My girlfriend was sodomized and violated...

So the previous week, me and my girl had a few days off, so I asked my uncle for the key to his old house, we wanted to spend a few days there, we arrived midnight and went to sleep, next morning my girl wakes me up with her screams, I ran like sh*t to see what's going on, I found her with 3 guys doing some unforgivable stuff to her right in front of my eyes, and I couldn't do sh*t, I got beat up by 2 guys and got tied up, I look at her getting sodomized and raped and all I can do is scream like a p**** for help, she's at the hospital now barely alive, she got beat up to death, I can't look her in the eye now, I feel like I'm not a man anymore, can someone please give me a piece of advice and do you guys think she'll forgive me?
+1 y
hey Guys, today she woke up, and she seemed fine, and it seems like she doesn't wanna bring the subject up and move on, I'm quiet happy, And I thank you all for your support, thank you so much, I was about to do something stupid if it wasn't for you guys, THANKS ALOT!
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Most Helpful Girls

  • If she has a heart she'll forgive you because it wasn't your fault. You did all you could do. And I know right now it's hard to look her in the eyes because you couldn't help her. But that doesn't make you any less man. What would make you a punk is if never talk to her about it when she gets better. I know you were scared out of your mind when it happen, because my boyfriend was when it happened to me last summer. But don't worry she's going to be fine. Just wait till she gets better to talk about it. And if she says she wants to forget then forget, because all you'll do is make her madder at you.. But I promise she won't think any less of a man than you were b4.

    • Thanks alot, and no, I'm not the type of guy to just abandon her after what happened, I stayed awake 3 days looking at her laying in the hospital, praying for her to forgive me, I'm visiting her tomorrow and I hope she doesn't think of me as trash

    • she won't and don't worry like I said act like nothing ever happened unless she brings it up

  • That's terrible. I'm so sorry. I don't think it was your fault, what could you have done? You were outnumbered. I think shell understand. Just talk to her, maybe you two could see a therapist together? Since I'm sure she must be very traumatized, and you sound like you are to. Don't be too hard on youself.

    • She'll*

    • Thanks, I apperciate your help

  • Oh my god, if this is legit, I'm so sorry this happened to you two.

    It seriously wasn't your fault, and I think she'll know that.

    • Thanks.

    • Don't listen to anyone *cough dudeman cough* who tells you that you failed your job as a man. It doesn't have anything to do with masculinity or your "duty" to protect her. Shit happens. Even an insanely muscular guy can get outnumbered. If my boyfriend and I went through that and neither of us were able to stop it, I would just be thankful that he didn't get killed.

    • That actually helped, I really wish their was more people like you

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Most Helpful Guys

  • I don't know where you live, but where I am from this is time for brutal actions. I would take them to my basememt 1 by 1 and start with car battery and jumper cables atached to his nur sack. I would starve him of water and food a few days. Then put his d*** on a table and whack it with a hammer.

    Then just leave them to die.

    If you don't have the ability to do this, call the police, have them locked up. Every prison is run by gangs, these gangs have fractions outside of prison as well. Find which gang runs the prison they are in and approach appropriate outside faction. Request that they are raped and murdered. It will cost you, but very reasonable.

  • Dude its not your fault. It was 2 on one. If you were prepared you could have done more but you had know way of knowing what was going on. I hope you at least tried. My only question is why were you in different rooms?

    • I did try, I couldn't even reach her, and we were in the same room, she probably went to toilet or somethin' and her screams woke me up

    • How did they get in the house? I would have been kicking and punching everything. Punch him in the throat kick him in the balls slam his head in the door. I would have killed those f..kers! How did you get out of the house? They just left or what?

    • The door was built of sh*t, and I couldn't move at all, I was surrounded, and they left after they were done with her...

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  • I don't think she could ever blame you. The thought probably won't even cross her mind, if anything I would think she would be glad to have you and will need your support, a lot of support. It's understandable that you feel guilty (although you have no reason too) but don't beat yourself up around her or go an about what you SHOULD have done. It won't help. The past is the past and imagining other ways things could have happened is only going to hurt you.

  • Sounds like a real nighmare. I'm deeply sorry for what happened.

    You did nothing wrong, it was the bastards' fault.

    Your girlfriend is traumatized but she won't hate you (she'll hate them but not you).

    Be there for her...I'm sure you'll both pull through.

    P.S. Don't ever go to her Uncle's house again!

    • After all what happened, I'm not even going to think of that house again, all I'm asking for is her forgiveness, even tho I don't deserve it

  • You got their faces? I would go and kill those bastards... if you need help I'm up for it.

    • killing them is to easy, why not castrate them, and cut their hands off, and their tongue and there feet, they will have no way to communicate, and have to live life as a bag of flesh

  • Wow :(

    It was impossible for you to help her, there was nothing you could do!

    This situation makes me so sad :(

  • damn that sucks you got to learn how to fight buddy, got to start working out, I'm not sure hwo you guys can be anything after this you failed you job as a man

    • Wow something is wrong with you my friend, very wrong.

    • and you have fork and mouth disease

    • Haha cool story bro