Is surgery acceptable if the girl has unattractive breasts or butt?

This post is not meant to be offensive or rude, but if your girlfriend/wife has an unattractive buttocks(saggy, droopy, cellulite ridden, flat, pancake) or breasts(concave, tuberous, flat, saggy, droopy, big nipples or areolas), would surgery then be acceptable? In your opinion, would it be acceptable?
+1 y
I asked this yesterday but it was deemed offensive. This is not meant to be offensive, it's out of curiosity
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Yes, there is the occasional extreme example that would justify cosmetic surgery, sure. But it really should be limited to those extreme examples, rather than trying to change every little detail into some imagined ideal.

    About 90% of the time, what women think are unattractive (maybe because a tiny percentage of men agree) is perfectly attractive to the vast majority of men, and has no reason to be changed. Maybe 5-10% of the time (and that's being generous), there is a problem that justifies surgery, which ALWAYS has some risk and danger.

    At the end of the day, more women need to learn to accept their bodies and love themselves the way they are, like we do.

    • But a lot of times when a woman thinks she's attractive it's because she does have a quality that isn't attractive to the majority. I mean, sure, some guys might like tuberous breast(which need to be corrected for health purposes I believe), but a majority won't and chances are she won't meet someone who does like them and the same goes for the other things I mentioned

    • You're missing the point: for the most part, guys aren't that picky. They will meet and like the girl, no matter what her breasts look like, and in almost all cases, they'll like her breasts however they are because they are HERS. Obviously, if there's a medical need, then do what you have to do. I know this comes back to your issue with areola size, which as I've said many times, is NOT important to the vast majority of guys. Guys will like your breasts just the way they are.

    • Obviously that's not the case. I mean, I asked a Q yesterday just like this(which is why I put the first sentence and update) but it was removed because I addressed supermoderators who like to troll & put a pic of Tara Reids butt as an example, but, everyone said they wouldn't have sex with the girl if she had these qualities. ALL of the guys said that. Not one of them said anything about overlooking these qualities for the butt and breasts

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  • Yes it is, when men complain that they "hate fake t*ts or butts" they don't mean a petite girl with 32 A cups that became a 34 C to improve her image and self-esteem, they mean girls who had good enough boobs to begin with (B and C cups) but got them bigger because they wanted to.

    im in high school and there are already girls with nosejobs, breast implants and such, but they are like 16. personally I don't like that because they do it too early and its only to make themselves look better to men.

    But if you are an adult girl I think self correcting surgery is good, I lost a front tooth and I had a fake one implanted, and that's okay.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Why are big nipples or areolas disgusting? Do guys like boy nipples now? It would probably be less offensive if you named off what you considered to be ugly and just said that if your spouse was unattractive to you...just sayin

    • Why are you calling small nipples boy nipples? how is that any less offensive? practice what you preach

    • I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine... -_-

    • You aren't giving me a taste of anything because I don't have small nipples or small areolas And 2 wrongs don't make a right

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  • The more you do the worse it gets . If its not deformed or interf. with anything else, leave it.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • Yes, it's acceptable. I've rarely seen an unattractive breast(s), but I would accept surgery if she rally thought they were unattractive to the point where it's affecting her psychologically.

  • Anything is 'acceptable'.

    Maybe you mean people who say 'oh natural is always best'.

    no, natural is not always best.

    But a lot of things people are worried about don't matter to many people, and there is a significant chance they will look worse to some others post surgery. surgery _always_ leaves scars etc.

  • I'd even encourage it if my partner would suffer emotionally from what she thought to be ugly. It's her body and I applaud self improvement although I prefer self acceptance when it comes to breasts. But real life shows that it is sometimes simply not that easy.

    If they could make penises bigger, men would be lining up like they were handing out free porsches, so who are they to criticize plastic surgery, right?

  • sure

  • its her body but, its also my choice if she already wants me and I reject her.

    so, f*** it.