My boyfriend won't kiss me?

Just to make this clear kissing and all the other stuff (Sex, handjobs, blow jobs all that stuff) isn't the only thing I care about! My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 months, and he hasn't kissed me at all (No were not like 11) He's the only guy I've dated who hasn't kissed me and two months...idk why! Any ideas?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • idk two months, I'm still not that comfortable with a girl at that point, many things I don't know about her, I really don't want to kiss a girl that sucked other guys d***s, have we had that conversation yet,i put my emotions into kissing and cuddling so I won't want to do that right away till I feel she's worth the emotional investment

    • I haven't sucked a guys d!ck...just sayin!

    • cool well that would go a long way in me kissin you then

    • ik we have only been dating two months but we have know each other for a lot longer, Everyone likes us together we are so perfect together...and we both are very faithful, I was asked out by a couple of his friends and he knows a few of my friends like him and we both are true :) Hard to find a guy like that these days

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  • Either he's talking things really slow and still uncomfortable around your or he probably has never done it before / lacks experience and is nervous about making a move on you in fear of messing things up. Why don't you try and make a move since he hasn't yet? ... I'm sure he just needs some guidance and reassurance to go for it.

Most Helpful Girls

  • It took my boyfriend 3 months to kiss me, we've now been going out almost a year. (and no we're not like 11 either, haha)

    When I asked my boyfriend he said kissing just wasn't that exciting for him. He could just be enjoying his time getting to know you! You can kiss him if you want, but don't worry he'll do it when he's ready (:

  • He's really nervous, I'm guessing. Kiss him first! If he won't make the move, you should. Good luck! (;

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  • Kiss him already! In this day and age, a man does not have to make the first move.

  • He's gay and is using you as a cover to make his parents less suspicious. I have a co-worker who did the same thing because kissing the girl brought him physical pain.

  • Maybe he doesn't know how.

  • hes probably not ready yet..