Is your penis 3x the length of your thumb?

I heard about this and I want to see if it's true. Guys can you do my a favor and test it out? I feel so awkward asking this. lol 😂😁
I'm not doing that
Vote A
Yep it's around 3x my thumb length
Vote B
It's shorter than 3x my thumb length
Vote C
It's a longer than 3x my thumb length
Vote D
It's an exact match
Vote E
Vote F
I'm a girl.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Need more specifics?
    Thumb, from the crevice between it and the pointer finger (thumbs 2nd joint) to tip? =I'm more than 3.

    Or are you talking from the outside, tip to thumb joint at the twist? =I'm about 2+/-.

    • I have no idea. Lol

  • Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're probably never gonna find a guy who's penis is three times MY thumb length--and my thumbs are pretty damn small.

    • Lol 😂 I was just wondering. I saw it on fb.

    • I think 2x the length of your thumb is a more accurate..."rule of thumb" (pun intended)

    • Haha! Okay thanks!

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Most Helpful Girl

  • OMG no if I had one I don't think it would be. I have really long digits. Comes from the musical side of my family.

    • Oh cool. I saw it in fb and I was let's see if this is true.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 12
  • When you hear that? Total bullshit

    • Facebook 😂

  • no and i'm fairly well endowed... i think.

    • Gotcha

  • Whoa, funny thing how some did it lol

    • Yeah Ikr? 😂

  • seems about right but i do have very big hands

    • LOL !

  • If that were true I'd have a huge dick 😂

    • I have short fat thumbs😭 I would have a small dick. Lol