My penis curves waaaay too much to the left?

When I piss I need to pee sideways from the toilet. Sometimes when I'm doing doggy I need to get on my hand stand and drill the bitch like I'm plumbing a toilet but sideways. Are any other guys facing this problem? If so call me perhaps we can clean pipes ;)
My penis curves waaaay too much to the left?
Uhh wtf
Vote A
Yea my penis bends to the side too
Vote B
Im a guy and i have a clitoris for a penis
Vote C
My penis is inverted
Vote D
Omae wa mou shindeiru
Vote E
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Most Helpful Girls

  • An absolutely straight penis is unusual when erect, most have a slight curve not be more than about 25°, like a banana. If your penis bends more than this, you might have Peyronie’s disease. It is also quite normal and harmless for the penis to have a slight twist. This can make sexual intercourse difficult, if not impossible. Peyronie’s disease most commonly occurs in men aged 50–60, but it can occur in young men and in old age. The cause is thickening of the fibrous tissue in the penis on one side. The direction of the bend depends on the position of the thickening which can often be felt as a lump or lumps when the penis is limp. For the first 9–18 months after Peyronie’s disease starts, it is often quite painful, especially when the penis is erect. During this period, the thickened area increases in size. After this ‘active period’, it is unlikely to become worse, and the pain becomes less. In 20% of cases, the penis will go back to normal without any treatment. No one knows why the thickening occurs, but it is not a cancerous condition, nor is it the result of sexually transmitted disease or of any odd previous sexual practices. It is more common in smokers. If the Peyronie's is only mild and does not cause any inconvenience, no treatment is necessary. Massaging cocoa butter cream into the curved area is helpful. Vitamin E tablets are sometimes recommended, Potassium aminobenzoate can reduce pain and the amount of thickening in the early stage. The fibrous tissue in the thickened area of the penis contains a substance called collagen. Collagenase 'enzyme' can destroy collagen. it is injected into the thickened area it can reduce the curve by about 34%. Certain medications, such as pentoxifylline and tadalafil may help to reduce the size of the plaque. Interferon-alpha 2A is a drug that may be able to reduce the amount of thickening when injected into the area. Sound wave treatment is called ESWT may reduce pain somewhat, but does not straighten the penis. Surgery to correct the deformity is the most effective treatment, especially if the curve is severe. Before deciding on surgery, the surgeon will carry out some tests. In the usual operation, the surgeon cuts out some tissue from the opposite side to balance out the thickened area. After the operation the erect penis will be straighter (but not always restored to no

  • It's an actual condition. Peyronies disease i think.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Depending on how badly it curves, it could be a problem. How severe is it? Have you seen a doctor? Does it bother you?

  • This exact question started the very first internet flame war in 1991(or was it 1989?)

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  • Need to see a doctor