It’s Time To Stop Pretending Abortion Is Always A Guilt-Ridden, Difficult Decision

It’s time to stop pretending abortion is always a guilt-ridden, difficult decision.

It’s time to stop pretending abortion is always a guilt-ridden, difficult decision.

I was inspired to write this MyTake after reading this article that popped up in my Facebook feed this morning.

It was written by a woman who had an abortion and – gasp! – did not regret it nor feel bad about it. It was such a breath of fresh air to read. Not every woman who has an abortion feels guilty about it. Not every woman who makes that choice finds it a difficult choice to make. But for too friggin long, women have been socially pressured into furthering the narrative that abortion is always a difficult decision, fraught with moral difficulties. The reality is that for many women, that simply is not the case. I truly believe that a lot of the time when women say it was a hard decision to make, they’re just saying what they’re expected to say. Any woman who truly believes there is a moral line being crossed by choosing abortion would quite likely not make that choice in the end. I honestly believe most women who make that choice do so without moral qualm, and rightly so. In the early stages of pregnancy, which is when the vast majority of abortions are performed, the “baby” is little more than a parasitic bundle of cells. It’s not a person. It doesn’t feel things or think things or have any sense of being. At that stage of development it is physically comparable to a tumour. Removing it does not end a life and it does not cause pain. All it does is give the unconsenting host her freedom back.

I am sick and tired of this bullshit narrative that anti-abortion advocates continue to force on society that abortion is always a difficult decision. It’s not. And it’s time for women to stop bowing to the social pressure that forces them to pretend it is. It’s time for women who have had abortions to stand up and say “you know what? It was the right decision and I feel GOOD about the decision I made”. For anyone here who has had an abortion and knows full well it was the right decision – you are not a bad person or morally bankrupt because you feel good about the decision you made!!! You chose to make a responsible decision by not bringing a child into this world that you could not care for properly or who you may have grown to resent. The world has enough pain and suffering as it is. We have enough unwanted children who are abused and neglected and forgotten. Every child deserves to be WANTED.

Anti-abortionists like to label themselves “pro-life” but they’re not. They are pro-birth. If they truly cared about LIFE, they’d care about QUALITY of life with equal fervor. But they don’t. They care more about punishing women than they do about saving children.

I know I am going to get a lot of angry comments on this Take, but before you lambast me as morally corrupt, or call me a baby killer, or tell me how evil abortion is, I ask you: just how many unwanted children have you adopted? How many unwanted children have you fed and clothed? How much of your time, energy and money have YOU given to the hundreds of thousands of children who are rotting in the foster care system? How many impoverished single mothers and their children have you fed and sheltered?

If you TRULY care about children, you’d care about them being wanted and cared for and loved. You wouldn’t force women to give birth to children they either cannot or do not want to care for.

I have never had an abortion – I have been lucky enough not to have fallen pregnant. But you can bet your holier-than-thou ass that I would. My partner and I have no desire to have children. We take every precaution not to, but sometimes precautions fail, and if my birth control were to fail me I would not hesitate to have a bundle of cells removed from my uterus. And I would not feel bad about that decision. And I would not pretend do just to save face.

Social Conservatives are constantly shilling this narrative of the guilt-stricken abortion choose and it’s time for women who’ve made that choice to stand up to them and say “NOT ME.” Stop letting them tell your story, and stop letting them pressure you into giving lip-service to guilt that isn’t there.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I was thinking about this the other day.
    If the pregnancy is wanted it's a baby and if it's not its a fetus
    If you're prolife you refer to everything as a baby
    If you're prochoice it's only a baby at a certain point and they will flip out if you say something other than a fetus.
    I myself am prochoice but I think that it's healthy for the state of the mind of the woman to say "it's ok, it was only a fetus, not a baby, no big deal"
    Because it is, if I had gotten pregnant at 16, I probably would of had an abortion, but someone pretending I didn't end a life would make me go crazy.
    There is still a grief no matter how small that is necessary to fully move on and trying to pretend it didn't happen isn't healthy. It's denial
    Not to mention there are the women who had to abort for medical reasons and telling them, it's ok that you aborted because it was only a fetus anyway... Is going to crush them
    I don't think a single woman should be made to regret her decision but she should also not be forced to minimize it because it makes other people uncomfortable.
    You stopped a child from being born, because you are strong and knew it was the right thing to do. You had a tough choice and made an informed decision. End of story.

    • I totally see where you're coming from, but I do feel like there is a great deal of pressure put on women to make them feel guilt they don't need to feel over making the decision that is right for them.

    • Maybe some, I just want them to be able to accept and move on. I don't think they should feel guilt, but I do think if the woman wasn't treated like its nothing, then it means they can do it all the time without guilt. A woman having 6 abortion because she doesn't like conforms. Not ok in my opinion. She needs to find a better way of birth control other than abortion. Abortion isn't birth control, it's the end result of a lack of birth control in most cases. I feel like if we call it what it is, we can face the problem with our lack of adequate sex-ed. If we had better sex ed chances are the abortion rate will decrease, on top of if we had readily available birth control :)

Most Helpful Guy

  • They shouldn't feel any guilt at all, any woman. It's the responsible thing to do if a woman isn't ready for a child. They should feel more guilt if they bring an unwanted baby into the world then neglect it and abuse it because they're not ready to be mothers.

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  • Before i start i have to say i'm pro-choice but my logic is get an abortion but dont say it isn't a life because if you were pregnant and someone stabbed your fetus you'd feel as if it was a life. Abortion however is a necessary evil, i just dont like people trying to make it as if it isn't "a life" when it is but again i acknowledge abortion is necessary because iv worked at an abortion clinic and women who get abortions for the most part aren't the good and innocent people everyone makes them out to be.

    "They care more about punishing women than they do about saving children."
    That's not true. You may not agree with them (I DONT) but those people do care about life, that's why they're so zealous. Talk to most people who are pro-life and they'll explain that they feel that children are being murdered. Hell its not even men, 44% of women are pro-life! Its not about "trying to control women" its about them under the pretense of wanting to save a life.

    Abortion itself isn't the issue for me. The issue is women making bad choices. It hurts to say this but WOMEN are empowered when it comes to sex and women need to wear protection and not let some random guy have his way. Sugar coating isn't helping anyone. Iv worked at an abortion clinic, most of the women that check in aren't exactly winning at life. You can tell they made bad choices and i feel bad for them. If its a case of abuse / rape then of course those people deserve sympathy but that's such a small percent.

  • Awesome take and agree 100% with everything you said.

    Reading the article the chick wrote, I would seriously feel the same way as she did if that ever happened to me.

  • Nice take! :)

    • Haha I'm stoked my first comment was a positive one lol Did not expect that!

    • Yeah, when I read the title I kinda braced myself because I was expecting the comments for this to be a shit storm.

    • hahaha it will be - stand strong soldier :P

  • Some women are so selfish and eager to dehumanize their children, that they are gleeful to have their uteri vacuum-sucked by a painful machine and their money eaten by Moloch-and-Mammon-worshiping psychopaths who funnel half the money into DNC campaigns and then sell the body parts to buy Lamborghinis, and then brag about it on video.

    Hard-hearted women do exist. Brainwashed sheep of Heidegger's Screwl of Thought, turning the entire west into the Fourth Reich, do exist. With zero moral compass, and would laugh while stabbing a born-live baby to death in the back of the head for kicks and giggles just as gleefully as they would pull the plug on your grandpa for being a "burden" on society simply for being old and helpless.

    Yes, these types of women exist. But that doesn't mean we discount the pain of those who are not monsters, who do not have hearts ruled by 2-story-tall reptilian abomination fallen angels.

  • How can anyone mentally healthy feel ok with killing a human life?