PCOS and a Few Reasons on Why It's a Bitch

PCOS and a Few Reasons on Why It's a Bitch

Can I start by saying how much I hate having PCOS? It's absolutely horrid. When I was younger I always dreamed of having a family, I never thought I would have an issue that affected that.

And don't even get me started on the side effects...or the pain.

The faical-tummy-toe hair growth is so annoying and I don't even have it as bad as some people.

The easy weight gain-difficulty losing it is horrible too. And though I am generally a very body positive person you sometimes can't help but feel a little sad when you gain a few pounds and it takes for freaking ever to lose it.

And the pain...omg pain. Sometimes I get so so so sick I just lay on my bathroom floor in pain trying not to vomit and holding a heating pad and wanting to just chug midol.

And our hormones are soooo outta wack. I know that's general period territory but sometimes (not always) ours are way worse thanks to this.

And your cycle is never aligned. Sometimes it'll follow a "chart" for a few months, and then it'll decide to be early, or late, or last an extra week, or only last a day, or not even come at all.

Some women get cysts which make the pain even worse. And some just get all the symptoms of cyst without actually having the cyst and it's just like your body telling you it hates you.

Ugh. I could go on and on and on about this. Their are so many things that go along with PCOS. Like the difficulty of conceiving, and then having pregnancy issues when you finally do conceive!!! And so so so much more. PCOS is really a bitch.

Anyway--that ends my rant.

PCOS and a Few Reasons on Why It's a Bitch
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Most Helpful Girl

  • I was diagnosed with pcos at the age of 23 and while I'm lucky I don't have the excess hair I do suffer with problematic skin and struggle with my weight. I keep most of the side effects of the pcos in check by eating healthily and exercising but I accept that I will never ever be size 6 ever again nor have flawless skin. The mental effects of pcos is the hardest, the low mood and self esteem issues are a struggle. I had to have fertility treatment to have my two kids and that itself was stressful but I am so grateful that I have two lovely kids after thinking it would never happen for me. I feel for the women who have pcos and who suffer the embarrassing excess hair and who are struggling with their weight.

Most Helpful Guy

  • The girl I've been seeing for the past several years has PCOS... and we have discussed the possibility of us never having kids and how would I feel about adoption. And we also discussed about egg donors and having her sister as a surrogate. She's lost some weight since her teen years but losing weight isn't easy for her and that's worsened by the fact that she doesn't eat the healthiest. I don't know if this is from the PCOS, but I also know that she has trouble sleeping. She would sleep for a few hours, wake up.. then sleep for a few more hours. Without sleeping pills she can't sleep all the way through the night.

    • People with PCOS can get pregnant (unless they've had their ovaries removed which is usually only in the most worse of cases) but it's a lot harder for a woman with PCOS to get pregnant than the average. Of course their are fertility drugs but if you wanna be more natural than she needs to do some kind of exercise every day and eat a diet regulated for women with PCOS. It's not guaranteed but your chances of pregnancy would boosts by about 4-5% depending on how well she followed.

    • Their are plenty of websites you can visit that will give you information on a proper PCOS diet and how to boosts fertility while struggling with PCOS if you're interested in learning more.

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  • I too struggle with the dreadful thing. I started using Plexus Slim/ProBio 5 products from Plexus. (may purchase online) Although I struggle with the hair very badly, since I have been on Plexus my weight has gone down (ten pounds now), my periods are actually track-able, and there have been numerous amounts of women in my group that have been able to get pregnant easier while on the products! Which is amazing. Im no where near family making yet so for me, I have no idea if it'll work, but I'll try anything at least once. Best of luck to you! I'm right there with ya !

  • I have PCOS too. Sending love 💕

  • Sorry to hear about your issue - Good to have a place for a rant and to increase awareness - Very educational take and best of luck in the future.

  • I feel soooooo bad for you😞

  • he is known too have cured aids, hiv, cancer and many other things just call and try it seriously what do you have to lose

    • That sounds too good to be true. It sounds very much to be more like a placebo effect (and the more a placebo costs, the stronger the effect applies). Going "all natural" and healthy is of course going to help our bodies, but it unfortunately won't cure non-curable diseases.


      So what does one have to lose?
      Lots and lots of money for what is essentially a scam.

    • @dangerDoge a persons health is worth more than some money if it doesn't work okay there money is gone people can make more, plus no matter what we are headed towards death now the person cannot look for an option and die early or look for a cure and try different things and see what works, my advice too anyone try it out and if it doesn't work don't do it again

    • I can agree with you that person's health is worth some money. However, I believe we should aim our resources to things that we believe have a chance of working. By doing so, it will save us time and money that can be spent being put towards the things with higher success rates. Also, there is the danger of doing something that will make your situation even worse. For instance... "black salve." A youtube user gvloanguy2 tried to go all natural and try alternative treatments in attempt to find a cure for his cancer. In one specific time, he tried black salve, a topical paste advertised by some as an alternative medicine. The black salve gave him intense pain and was a scam. It left horrible scarring too. I understand wanting to do alternative treatments, but I feel it is too easy to accept something by saying there is nothing to lose... since there kinda is. I figure if an alternative treatment really indeed work, it would become the mainstream cure by now.

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