Can I start by saying how much I hate having PCOS? It's absolutely horrid. When I was younger I always dreamed of having a family, I never thought I would have an issue that affected that.
And don't even get me started on the side effects...or the pain.
The faical-tummy-toe hair growth is so annoying and I don't even have it as bad as some people.
The easy weight gain-difficulty losing it is horrible too. And though I am generally a very body positive person you sometimes can't help but feel a little sad when you gain a few pounds and it takes for freaking ever to lose it.
And the pain...omg pain. Sometimes I get so so so sick I just lay on my bathroom floor in pain trying not to vomit and holding a heating pad and wanting to just chug midol.
And our hormones are soooo outta wack. I know that's general period territory but sometimes (not always) ours are way worse thanks to this.
And your cycle is never aligned. Sometimes it'll follow a "chart" for a few months, and then it'll decide to be early, or late, or last an extra week, or only last a day, or not even come at all.
Some women get cysts which make the pain even worse. And some just get all the symptoms of cyst without actually having the cyst and it's just like your body telling you it hates you.
Ugh. I could go on and on and on about this. Their are so many things that go along with PCOS. Like the difficulty of conceiving, and then having pregnancy issues when you finally do conceive!!! And so so so much more. PCOS is really a bitch.
Anyway--that ends my rant.
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