The first thing I would do is to lay off having sex for a little bit and let him heal. I know sex is exciting and it can be hard to hold back but if his skin is inflamed, he needs time to actually heal. He should actually see a doctor, not necessarily because he might have an STD, but because he may have a skin condition that needs more than time. I would follow the doctor's advice on whatever he/she recommends. If it's truly not possible for him to see a doctor (insurance, etc), I would say that using more lube during sex might help once he has healed up. A lot of women, not just those on birth control, don't provide enough and lube could not only help keep him from getting irritated but also might make the sex even better. It could be an allergic reaction to your birth control if you use something that is inserted like a Nuva ring and you may need to switch something up if that's the case. This is why seeing a doctor, even though it may be embarrassing, is really important for him to do.
0 0 0 0Yea you both need to go to doctor. Skin issues aren't to be ignored. Maybe yeast infection or rash from lotion. Use a sexual lube not ever anything else.
0 0 0 0If y'all aren't using condoms and you are dry when intimate then very well could be like a carpet burn type thing but go have it checked out lady parts are fragile. No soap lotion or food items should be inserted
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Well, definitely don't use lotion.
I don't k of how you would k of he doesn't have an stds, and especially with both of you having symptoms...
However, let's assume he doesn't. Two people's genitals may be very different from one another chemically, and could be reacting to one another. You can try using more protection, such as male and or female condoms, you can wait longer between sex, you can adjust your diets to match one another. I believe it is a pH imbalance at play, I have gotten rashes (not sores, sores come from diseases...) from a vaginas that was too acidic or base or something. So if you want to get precise with it, buy some pH test strips and test both yourselves to see if there's a big difference, then work on bringing them closer together.
In the meantime, try more oral and other body parts,
and best advice of all, go to your local health clinic. Both of you.0 0 0 0Yea friend was a doctor and telling me about something like this
Obviously I can't see his penis but it could be two things if it's not just normal irritation sores
Check out folliculitis and moluscum contagiosum. The first one is not contagious I think but the second one is.., it's not dangerous or anything but the second one can spread to your hands and anywhere on your skin
The first they give a topical cream for and the second the doctor actually has to use a freeze spray to freeze thr bumps lol... but it may not be that
Check it out, good luck0 0 0 0
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2 6Do you actually know he doesn't have an STD? Go get tested together. Continue to use condoms, take care of yourself by eating well and DRINKING WATER!!! nothing worse than being not hydrated or moisturized, especially on your genitals... Man1 Man Oil would be helpful to keep any smoothness ready to go, good luck.
0 0 0 0I'm sorry, but if you feel aftermath of his "injury", it's likely some sort of disease or infection. Go to a doctor.
0 0 1 0like i said in my question, I've had friction as well and think it could be burn from that
Seems like its friction related. You gotta use lubricant.
Here are the related causes: 0 0 0The are doctors who know what kind of special lotions he needs. Dont know how they are called in English but literally translated its skin doctor.
0 0 0 0it could very well be friction as you say.
0 0 0 0
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