So, if you do unprotected BJs or lick pussy, what can you catch and how bad is the risk??? The pages don't mention all STDs of course, but they mention the commonly known ones. So here are some questions people asked, with the answers from the Docs (you should click on the questions, people have some wild stories):
For Blowjobs:
Need Education Regarding Oral Sex HIV/STD Infection Chances:
Fellatio (oral-penile sex) is pretty safe in general, not totally free of STD risk, but much lower risk than vaginal or anal intercourse for all STDs and virtually no risk for some. The most common are gonorrhea, nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), and herpes due to HSV-1. Usually these cause symptoms, so if you never had penile sores or discharge in the weeks after an oral sexposure, that alone makes it unlikely you caught anything.
Chlamydia indeed infects the throat only rarely, and therefore is rarely if ever transmitted to the penis by fellatio. To my knowledge chlamydial NGU has not been known to occur from oral sex; if it happens, it is very rare.
And all these infections generally clear up on their own over time, without treatment; or, in the case of genital HSV-1, cause few recurrent outbreaks.
Syphilis is theoretically possible, but it's so rare in most heterosexual populations that it's not a serious worry if none of your partners were men.
Oral HPV is a lot less common than genital or anal area infection; and oral to genital HPV transmission appears to be rare. Oral to penile transmission of HIV is extremely rare if it occurs at all.
For Licking Pussy:
Need Education Regarding Oral Sex HIV/STD Infection Chances:
Cunnilingus is generally a safe sexual practice -- low risk for all STDs and probably none for several of them (including HIV). No reported HIV infections have ever been known to be transmitted by cunnilingus (in either directiokn). Lack of known cases doesn't prove it can't happen, but for sure it is rare if it occurs at all.
There are theoretical risks for oral and urethral gonorrhea after such exposures, but not chlamydia, which rarely infects the oral cavity.
Herpes could be transmitted, due to HSV-1 (oral to genital) or HSV-2 (genital to oral) -- but in the absence of symptoms (my edit: testing) really isn't necessary and not routinely recommended.
Syphilis testing is often recommended but is extremely rare in settings like this
Then the Asker says: " So do u think there is a chance that, if i had cut in mouth/tongue it would be an unsafe oral sex in my case, offcourse, if i'm aware of it i will avoid from having oral sex, but as i stated in my case i wasn't aware as the cut was not deep, but was a slight bleeding. So does that expose me to possilbe Oral herpes or any other STD's?"
The Response:
Sores or cuts in the mouth probably do not significantly alter the risk of oral STDs.
Then the Asker says he'll get tested anyway, so the doc replies to go for it but he'll only respond back if the guy says he got a positive for the thread ended without either of them commenting.
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