Its exciting to think that your girlfriend masturbates, especially the thought that she might be thinking about you. Its nice to be thought about :) and in most real relationships sex and sexuality are an extension of every other aspect of the relationship, so it doesn't need to be a secret and it doesn't need to be a big deal. Its probably assumed and it is probably a turn on for your boyfriend.
Also, its not a big deal if it isn't your boyfriend that you think of every time, but you may not want to tell him that. He should understand that and even assume it, but there is no reason to say that.0 0 0 0I'd like knowing during the first stages of a relationship. That's nothing to keep secret and your boyfriend probably already suspects that you masturbate so you might as well be able to talk about it if you want to. It's not something you just bring out like, "we need to talk about this" type of thing. But when you might get turned on while kissing or making out, you can easily say like, "I'll probably do my thing tonight" and if he asks what that is, you'd just tell him, "well duhh masturbate!" lol. Definitely earlier than once you start having sex.
1 0 0 0Thanks! This was very good answer! :D Really, REALLY helpful and kind of mature. :) Thanks alot!
Lol.... he'd probably just be like... "well let me take care of that for you" and think you were weird for saying that... well at least I would.
Oh. Well at least I wouldn't plan to say it, lol. It would just come out, if it's right thing to say.
Most Helpful Girls
I wouldn't be shy at all telling my boyfriend that I masturbate during the earlier stages of our relationship. Rignt now I'm dating and he knows about how often I do and he's okay with that. He approves of it totally.
0 0 0 0But does he like the fact that you do? Is it like a turn on for him? Or is he like "okay, whatever, it's not a big deal for me".
It's kinda a turn on for him and for me too being able to tell him. So yeah, he likes it a lot. Message me at if you want and we can talk more.
I've never told my boyfriend of 2 years but I think he knows I do it sometimes but he don't know how often lol he would be surprised lol
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0 3Is this really a topic that NEEDS to be aired in a relationship? I mean, I don't think that's anyones business. Unless you yourself are feeling guilty or something. Which would be silly, but whatever...and besides if your having sex, shouldnt you know a good bit about the other person anyway? Or am I just old school in here?
0 0 2 0No I don't mean that. I just have read things here, and guys have said that they enjoy knowing that their girlfriend masturbates and loves to hear it. And loves to see or something like that. I just asked like if you like that, so when do you wanna hear. 'Cos I can't figure out what WOULD be nice time to say it. Get it?
Got ya. my bad. In that case, def. sooner then later. before sex would be good cause he may a shy guy, but a animal in bed. And a conversation about that topic may lead to some suprising things.... if your lucky. The best sex life starts with 100% honesty, so just let him know. If my girl told me that out of the blue, I would def. capitlize on her openness. lol
Capitlize? Donno what that means, sorry :D But hope I am lucky :P
We all know that girls masturbate just like guys do. It helps relive stress & take the edge off.
I think that in the earlier stages say somewhere around 2nd base. If your open enough (& you should be with your boyfriend or gf) it's a turn on to hear about it, what they do, how they do it & if it's to a fantasy or any particular thing that turns them on.0 0 0 0Why not when or if he asks?
0 0 0 0Don't think he will. He's shy. But I think it doesn't mean that he would be turned on when hearing that?
Yeah, I think it's safer to wait until he probes for an answer.
Yeap, thanks for that. :)
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