Loss of a Man's Libido From a Married Man's Point of View

Loss of a Man's Libido From a Married Man's Point of View

So here's that one topic no man wants to discus. Loss of Libido. More commonly known as "Sex Drive" not a fun topic. Anyways, here we go.

So why do we lose it in the first place? Well here's the thing. I've read pretty throughly into this topic and found that most of the articles and so on were wrote by Women. Doctor or neuroscientist or Physiology Expert or whatever. A opinion about a Man and what goes one with him by a Woman? Sorry, there is NO WAY fancy degrees or not that they can say what's going on without being biased. So, here is why your husband boyfriend or whatever may not be wanting to be passionate with you anymore or as often.


I obviously can't speak for every man in existence. I'm simply speaking from my experiences and the problems me and my wife have had to deal with. If anyone reading this has any experiences and solutions they'd like to share feel free.


1. Things get boring!

Now that's not to say we get bored with you or your sex. Just bored with sex in general. I know I've gotten there. Don't push it or immaculate him because of it. It'll only make things worse. Definitely don't try to medicate! That's his call to make not yours. A little taste of the cold shoulder will do you some good.

2. Routine is a KILLER!

Break the cycle! Mix it up! Try on a new outfit. Try a new position. Try a new hole if you're up for it. Hell, try a new room. Even the smallest change can help.

3: Teasing is good but TOO MUCH will kill it!

Teasing him with a little dance or a skimpy outfit or being a really teasey tease and tease him with physical contact can be really really exciting. However, too much of it will shut him down. Be a tease but don't tease him for more than 15 - 20 minutes.

4: Maybe he is having problems "getting it up"

This is probably the least likely actually. Ask him about it. Try not to be a bitch? He'll probably tell you.

5: Maybe he is just stressed out!

Do you have kids? Does he have a stressful job? Are you stressing him out? A lot of times him finding out your faking the big O or simply not being able to get you there can really be depressing. Ask yourself "Have I done anything?" Answer honestly. It could save your sex life.

6: He might just be tapped out!

It's possible you've just drained the well. Try to give him a week or two.

7: Maybe he is doing it to spite you?

I'm not a very spiteful person or a very vindictive person. However, everyone is prone to being passive aggressive. Some guys, if they're mad at you, will ignore your advances just to spite you.

8: Maybe when he says "I'm tired" or "I don't want to" he means it?

Alright with that out of the way. Although Women stereotype Men as being horn dogs and never wanting anything but sex. That can't be farther from the truth. Granted some Men are definitely like that. Most? No. Not at all. I've known many a Man who would pass up sex for sleep or a beer. Even just going to hang out with the guys for an hour. Hell sometimes you simply don't want to and you'd rather watch TV or play a Video Game. It's not like he's broken because he doesn't want to be inside of you every waking moment of the day.

Frankly I think that Women who say "All men want is Sex" need to get off their high horse. Although sex is always appealing frankly I won't have sex with anyone who isn't mother material. Once you hit a certain age you realize that sex is good but! Having a wife and a life long partner has more value. All I'm saying. If you aren't getting sex from your man? THATS TOO DAMN BAD! Imagine being a man.

For 10 seconds hear for me: Spending God knows how many years chasing sex. Now you're a girl again. You can have sex simply by asking. Doesn't matter what guy. Just say "Hey wanna fuck?" and you're in business. When you don't have to chase it anymore then you don't always have to always be ready. So, if your man isn't giving it up? Boo Hoo! A taste of your own medicine never hurt. Throw a pity party do whatever. At the end of the day? That feeling of being an outcast? Or maybe the feeling of neglect? Maybe the feeling of being a bad wife/girlfriend? Welcome to everyday as a man. You should get used to it. Loss of Libido happens to a man like 2 a year. Then we all get to sit back and laugh when Women get to feel like men.

Well this turned really bad pretty fast. The just of the point I'm here to make is. It happens. These are just reasons. There is no way to prevent it. If he don't want to he don't want to. You've done it to him before you know you have. Turnabout is fair play.

Thanks for reading!

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I think the biggest problem is how gender roles negatively effect men- and this is a good example. men are always shown to be these sex hungry animals, TV, magazines- whatever, they all portray men as always being ready and willing for sex with anything they can stick it in.

    So when you get a guy who is not in the mood, or not wanting sex 24/7, he is either weak, something is wrong with him or sometimes women think something is wrong with them because they are finding out their guy is not some sex machine like she was told her whole life.

    I can be like this sometimes and I am only 23! I work two jobs where I am on my feet from 9am-11pm five days a week. Where is there energy left in me for sex in there? Usually I am too tired to even get it up, or want to on those days. I have had girls think something is wrong with them, I have had them think something is wrong with me. I know nothing is wrong with me because on my days off I am all about sexy time, no issues at all.

    I just think this is a great example of how gender roles can be a double edged sword for both genders...

    • Well put my friend.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Great take :)
    This is why I always try to keep things exciting.
    The sad part of it is, even before marriage some of couples have very differing sex drives.
    For example, I could be very into sex and want it every day.
    He could be the type to want it every once in a while.
    With more responsibilities going on your plate the older you get, the "almost non-existent drive" will probably be pretty much gone.
    What a huge bummer!

    • Well me being the guy with a high drive you simply dwindle after a while. My other half goes nuts about 3-4 days before her period. This is because of excess oestrogen being released obviously. Usually by that time I've lost interest in the act for the month. XD believe me it frustrates her to NO END!

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2 2
  • This is a great take.
    Had no sex drive for a year when my father passed, It is what it is

    • Precisely! Thanks for your input man! Sorry to hear about your Father.

  • Awesome take ;p I have a question tho. Whats marriage like? I am kinda scared of it and you are married sooo you know what its like..

    • Marriage is marriage I guess. I mean, nothing really changes much. You're responsible for one another. If you've been together for 4 years it's basically the same thing but with a wedding band.

    • Thanks :)

  • He might just be out of it, poor guy or glorious guy, depends on your angle :)

    • Every guy has a loss in libido every now and again. It gets the best of everyone. Even women.

  • Why all men should avoid marriage.

    • I disagree. I like my marriage.