Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: Where Do You Stand?

Abortion has been a hot button topic for decades. There are two sides, the right side and the wrong side. It is up to you to decide where you stand on this issue. Are you pro-life: the belief that abortions constitute murder. Or pro-choice: abortion should continue to be legal and accessible. It is not pro-abortion, but merely being in support of a woman's having the option available.

Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: Where Do You Stand?

As always the internet has something to say about this social issue. See what people had to say (below) then weigh in.



GAG, where do you stand?

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I think this is silly.
    1. First of all the whole abortion is murder thing is all built upon your definition of life. To me anyone who believes abortion is murder should starve to death. Why? Well the most obvious reason is that they eat murdered animals daily, they also eat dead plants, and most of them kill insects without a second thought. If you want to go further they kill bacteria in their body daily and all these things are living. Ask why it's okay to kill these things but not a zygote (because most abortions occure before the child can be considered a fetus) and they'll say because it's not the same. Humans are humans and they're not. They say stuff like well plants can't feel. But neither can the fetuses at the time of abortion they don't have a developed nueral system. The other animals don't have the same brain capacity. Well neither does the fetus at least not at the time of abortion. Same brain potential? Well how do you know that cows offsprings may not have been the first generation leading to a line of genius cows? So yeah it may be murder but they don't really have a problem with murder they just don't like it when you murder the stuff they think is important.
    2. They fight for the wrong reason. Cocaine is illegal but everyone knows people still do it. Prostitution illegal people still do it. Do you think that if abortion was illegal people would just stop? No they'd continue. And all the girls would put themselves in unsanitary and dangerous situations. Deaths would sky rocket. At least this way people trained in the workings of the human body can make sure things are done in the safest way possible and even council people before they do it like most abortion clinics are required to do
    3. What's more painful? Dying before having functional pain receptors or even if they do feel it dying a quick short death or living a life filled with the pain of having an uncaring mom or never meeting your mom at all. I'd rather some stuck up teen that's not fit to be a mother have an abortion than have some child grow up with a miserable childhood. One side causes a hell of a lot more suffering especially if you believe in heaven. There's already enough kids living thier whole life in an orphanage and I'd say a solid 85-95% of these people against the right to have an abortion aren't adopting anyone any time soon.
    4. At this point it's hard to find a pro-life person that wants anything more than to just be rights. It's just an ego fight now.

    • Well said.

    • This should be a take.

    • Can't agree more with you, especially concerning number 2. These pro-lifers only care about the life of the unborn zygotes/fetuses. They don't give a shit about the fact that if abortion was made illegal, a fuckton of women and young girls would DIE due to not getting the right medical care that they need for a safe abortion. They would probably just think something like "serves her right for being so reckless/selfish/horrible" or "that's what happens when you try to do something illegal." And these women and young girls actually have feelings, they're capable of feeling actual pain, compared to the zygotes/fetuses who most likely cannot at the time of abortion. Pro-lifers only care about the possibility of life. They don't care about the kid after it's born, they don't care about the mother's life. "Just put it up for adoption" they say. As if that's the easiest thing in the world.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • pro-choice! No child deserves to be brought into this world unwanted, they will suffer in poverty, abusive homes, or be stuck in the foster care system for far too long. But scientists belive that a fetus small enough to be aborted legally is still unable to feel physically pain due to an underdeveloped nervous system.
    So why have them become a fully formed child who is capable of both physical AND emotional suffering? We don't need even more children living in poverty or abuse. People who are raped, people with deadly pregnancies, people with a very sick and already dying fetus, and even people who had failed contraception and are not prepared financially, or emotionally deserve a choice! There was a pro-life single mom who lives two doors down from me and even from a young age she would try to hammer the pro-life ultra christian ideology into my head. She was a single mother of two little girls when she fell pregnant with a random man's child. It ended up that she had an ectopic pregnancy (the fetus had attached and was growing inside her Fallopian tube NOT her uterus) The doctors begged her to let them terminate the pregnancy but since she was pro-life she refused. 2 months later after living in searing pain, her two daughters had to watch their mother violently bleed to death as her Fallopian tube burst and other internal structures and arteries were destroyed and she hemorrhaged. Now her daughters are in the foster care system with severe tokophobia and other mental scarring. I support her right to make that choice even if it was the wrong one, I don't support the unscientific brainwashing she received in the pro-life community that made her come to such a decision.
    Pro-life also encourages parents of very sick fetuses to keep the pregnancy and allow the now fully formed baby to suffer for minutes to days after birth until they finally die, conditions like trisomy18 , Anencephaly (missing part of skull and brain) especially. Even when the doctor is sure the baby will die and be in intense pain until death comes, the family still decides to have the baby and dress it up for pictures as it struggles to breath and is pumped full of painkillers and I think it's sick.

    • lol quoting salon won't do you much good, that whole place is infested with extreme feminists and socialists

    • whether you like the source I included or not I still made valid points.

    • @Pat8707 sounds like something someone who hates people would say about people who care about issues affecting other people

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  • The British statesman and political philosopher Edmund Burke wrote, "The effect of liberty to individuals is that they may do as they please. We ought see what it will please them to do before we risk congratulations." Therein lay the problem with laws that permit abortion on demand.

    A society that premises its law as "Choice"- to use the locution of abortion rights advocates - effectively leaves open the question of the value of human life. It becomes not a standing principle, but a subjective judgment to each individual. In such a society, human life becomes not an end in itself, but mere instrument. Life becomes not an object whose preservation is the highest standard, but rather a convenience to be maintained or not according to the satisfaction of another's will.

    We shape our laws and then our laws shape us - see also the civil rights laws of the 1960s which have effected a revolution in race relations. (The idea that a black man and a white man cannot sit together at the same lunch counter is as alien to this generation as Neptune. Yet in 1965 it was pretty much the norm.)

    Inherent then in the pro-choice argument is the idea that life has no value save that which each person chooses to attach to it. It denies society any authority to make a collective judgment on such questions. Therefore, in this view, the law may not afford protection to life except at some arbitrarily defined (and inherently subjective) point.

    This then conduces to an assertion of power over rights. Life is maintained not as its own end, but according to the will of the person who, effectively, controls it because they can. An ethic of convenience is established and it is a slippery slope on which to build a culture and a legal edifice.

    Such a society will not value life that sees life as not an end, but as a means to some other end. Indeed, that is why at about the same time as the culture began to shift on the abortion question we also saw a rise in child abuse, spousal abuse, divorce, out of wedlock births and other social pathologies. These were not unrelated phenomena.

    Aristotle said that the first questions of politics are, "How ought we to live? What kind of a people do we wish to be?" The implicit answer of those who support abortion on demand is, in effect, that it is nobody's business. Predictable results follow. One cannot expect the society to absent itself from collective moral judgments on the value of life and then expect an ethical social order to result.

  • I am pro-choice. Although I myself do not know if I could handle an abortion, emotionally. I would most definitely consider it in several situations. A) If the pregnancy/birth were to be dangerous for me or the child B) If the child was to be born with a severe disability or birth defect or even C) If I could not afford to even HAVE the child at a hospital (which costs thousands), let alone keep it. Particularly if there was no father around.
    In an ideal situation I would try to keep it. but I realize that bringing a child into this world is something I already debate on whether or not I EVER want to do, regardless of my economic (or other) situation... Factor in that I might not be able to provide for it, or that I would have to toss it in an already saturated and highly flawed system.

  • When I was 18 I was teetering and tottering, kind of liking the idea of not having a kid screw up my life and leaning towards pro-choice.

    Presently, I am firmly pro-life. I didn't have any children in my life before, so I didn't understand the miracle that birth is.

    Relax, Ben Folds 5 has no position on this topic, but here is a touching song about a personal experience from the singer who took his girlfriend to get an abortion.
  • Pro-choice
    I believe that women should have the option to abort or not abort. The government should not have any control over what a woman does with her body. If the pro-life argument is that abortion equates to murder, then it is wrong because you technically can't "murder" something that hasn't been born already. Fetuses developing in the womb are not guaranteed to be born. Anything can happen to a developing fetus such as a miscarriage. Therefore, putting laws in place that force women to not abort something that might not even be born in the first place is a waste of legislation. Additionally, outlawing abortions would not prevent women from getting abortions. Women could still get abortions in the black market, which is unsafe and could possibly result in more health problems. Thus, the best option is to give women the chance to abort legally in safer conditions. People also overlook the existence of unwanted pregnancies through rape and/or incest.

    For instance, a rape victim might not have the means mentally and/or financially to raise a child that she didn't plan. Thus, the best option might be to abort the child. Also, if she was raped by a family member, then the chances are great that the child could be born with deformities and several other negative birth conditions. Thus, it's better to abort the child to spare the child from further suffering. Situations have existed where women have died giving birth. If it's discovered that a woman could die should she deliver her child, she should have the right to abort to spare her own life. With that being said, if women could still get abortions even when they're made illegal, when raped, through incest, and possibly putting their lives in danger while giving birth, the government might as well just let women decide whether or not they want to abort legally regardless of the reason.

  • I am pro-life based on basic medical facts; not religious reasoning. It is a fact that the earliest stage in human development/lifecycle begins when the egg is fertilized, and continues on for years after we are born. Any person purposefully interfering with that lifecycle and stopping it, is guilty of ending human life. You can reason that away all you want by saying that "it can't feel anything", "it doesn't know any better because it lacks a conscious", "it's just a blob of cells early on", "it's an inconvenience to me right now", "I can't afford a baby right now", etc... but that doesn't change the fact that you are ending a human lifecycle.

    I don't think any of us have the right to put a stop to someone's development... wether in the womb (medical anomalies aside) or after birth. Is it unfortunate if a child was born into a poor family? Yes, but does that warrant others to decide it's fate? I know several amazing and successful adults who were born into abusive, poor or drug-afflicted families; yet I can't imagine standing in front of them and saying, "It would have been better if you were aborted, than for you to have to grow up in that terrible environment."

    At the end of the day, I realize that the real controversy is when to start valuing that developing human and actually assign it "personhood". Some people don't think it's valuable unless it reaches a certain stage in it's development. I don't anticipate we will ever agree on when that stage is.

    My thinking is, if a 2 year old isn't any less important/valuable than a 21 year old... simply because he/she is less developed... then a fertilized egg isn't any less valuable that a full term baby simply because it's less developed.

    I also get annoyed at some pro-choicers for accusing the pro-life side of only caring if the baby is born, and then not caring what happens after that. The majority of charities out there today going to help the needy, single parents, abused children/women... are run by RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS.

    • "My thinking is, if a 2 year old isn't any less important/valuable than a 21 year old... simply because he/she is less developed... then a fertilized egg isn't any less valuable that a full term baby simply because it's less developed. " This is a faulty logic. You have a healthy full term baby on one side and a fertilized egg on the other side. The zygote is a living cell. No debate there. However, you don't know if there aren't any genetic abnormalities. You don't know if it won't be spontaneously aborted later. Heck you don't know anything. There are too many things that can go wrong during pregnancy. What if the child has a disease that will kill him by 1 year of age? Am I supposed to bear this baby to term and then suffer another year and watch him die? He will suffer and so will I. In this sense, fertilized egg IS less valuable than full term healthy baby.

  • Proudfully Pro-Choice. Pro-choicers, the next time a pro-lifer carries on about how wrong abortion is, ask if they have a wife, daughter or mother, and find out how much they like the thought of one of them being pregnant after being raped in a gang-fuck while walking home one night, and how important it would be for one of these ladies in their life, whoever it may be, to make sure the cluster of cells becomes a fetus and that they need to give birth to their rapist (s)' baby.

    • I can proudly say that my sister who was raped and a pregnancy resulted wouldn't even dare think about abortion because she has manners and righteousness and knows right from wrong. Abortion is mainly about revenge. Wusses refer to life as a cluster of cells.

  • I am pro-Choice.
    There are many reasons for it. I just can't understand how a woman who has been raped, is forced to have a child by her rapist and to be reminded of this horrible experience her whole life. For my part I don't think I could ever love a child if it was the result of rape.
    birth control accidents should be avoided as much as possible, but they do happen. Birth control is not 100% safe, and someone who is not able to support a child in my opinion should not have one and should not be forced to carry it to term either.
    I don't think it is an easy decision for any woman and if she is thinking about it, you can be sure that there have to be important reasons to go ahead with abortion.

    If I get pregnant now I would keep the kid, because I am in a stable relationship and am actually looking forward to starting a family.
    But if I would have gotten pregnant by my ex I would have gotten an abortion for sure. And wattayaknow, my instincts were right. I would be a divorced single mom now, struggling to put my kid through school and having a full time job. I am glad I never got pregnant by him.

    So, Pro-choice all the way!!!

  • Instead of arguing about this topic which has been beaten to a dead horse, I'll go ahead and point out a paradox in one of the screenshots.

    "Pro-choice is not pro-abortion"

    Actually, it is. That's like me saying "I support the right for gays to get married but I'm not pro gay-marriage." That literally makes no sense. If you're pro-choice, you're obviously pro-abortion. Are these people ashamed to admit they support abortion? I can't think of why they say that.

    I love to teach reading writing (since I'm now an English Arts teacher) and when I read paradoxes like that, I just laugh.

    • Being technical, pro-abortion would mean that every conceived child would be aborted. Pro-choice would mean there would be 2 available choices; to abort or not to abort.

    • @jaeHyunkim That's if you LITERALLY take the word "pro-choice" as it is. Below are some examples of why this makes no sense. "I support gay marriage but I'm not pro gay-marriage." "I support the death penalty but I'm not pro death-penalty" "I support gun rights but I'm not pro guns" "I support the war but I'm not pro-war" Do you see what I'm saying? It literally makes NO SENSE. People wonder why English Arts teachers think this whole world needs a grammatical, reading and sentence structure lesson.

    • Yes, I see. But taking into account pro-life and pro-choice, pro-lifers would want to take away the option of abortion completely, assuming they stand their ground with their beliefs. Pro-choicers want the choices for females to be open on what they want for their body. I'm sure they don't encourage abortion when ever the two opportunity, unless it's the situation calls for it. What really interests me is when people call themselves pro-lifers, but would allow a few to abort? Same paradox, different standpoint.

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  • I am pro-life for myself. I could never have an abortion, it would go against my personal beliefs. That being said, I've never been the type to push my beliefs onto other people. I know that just because I don't believe in abortion doesn't mean that's what everyone believes. I respect the fact that some people have different opinions/values.

    It's also a grey area when considering the issues of rape or if having the baby would harm the mothers' life. It's hard to know what exactly I would do in those situations but I would most likely still want to give life to my baby, but I realize I can't make that choice for other women. So I do think the option should be available for other people who may desire it, whether I agree with their reasons for it or not.

  • Pro life.
    Abortion is murder. I don't support innocent human beings having their futures taken away because some horny female couldn't keep her legs closed and forgot that her pussy is greater than her desire to have an orgasm: THERE'S A UTERUS IN THERE which procreates. Duh.

    Your average female getting an abortion was not raped. She was a horny, sexually liberated woman who couldn't keep her legs closed and couldn't keep a dick out of her pussy. Yet she wants to take a human life to make up for her horny mistake. Not right, in my opinion. Not right at all.

    • That last paragraph though :/

    • @itsallover lol, I'm sorry, but it's true! Females want to say "Well abortion should be legalized for women who have been raped or are carrying a child who's a product of incest" Which is really just a copout so in the event that they stumble upon a horny mistake that lands them pregnant, they have an option to take their own child's life. Statistically, your average female getting an abortion was a willing participant in sex who wanted to enjoy the pleasures of having a dick pumped into her yet didn't want to 'woman up' and take care of her responsibilities the way men are told to 'man up' and step up to the role of fatherhood.

    • Fair enough... 😳

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  • I'm pro-choice and here are a few reasons why:
    1) life is more of a religious matter than anything and I am not a religious person and I think law and religion should never intersect. Being that I'm a Satanist anyway and that religion is often ignored or deemed unworthy of recognition.
    2) to call someone prolife is retarded because the only life they are talking about is a fetus (which most die within the first two weeks of conception without the mother knowing in the first place) and not caring at all about the very much existing and once living animal on their plates or the soldiers lives they risk by supporting war efforts. Prolife should mean every life, not just what is convenient for you.
    3) though I will have fertility issues the rest of my life I will not ever force my belief on abortion on someone else because it is their own body and life being affected by the decision, not my own.

    I'd only hope people could come to their senses and realize that what someone else chooses to do in their life will have no affect on their own life.

    • This girl right here has a point 👌

  • Definitely pro-life. You can twist it any way you want to, but it boils down to the fact that an unborn human is still a human. It is a less developed person, but still a person, still alive. Sure, women should have a choice in everything, except when that choice is for a baby to be killed because they say so. Your body, your choice, ends where another person's begins.

    • So a fetus with no feelings and no thoughts has more rights than a fully grown person who actually is capable of feeling and thinking? Good to know that your view on women is so low that a lump of parasitic cells has more rights than actual living, breathing women.

    • Its more than a lump of cells: its a life. And I think all life is equal and deserves equal chances regardless of its state of development.

  • I am pro choice. If I became pregnant today, I would either abort or find a family to give the child to. I can not afford a child, I can barley afford my own bills. And I refuse to put a child into the foster sustem, I have too many friends who had horrible experiences.

  • I'm pro-life, just because I love my body doesn't mean I have the right to ruin someone else's body inside of me.

    • Good for you!

    • Makes sence!

  • Science even claims bacteria is alive. Science does NOT support the idea that this is your body. This has a completely different set of DNA. It’s not your body. Your body is a host and you signed your permission for it once you had sex willingly.

  • Pro Choice, with restrictions.

    For all you pro life people out there, what's better? an abortion, or to grow up with a mother who doesn't want you? Or maybe you're adopted away and abandoned? What about a father that leaves because of you?
    Parental love is a crutial and fundamental part of a child's development.
    Pro life might physically save the kid's life, but i can tell you this; that kid WILL be mentally all kinds or not adapted if the mother and/or father doesn't want the kid!

    And let's not mention the aspect of "am i actually able to raise the kid?"
    Pro life, look beyond the "kid got born, i saved a life." Not all lives are meant to be saved, and not all saved lives end up as good lives.

    Chosing to abort is allready hard enough, we don't need any more besserwissers to make it harder! Oh, and it's here to stay. This "moral debate" is only happening in the states. Europe decided last millenia.

    • my younger sister is adopted... her birth mother gave her up at infancy. now she's a bright, happy 15 year old. dare i say her life now is better than salt acid and the incinerator.

    • @rationalmale yes, and she's lucky for that. But i know how hard it is to both adopt away, and adopt. At least here in norway. It's not as simple as "pro life, and then she can adopt it away if she didn't want to". The nice stories are the exceptions, that's the truth. And when it is "alive"? Because a fetus is by medical definitions actually a parasite right up until after birth. I believe the problem is that nobody can seem to agree on when you go from a lump of cells to "living creature". And really, leave it as a choice. Let each individual woman decide what she think is right, and what she wants to do with her body. Pro life will lead to a lot of kids born into misery and really fucked up situations. Pro choice will lead to unnecesary abortions. It's like picking between plague and cholera, and i'd pick the one giving me more freedom to use my own contiousness to decide!

    • @dartmaul15 I'm siding with you on this. :)

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  • People always forget about the third option, which is what I am: Pro-child. Whatever is best for the child involved. For example: A very poor woman who can't afford to take care of a child and never wanted kids is raped and becomes pregnant... I'd say an abortion is understandable. Or a couple finds out during an ultrasound that their child will be born with a very rare/crippling disease where the child would either die very young or be in severe pain for its whole life. In that case, I think an abortion is the more humane thing to do. Obviously these are extreme cases, but that's my view. Any other case, if you aren't ready for the possibility of a child, either don't have sex or use multiple other contraceptive methods.

    • I like this.

    • Thanks. Although I realize sex can be done just for pleasure, the way I think is that if you're "ready" to have sex, knowing all the risks, you're ready to DEAL WITH those risks. So unless I'm both on the pill and using condoms or some other combo like that, I feel that in a way I'm implying that I think I'm in the right place in my life to handle having a child, which I know I'm not. Maybe I'm a stick in the mud for this, but I'm not the type to take a serious risk like that just to have fun.

  • I don't see pro-life as being about "hating women" and "trying to control women's bodies" as many of the SJW would make it out to be. The debate about abortion is authentically debatable.

    And also, all of the pro-lifers I know are women.

    I would say I normally stand in the pro-choice crowd so long as it is early pregnancy, but then again, I also stand in the euthanasia crowd. Hell, I would stand in the grind-up-the-dead-and-feed-them-to-the-living crowd. (The living, perhaps, being crops or something, not necessarily soylent green)

    But yes, I could imagine comparing late pregnancy abortion to early-birth killing. Still in the womb? Okay to abort. A few hours later? You're basically shooting a baby in the head.

  • Pro-Choice.

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