My boyfriend is very innocent and won't let me give him head. WTF?

OK, my boyfriend was a virgin until we had sex and planning to abstain till marriage. Now, the sex is pretty great, but he does not want oral. He's still very squeamish..I think I've touched him more than he's touched himself. I never liked giving head, I actually never have. The idea repulsed me, and with every other guy I was super squeamish with everything. With him, I'm not afraid to touch him. I love him very much, every part of him, and kinda want to give him oral, but when I ask the question jokingly he says it's vile. Should I just let it go?
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  • i had problems with the idea of receiving head in the beginning because I felt that it was degrading to women, it´s just the perception I had that it was some kind of way that men can dominate women.

    you should talk to him and tell him that you love him and that you would really love it if you could give him oral, maybe he could return the favor so that he doesn´t feel as if he´s just receiving.

    just tell him that you know that he´s a good person and would never use you for sex, if he still doesn´t want to try it maybe you just need time ( know that´s dumb advice..if at all).

    hope u´ll be happy

    • Thank you :) that helped. The other answers were good, but I think that this is what I was looking for.

  • You don't like to give head. He doesn't want you to give him head.

    I'm sorry, what was the problem again?

    • Did you read my question fully...?

    • Yes I did. You're confusing. You find the idea of giving head repulsive, he thinks it's vile, and yet you want to give him oral. Are you really sure you don't like giving head?

    • Sorry. Ok, what I mean was...before, with other guys, there was a big mental block because I didn't love them. I love this guy, and nothing about him, touching him, repugnant to me. This is a first. I didn't like looking at the guys I was with before, and touching them there made me cringe and the idea of putting their penis in my mouth was horrible. I love every part of him, specifically. But he won't let me, and I was wondering if I'm doing something wrong and if it's worth pursuing

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  • Short of him changing his mind or you surprising him in the morning by going down on him... I think you should just let it go.

    • Ok. It's not because...idk...he's not attracted to me?

    • Put yourself in his shoes. If you were self-conscious about having him eat you out, would you want him to think it was because you aren't attracted to him?

    • That's true. Thank you :)

  • don't ask him XDD

    just touch him and then go down with head without ask :p he won't refuse

    • So... Touch him without consent? You mean to sexually assault him?