And the fifth demon is he who showed the children of men the smiting of an embryo in the womb, so that it might die.
- Enoch 69:12.
I woke up today with a desire to tear the American Left a new one. And what better opportunity than to address the highly controversial issue known as abortion? You see, if there is one thing that I dislike, it is hypocrisy and a disregard for the Truth as confirmed by scientific fact. Now the American Right is equally guilty of this transgression what with Young Earth Creationism and the like, but the difference is that most rightist lunatics are virtually harmless. They are on the decline, rapidly losing power, and will practically disappear from the American political landscape once they die off. I can address them, but there is really no point. Most of them are simpleminded, uneducated yokels on the lower end of the economic spectrum who do not even warrant a response. Doing so would be akin to calling out your senile old grandfather when he says something incredibly rude or stupid at the dinner table. You might as well just hold your peace.
But the American Left is our future. They are the policymakers of tomorrow, the future politicians, and the ones who are going to replace the rightist oldsters as they pass away. As such, they are the true threats worth addressing because their actions are going to have greater implications for the world I live in and the world that my descendants are going to inherit. And if there is one thing I dislike, it is bearded, flannel wearing faggots and Prius-driving little shits lecturing me on "tolerance" and how they are so much more "progressive" than their slaveowning ancestors simply because they recycle and support Cecil the Lion, all the while ungratefully standing upon the foundation that their predecessors whom they hate so much laid for them, and all the while foolishly supporting the great social injustice known as abortion.
All that is relevant to the abortion debate are the facts. And since science is the only discipline that has demonstrated itself to be objective time and time again, it is the scientific facts--particularly biology--alone that are relevant to the topic of abortion. This is especially true when legality (or lackof) is brought up, since the scope of the law is concerned only with that which is concrete and verifiable, as science is the only discipline which meets these criteria. And just as St. Augustine of Hippo writes, "Fine stye does not make something true, nor has a man a wise soul because he has a handsome face and well-chosen eloquence," so neither the finest rhetoric in the world nor every appeal-to-emotion that the Left has to offer can change a single iota of confirmed scientific fact. The facts are true whether we like them or not. And in the words of St. Basil the Great, "What is not fact must be followed by a denial; what is fact must be confirmed with assent." Thus as one dedicated to affirming the truth, the facts compel me to adopt the Pro-Life position.
#1) Life Within the Womb is Alive
This fact is pretty self-evident--otherwise we wouldn't call it a "life" to begin with--but life begins at conception, which Stedman's Medical Dictionary (28th Edition, 2006) defines as the "[f]ertilization of oocyte by a sperm." Pregnancy may not technically occur until implantation, and exact terminology (ex, replacing conception with "fertilization") may change with the times, but the undisputable biological fact is that life begins the moment the process as outlined in the above dictionary occurs, regardless of what you want to name it. Furthermore, there are three to four biological requirements for life--growth, metabolism, reproduction, and adaptation--and life within the womb meets each of these requirements with flying colors. Hence life begins at conception, the moment fertilization occurs. Thus likening opposition to abortion with opposition to birth-control is logically erroneous. Abortion is the termination of a life, while the latter merely prevents a life from being made. Life within the womb is not merely a "potential" life like the sperm cells that are expelled via male masturbation, or the ovum a woman sheds every month during her period, but rather it is a Life itself, a living organism.
#2) Life Within the Womb is Human
"Like begets like" in the words of my anthropology textbook ("Exploring Biological Anthropology, 3rd Edition"). This is one of the most fundamental observations in all of nature. It means that the offspring of an organism is the same kind of organism as the ones who begat it. In other words, life within the womb is human because it has human parents. It is a human life. It has all of the genetic properties of a human like human DNA, and thus from a purely biological standpoint--the only standpoint relevant to the abortion debate--is just as human as you and I. The only difference is that it is in a different stage of its lifecycle. But to deny that it is human because of this is like denying that senior citizens are human simply because they are elderly. An infant is not the same as a child nor is a young adult the same as an old person, but the fact remains that they are all equally human. To deny this is absurd. Yet it is precisely what abortionists do with the unborn. Thus likening life within the womb to an animal life, hair follicles, or some other non-human life is erroneous because none of those lives are human lives. They do not have human parents nor do they possess the genetic properties of a human. Furthermore, dehumanizing the unborn as just "a bundle of cells" is likewise erroneous because Cell Theory affirms that ALL life is composed of cells, meaning that such a statement is virtually meaningless. What matters is the exact nature and properties of that "bundle of cells," which biology affirms is human. Just because you cannot understand it does not make it untrue; it just means that you are guilty of the Argument from Personal Incredulity.
#3) Life Within the Womb is its Own Human
Finally, life within the womb is not only human but also its own human. At conception ("[f]ertilization of oocyte by a sperm") an important process called crossing over occurs. This means that since the number of chromosomes in gametes (sperm and ovum, the human sex-cells) is only half as much as somatic cells, the two halves come together to form a new whole distinct from both parents via recombination. In other words, the unborn are a distinct organism from their parents. They are similar in that they are human and possess many genetic similarities ("like begets like"), but they are still different entities, as DNA would confirm. Thus the unborn are NOT merely another "part" of their mother like an arm or a foot, nor are they "the same" as virtually every other cell in the body which contains an exact copy of its host's DNA. Rather, the unborn are their own individual organisms distinct from their parents, complete with their own unique set of human DNA. Hence politicizing abortion as a matter of "female choice" and "my body" is logically fallacious because abortion targets not the body of the mother but rather the body of another human that just happens to dwell within its mother's body. Dwelling inside of something does not equate to being something anymore than driving a car makes you a "part" of that car like a wheel or seatbelt. Furthermore, your "choice" ends where the rights of another individual begin, so terminating another human life just because it happens to be a burden to your body is akin to murdering welfare recipients just because they are a burden to the bodies of hardworking men everywhere in the form of taxes.
So there are the three undisputable facts as confirmed by biology. Add them together and it means that the unborn are their own individual human lives like you, I, and every other person on this planet. And thus I'll finally address the elephant in the room: if life is a basic human right--and biology has confirmed that the unborn are human--then why aren't we as a society willing to extend that same right to the unborn? Upon what logical basis do we justify witholding the right to life from an entire class of human beings? Because it certainly is not science. In fact, abortion is rather simple when you think about it: if we as a society have affirmed that human life is sacred and ought to be preserved, and biology has affirmed that the unborn are human lives like you and I, then abortion should be condemned in the same way that we condemn murder.
Essentially every abortionist argument seeks to either avoid this truth or lie about it. They avoid it through politicizing abortion as a matter of "choice," much in the same way that the Confederacy politicized slavery as a matter of state rights, because they knew that their position was wholly opposed to the truth.
They avoid it by appealing to emotion, exploiting the difficulties of poverty and the undeniable social ills that often lead to unwanted pregnancies. They avoid it through rhetoric, crafting seemingly clever but hollow arguments backed by weaponized political correctness. And finally they avoid it through indoctrinating women with a cultural marxist concept of "the struggle." Give them a common villain like "White heterosexual males" or "the Patriarchy," then politicize abortion as "the struggle" against them, and it is amazing really how many women will fall for it. Humans are gullible creatures. Thus the abortionists have to avoid the truth because in reality they have no genuine argument. That is why their position is politicized as a matter of "choice." The Pro-Choice position is nothing but clever rhetoric. They try to lie about the truth through arguments such as the ones I earlier debunked, all of which misrepresent and/or fall short of the above three biological facts in one way or another. Stick to those three facts and virtually every abortionist argument can be easily debunked by anyone with even a 7th grade understanding of biology. And finally they lie about the truth through villifying their opposition. They will resort to ad-hominems--attacks on personal character and/or conduct--which are fallacious since the truth is the truth regardless of the voice speaking it. They will say things like "You are not a woman, you do not understand!" To which I would retort: You were never aborted, so neither would you understand! All in all, they will do everything EXCEPT acknowledge the truth and/or address the logic of your arguments.
Hence I see no reason to resort to violence, as their forefathers of the Enlightenment have in the form of Robespierre, Che Guavara, Mao Zedong, and every other violent despot whose legacy can be summed up in the countless failed "progressive" revolutions of the 20th century. The Truth does not need violence. Violence is the product of liars, liars who are insecure because they know that their lies are false. The Truth on the other hand supports itself. It is stable and firm, and it always prevails in the end. It is how Martin Luther King Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, and Mother Theresa were able to conquer the world; it is how Christianity was able to conquer the Roman Empire through nothing but the blood of its martyrs, culminating in St. Constantine's conversion and the Edict of Milan. And I know that I am in good company with true social activists such as Dr. Alveda King who are also opposed to abortion.
I like to call abortion the Devil's sacrament because it is a corruption of the Eucharistic injunction to "Take, eat, this is my body"
...with the abortionist mantra of "This is my body! This is my choice!"
The former brings about eternal life and theosis while the latter brings about death and destruction.
But getting back to the topic at hand, I have appealed to nothing but the objective facts of biology and a morality which our society holds universally--namely that all human life is sacred and ought to be preserved--in order to support my position. I did not resort to clever rhetoric, appeals to emotion, ad-hominems, nor my own religious sensibilities (except when specifying that this is my *personal* opinion). I only affirmed to the facts. And as one committed to following the Truth wherever it may lead, I am among the ones who walk away from Omelas. I am Pro-Life.
Essentially the abortion debate can be summed up in a single question: are we willing as a society to sanction the systematic execution of an entirely innocent, untried minor whose only crime was its very existence as a solution to our society's problems?
The Pro-Choice community has responded with a resounding affirmation, and thus I have taken the liberty to rename them Pro-Murder. I reiterate, neither the cleverest rhetoric in the world nor all of the appeals-to-emotion that the Left can muster will change the facts; it is just a clever way to avoid the true underlying question at hand. Those who respond Yes for whatever reason are ethical utilitarians, willing to sacrifice the wellbeing of the few for many, affirming that the ends justify the means. The greatest example of this is the classic Pro-Choice excuse of "It is better to abort [murder] a child than to allow it to grow up unloved." But I do not believe in such ethical utilitarianism. The ends do not justify the means, as evil cannot be resolved with evil. Abortion may be the product of grave social ills which we are long overdue to start addressing (this means you Republicans), but it cannot be resolved with another great social ill like abortion. Two wrongs will never make a right, and no amount of rhetoric will change that.
I do not care at all if the Left labels me a sexist or a misogynistic--I know that I love women, including the unborn females who are victims of abortion--I do not care if they label me a racist--I am Mexican-American, how could I be a racist?--and I do not care if they say that I do not understand--my mother had me at 15 or 16, if anyone understands it is me. The opinions of Omelas do not concern me. If fitting in and/or being viewed favorably by them means sacrificing my moral integrity, then fuck it. I do not want to fit in or be viewed favorably by the blind.
Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it; right is right even if no one is doing it.
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