My Experience Using Skyla and Having it Replaced

My Experience Using Skyla and Having it Replaced

I had the IUD skyla placed about 3 years ago before it needed to be replaced. The over all experience wasn't bad and a billion times better than being on the pill. When I was on the birth control pill, those would screw with my moods like mad. Thanks to skyla the issue with that was fixed but it still had it's flaws.

- Breasts would become swollen/sore 1-2 weeks before your actual period.

- Tend to have cramps and sometimes they would be stronger than you're used to.

- Caused adult acne to form on my face.

It's mainly with the last negative that made me get a different IUD instead of going with skyla. I did not want to have to go through the pain of having it replaced every 3 years. Since yesterday I learned that the first time it's replaced and you have another put in. The pain is just as bad, even when you take painkillers.

Yesterday I had skyla taken out(which was painful) and had a different IUD placed called ParaGard(which was painful)

My Experience Using Skyla and Having it Replaced

Though even with it being painful to have ParaGard inserted, that pain is 100% worth it since this one lasts 10 years. So 1 day of cramping pain vs 10 years of never having to mess with it again is a sweet deal to me. Plus if I ever decided to have kids before that time is up, the doctor can easily remove it and everything would be good to go.

Who knows, in about 10 years y'all might hear from me about my experience with using Paragard and see if it clears up the acne on my face. :D

I hope y'all enjoyed this take and very informative for some of y'all. Also let me know about your own experience with using an IUD. :)

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I'm about to get a paragard IUD inserted. I'm nervous, because I've heard that it's incredibly painful. But like you, I think it will be worth it. I chose paragard because it's not hormonal, and because ovarian cysts aren't a side effect.

    • Sadly it is pretty painful and you end up cramping in pain for the rest of the day. Though comparing 1 day of pain to not having to worry about it for 10 years seems worth it for me. For me I did start having like a 2nd period after they put it in but that lasted like 3-4 days and wasn't bad. I'm hoping my paragard might fix the acne that broke out after I got the Hormone one 3 years ago.

    • Yeah, it was definitely one of the most painful things I've ever felt. But I agree, it's totally worth it to not have to worry for the next ten years. Woohoo! I've been having some spotting, but not quite a full on period. I hope this resolves your acne! Good luck!

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  • I've been thinking about this but have heard conflicting stories from friends. Did you continue to have periods for any length of time after getting it?

    • When I had skyla placed I didn't but with the 2nd paragard I did. That only lasted for about 3-4 days.

    • Every month?

    • It really depends on the person. For me I've always barely had periods, so for me it still didn't last long and I had normal ones each month.

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  • I have a question. How the hell does that work? I don't get it

    • @helloitsmethere I got acne after getting the hormone IUD but I just got the copper one and hope that it clears my face up. If not then that sucks.

    • @MustacheKitteh Everyone has different reactions to these sort of things, maybe getting off the hormones might work as well. And a few face masks.

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  • Just hope that it gives better results.

  • Sorry about the bad experience, glad to know this for future planning with a partner

  • Damn that sucks