Ladies, do you wash your vagina before sex?

My girlfriend doesn't unless she just took a shower prior to sex. This sometimes leaves her smelling kind of musty. How do I bring this up? I always wash my penis before sex. I know that sometimes not washing can leave it to smell musty and so I do her a solid.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Not everyone has time to take a shower before sex.

    May I suggest freshening up?

    Before the act, especially if I know I have had a long day I use

    wipes and/or vaginal spray.

    Not everyone is very hygienic down there.

    Perhaps she is unaware that she is giving off a unpleasant odor.

    May I suggest before sex saying,

    "Let's go freshen up"

    You go in the bathroom and clean yourself and she does the same well.

    That's a friendly way to get her to do it.

    Another way is to be completely honest with her (

    especially if my first suggestion does not work),

    Sit down and have a talk with her.

    She may get her offended but the only way to stop

    the action, is to make her aware of it.

    • No, there is no need to freshing. Body odour and dirt are the most sexy. Why people are so obssesed with Being fresh? It's boring.

  • Yess I always wash my vagina, even I have a shower before the sex. Sometimes, my boyfriend comes to my home then we have shower together, thus we completely get ready to have sex :) Clearity is vital part of sex for me because no girl wants penis which smells musty and disgusting. In that case, girls feel extremely bored and frustrated... In order not to distinguish the genital regions, guys and also girls there's no matter, everyone should wash their genital region. Girls should wash at least clitoral field and vaginal opening in order to prevent some sexual infections. Indeed, it's essential.

  • Of course is a good habit to do so. I like to get naked as soon as I get home, so besides of the daily morng shower I take another shower when I get home and if I have time I even get into the bathtub and take a bubble bath, OMG, that's relaxing and includes a vag cleaning. Also before I go to bed I take another shower, and believe me it's worth the habit, 'cause usually when I'm with my Boyfriend we end up with a last session of eating out, BJ or sex and it really feels good when your couple smells like a nice sensual perfume. Lol. Invites to more sex. Lol lol.

    • You take three showers AND a bubblebath? I wish I had that much time lol

    • Haha, I'm sure, but thanks to my job I can take the luxury to sometimes take this bubble baths 'cause I have the extra time to indulge myself. On the other hand when I have this extra time while working I'm usually alone and not with my BF, because while working I'm usually out of town.

Most Helpful Guy

  • theres these wet wipes they sell like especial for the vagina cleaning you should just buy them and clean her yourself

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9 3
  • 2 WORDS. "Shower sex" boom problem solved

  • Never be embarrassed to speak your mind tell her she won't feel bad shell actually wash it up because you kindly brought this up,warning if she's a hippie you have no luck lolllll

  • Man up and get in there anyway.

    • Lol. I went down on her like that dude.

    • LOL

  • Where's the spontaneity in that?

  • Next time you wash up, tell her to join you