Nipple twisting?

my girlfriend is (I think) addicted to twisting my nipples. I must say, I enjoyed this at first. I (supposedly) have rather small nipples and this seemed to cause much mirth and amusement for their peculiarity. I believe she found my nipples to be 'cute' and hours would be spent lovingly tweeking and caressing without any objection from myself. Recently however, this once gentle loving act has spiralled into a full-on 'squeeze and turn' method, which more often than not, leaves me screaming out in pain, much to my girlfriends amusement. I have told her numerous times to stop, yet she ignores my simple request and will often chase me round the house, before pinning me down to commit the heinous deed (I am a rather slight guy, I often wear youth large size clothing). My chest often bruises slightly as a result. I don't want to deny her pleasure from this act, but at the same time, I have to look after my precious body. What should I do? Oh, and she also has a penchant for squeezing my inner thighs. Again, this hurts like a bitch. and she says she fantasises about breaking my nose (?). Your advice would be most welcome. thanks
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Sit her down and tell her firmly and seriously that it needs to stop, that when you say no you aren't just playing around.

    I'm a slight masochist and my Ex really would get into spanking me, and I would say no and stop and it just seemed to be a part of the game. I was serious though and eventually I just had the talk out that we couldn't play at all anymore because I need to be listened to when I say No.

    Seriously, sometimes the other person needs to know that it isn't just goofing around and that it really hurts. Particularly if it has been part of sexy play in the past.

  • That's a bit violent of her. Sorry to hear that. I would tell her flat out and in a nice way that you don't like to be hurt like that. I am not really sure why she would want to break your nose. It's a bit odd. My brother and his girlfriend are violently affectionate with one another which I guess works for them. Some people are just like that. Just tell her straight out that you would like her to not be so rough with you.

  • You are very funny - please write more! The way you write about her and "heinous deed" - LOL! Fabulous!

    Although I really understand this is painful for you and I do hope the next thing you write is that she has stopped this. Good luck.

    Oh - the whole situation with the nose breaking...ummm...not so good. I think she's a bit off center if you know what I mean.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Start lifting weights and eventually you'll be able to grab her arms and stop her.

    A quicker, and better, solution would be to tell her seriously to knock it the hell off. If it's bruising you, then she should understand the seriousness of your request. If she doesn't take you seriously, try one more time. If that doesn't work, then sounds like it's time for you to move on.

  • The next times she does it, do it back to her. If she complains tell her that's how you feel. The part about fantasizing about breaking your nose, that would seem to be an indicator of a larger problem, you should probably at least talk to her about that.

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  • Tell her she has problems...

  • 30sGal is right. She wants to break your nose? Hardly a girlfriend act of love...

    I would suggest telling her. She needs to find something else to make her happy, something that doesn't leave you looking like she beats you. :)