

    • Lol, well at the end of the day do whatever you're comfortable with. It's not a big deal but if my boyfriend told me he did that, I'd be a little concerned lol.

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6 11
  • NO double standards? So you are saying you want more? that's a very confusing statement although this entire question and the reason why this is a question is very weird!

    In my opinion ANONYMOUS GIRL #1 " NAILED IT" !

    • No double standards as in there is nothing that girls can do guys cant

    • They can keep that double standard ! Are you suggesting that you do not have homosexual tendencies? Ya know if you are it's not a big deal whatever to each is to their own. but when you suggest that if its not weird to you that two guys jack themselves that are straight, that that is weird !... you asked a question and YOU GOT MY ANSWER ! YES if you are gay then no , I would imagine that's what they do , I don't know. Nor care to think about this anylonger..

  • As for lots of things in life, trying once is called experimenting. Doing it again and again shows there is a real interest.

    Draw your own conclusions ;)

  • lol, I liked your old style of trolling better.

  • If you'reover 15, its a bit weird. If you're over 15 and you watch each other (as opposed to rubbing one out while your roommate is asleep) it's pretty gay.

  • I had a friend/roommate that would do this. He would put p*rn on and go at it. He seemed bi to me though by his mannerisms.

    • I don't really know though. I don't think I'd do that.