No, Really, I Don't Care That Much

I can't recall how many times since joining this site I've come across or answered questions that read something like "does size matter, my penis is x inches long, is that small/too small/enough to please a woman?". I'm sure, as a participant here, you readers have noticed these questions too (or perhaps asked them), and also noticed that there are a lot of them. What gets me, though, is how seriously the guys asking these questions seem to take it and how insistent they are on getting an answer besides "I really don't know, and I really don't care, either." It seems like they all want really badly to believe that I have some secret preference that I'm just not sharing.

As a woman, I don't get it at all, and apparently, I'm not alone (one website, citing numbers I've seen elsewhere but with no source given, says a whopping 71% of women think men seem too concerned about the size of their penis). Let's do what I always do when I'm looking for good, solid information and browse my good friend Google scholar for some data!

I know plenty of women out there really care about size, but according to research, they're unquestionably in the minority. In a study involving almost 200 women, 77% either said that penis size was "unimportant" or "very unimportant" (Francken 2002). A different study, involving over 500 women, agreed with this trend, with only around 20% of respondents indicating that penis size really, really mattered to them (Štulhofer 2006 - the other two possible responses were that penis size mattered "somewhat" or didn't matter). In yet another study, only 10% of women preferred a longer penis over one that was wider in girth (Eisenman 2001). The reason behind this trend may be due to female anatomy: ladies, your most sensitive bits are located less than two inches inside the vaginal opening, and not deeper within. Physiologically speaking, any excitement derived from deep penetration is going to be mental, not physical in source, because there just aren't receptors up there that respond to that (Marmor 1953).

Oh, and if you still have that burning question as to whether your penis is small, the Wikipedia page for "human penis size" has a very clear graph that will answer your question without you even needing to bother anyone else. I don't know the source or credibility of this data, but given that it agrees with the several studies that are cited on the page, it's probably a solid reference without having to read through fifteen pages of research.

Of course, since half the questions I see come with some sort of disclaimer (I know size doesn't really matter, but...), maybe guys being obsessed with their penis size is just the way things are, kind of sad and unproductive as it may be. Oh well. I'm a sucker for science, so maybe somebody else out there is too that can appreciate this sort of thing (or can explain to me, in response, why guys care so much. I'll reiterate and say it's totally baffling).

Have a nice day, y'all, and don't sweat the small (or large, as the case may be) stuff.

(1) Eisenman, R. "Penis size: Survey of female perceptions of sexual satisfaction". BMC Women's Health 2001, 1:1.
(2) Francken, A.B. et al. "What Importance Do Women Attribute to the Size of the Penis?". European Urology 2002, 42:5, pp 426-31
(3) Marmor, J. "Some Considerations Concerning Orgasm in the Female". Psychosomatic Medicine 1953, 3:240
(4) Štulhofer, A. "How (Un)Important Is Penis Size for Women with Heterosexual Experience?" Archives of Sexual Behavior 2006, 35:1, pp 5-6
(5) "Human penis size". Wikipedia*
*Always check the citations. Wikipedia is only as reputable as its sources.

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 31
  • An entire industry of spam emails depends on guys not finding out that the key to the female orgasm is a clean kitchen. Also, the sex toy industry needs to figure a way to market a vacuum cleaner as a sex toy. (And guys, I mean using it to clean your carpets)

  • Lol great article! Yes, I too have read that quit a few times. Size doesn't matter at all there is so much more involved when being with someone especially is you care for them. If you want to be with this man its more than the size of his penis.

  • I agree completely with this. I'm sick of it too.

  • guys just want to know what average is. you are right though people need to use the search option more. I see the boob size question girls ask sometimes but not nearly as often.

  • lol. I have seen lot's of posts like this too about penis size but also ones about boob size. most recently I've seen a few girls saying I don't know if my vagina looks pretty, or something like that.

  • @seriously No: Seriously, no. If a guy with a micropenis finds a girl who thinks like that, then he's never going to have a satisfying sexual life, because there will simply be no sex. Way to completely miss the point.

  • Sure Size Affect's Sex to a Certian point.

    It's NOT like your have SEX every Hour.

    To Big of a Erection don't feel as Nice to lot of Ladie's.

    Just like Ladie's with Breast Inplant's Bigget might be nice with a Breast Inplant your Going to lose it's Feel's.

  • Great article. That said, I used to wonder why the size question shows up almost daily and that these question askers don't use the search feature before asking the question. If you look at the page when you fist get here, the first and biggest thing that catches the user's eye is ASK A QUESTION. So any new member coming to the site doesn't take the time to look for the search feature, nor does it stand out like the ASK A QUESTION block does.

  • I like this one... I say too much much attention is paid to sex, body image, etc in our nation.. too much BS...

  • If men stopped caring about their d*** size internet traffic would plummet, causing a second dot com crash. I don't even want to think about the environmental impact of all those unsold penis pumps! They'll probably have to be buried in the desert with all those copies of E.T. for the Atari 2600.

  • Well, some of us worry that we're going to run inot the women that aren't part of the 71% you mention. Others just crave interaction with a woman (anonymous or otherwise) regarding our size. It's a harmless forum where we can share our thought, and sometimes our own size, and get a response.

    I'm small at a little over 4 inches and thin. All I can say is it hasn't been much of an issue with the women I've dated.

  • Any woman worth her weight is going to do nothing short of embracing and loving everything about your creation. We're gonna love you guys no matter what, so quit sweating it.

  • Guys... are concerned about thier d icks like girls as much as most women are concerned about their... whatever it might be that day... it's all stupis as hell... makes no damn sense... Guys are wrapped up with that because of media pressure (to have 6 women, lotsa $$$, to basically be superman).. it's BS, because it's just unreal... even the guys who do acheive it can only do it for so long... exceptions notwithstanding, the majority of guys and gals are in the same boat of confusion...

  • Why does it matter to people so much about these questions? this is what the site is for isn't it to get an answer to a question? you should all just loosen up about these questions seriously

  • ive been dumped cause of it 2 times so excuse me for wondering

  • the reason men think d*** size matters to women is that when they anally masturbate they know bigger is better and it takes something pretty damn big to get to the hurting stage and they are too dum to realize that even though the vagina may be larger it is less elatic meaning a p**** can be big and loose and an a**hole may be tight but the a**hole will stretch way bigger than any human vagina does d*** size matter to gay men yes to women not unless your d*** is as small as yer thumb.

  • Brilliantly stated. I appreciate your referencing actual research to make a comment. So rare. Thanks for the effort

  • Dudes, seriously, it's not important.

    I've been with the same guy for seven years and I don't even know what size he is. Don't care either.

    We're both virgins.

    I wanna spend the rest of my life with this guy, and his size will never have anything to do with our relationship.

    Find a girl who thinks like that, and you'll never be dumped.

  • my view on the subject:

    do you got a penis?

    do you know how to use it?


  • I think most stretch the truth to size anyway. I am large but it hasn't benefited me because of the teasing I got when I started "dressing down" for PE class in school. The teasing affected me throughout my life. I can bottom out but I am also very wide. It seems that the texture of my penis as it travels through the vagina has more effect then the length. Both together seem to do the trick. I concentrate on continuous steady rhythm, slower better than faster. I am careful not to bottom out.

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