Mystery Of DNA!

Say no to sleeping around
Say no to sleeping around

Why It Is dangerous to sleep around

If you have SEX with a man, his DNA lives in you forever. Workman noted that a research by university of Seattle USA has proven that; There is now a greater understanding of why God asks us not to have SEX before we get married.

Mystery Of DNA!

This research proves that any man, that a woman hsve SEX with leaves a part of his DNA in the woman*. The man who has had more SEX with her, leaves more of his DNA in the woman. So when a woman ovulates, the eggs that she produces contain more of other DNAs. So we need to educate the girl child to remain a virgin till marriage. Anytime you have SEX with another man you become one with that man (spiritually too) and carry the man's DNA and according to Workman this is called SEX Web especially when the woman has multiple SEX partners*. At some point when you have too many of the male DNA in you; you change, because your cells are changing. That also proves why when married couples live together for a long time they end up looking alike. *The woman's DNA changes when she has sex with men*. This is very serious. *The world should know this and stop silly SEX promotions*. It is bad than good. Unfortunately women are the victims. This was found out in many other research articles mostly released this year. So it is new and we all have to know.

Mystery Of DNA!

The fact is,women retain DNA from every man they have slept with*. Cells transferred from a man to a woman during intercourse become integrated into the woman's body after SEX, every single time they have SEX. *This study found the presence of genetically distinct male cells in the brain of women*. This also means these other male cells will be found in a foetus when the woman gets pregnant. (This is called microchimerism.) *Every male you absorb sperm from becomes a living part of your life*. Sperm is a living substance. Living cells. It enters your bloodstream and collects in your brain and spine. *Stop experimenting with SEX*. When the sperm enters a woman it swims until it hits a wall and then seeps into your flesh. If it's in your mouth, (abomination) it can get into your nasal areas, behind your eyes and even your inner ear. It then enters your bloodstream and collects in your brain and spine. You can never get rid of it. It becomes a part of you forever. These are the true consequences of sexual intercourse. Workman Leadership College says this Original research is from University of Seattle and Fred Hutchinson cancer research center. They accidentally found this when they were researching to find out why pregnant women carrying boys get men neurological diseases. This is real and not a joke.!!! *Stop having SEX if you are not married*. And stop having SEX with others than your husband, for the married. *The consequences of doing this is devastating, humiliating and horrible* *No wonder the world is the way it is,many marriages no longer hold water in peace,truth and love*! Many children from most homes have behavioral tendencies alien to both parents Now you know the possible cause *Say no to SEX when not married.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • This is nonsense. If what you say is true it would have been used as a cancer medicine now or to treat some chronic illnesses, because if changing your dna was that easy those things could be stopped. Sperm can only live a few days in the uterus, and for your cells to change it would have to merge with the nucleus of one of your regular cells, which simply doesn’t happen. Sleeping with someone might have a great impact emotionally, but that’s it. It doesn’t have any permanent physical consequences.

  • That's nonsense and I hope you dont believe that.

    If a mans DNA lives in you supposedly forever then we're all screwed and wouldn't know who our biological parent is.

    I'm sure our parents have had lovers prior to them getting together. if that's so and you're saying a mans DNA lives in you forever then your father is not your father

Most Helpful Guy

  • I don't find this scientifically credible. It is true that women can have male cells in their brain, but that can be because of a prior male pregnancy in the mother, or from an absorbed and unidentified male twin. Is it possible that the DNA from a man might become part of the women he has sex with? It is in the realm of possibility, but there is no scientific proof to back this up. So for now, this is false.

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  • Though I'm of a similar mind, as the rest of your detractors here, I did enjoy the glimpse ya provided, into how your mind works!

    It was the fact ya went out on a limb, in describing a relatively unexplored area of scientific theory, followed up by expressing your steadfast belief in god and ending on how ya felt science could help to substantiate that belief.. that made me hit "follow".

    Cause (that) is about a big a rarity, as one is ever likely to find. Even rivaling the odds of your inheriting those amazing eyes! And while it may also be a clear indication of a mind at war with itself, all that really means, is that it's (always) thinking!

    Which to me, given how shitty things are these days... can't be commended enough. Especially, when it comes to the noble pursuit, of searching out those answers for theirself! Rather then just relying on, the regurgitation of someone else's truths.

    I tend to refer to myself as a "Realist". Which to me, describes a person that (tries) to base their reality, only around the things that have been scientifically proven to be true and exist. Especially, when it comes to the sorta thing, that literally (can't) be proven.. ever.

    Which kinda puts a damper on my ability to believe just about anything, contained in the bible.. or written into ANY other religious text, really.

    Which (doesn't) mean, I'm quick to kneel at the altar of science, either!

    As terms like "singularity, big-bang, speed of light and dark matter/energy" were more then enough, to warrant taking scientific rhetoric such as that, with almost the same sized grain of salt, all religions command.

  • You say that as if it matters. It doesn't. It's dangerous to sleep around because of the increased chance of sexually transmitted disease, not because DNA gets into the woman's body. You inhale other people's DNA all the time, and animal DNA, and plant DNA, and bacterial DNA, etc.

  • Chikky, this is not true, any way the more diverse DNA would enhance your situation even if it were true not worsen it.

  • i don't think we need more preachers telling people how dangerous sleeping around is. specially American youngsters are already scared to death and develop quite unhealthy relationships to sex because of it.

    • Kids should not be having sex at all for numerous reasons. It like I want to get a drivers license my own car at ten. What I want to do and I should do are often extreme opposites

    • @HeadCase1 in your country, kids get a driver's license. Here it's only possible at 18.

  • One of the most amazing mytakes, your wonderful 😊