Sex one last time with ex?

I just recently broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years.He is not taking the break up well at all.He cries on the phone, asking for me to take him back,etc.I feel bad because I am the one who broke up with him and I don't like seeing him this way.I asked if there was anything I could do to help and he said he needed closure.The closure he is asking for is a lot-He wants me to have sex with him one last time.I don't think I have it in me to do it but if I don't then he will say "see I told you that you couldn't help me.'' ..Whats the deal here? Why sex one last time? We are offically broke up.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • You either like him or you don't. If you broke up then I guess that's it. Once more will be meaningless.


    This second link is a fun song. I may be able to find an mp3 for it. I have it on tape though.

    Fun song.


    F*** her one more time,

    F*** her one more time

    If I could only f*** her one more time

  • Do you really need to ask why sex one last time? He's a guy... And a d*** by the sounds of it. Chances are he'd be really rough and make you hurt. Just ignore him, I'm really suprised you considered that lol. He's obviously putting on the crying, he's after one last f***, not closure. Steer clear.

Most Helpful Girls

  • he wants to feel close to you again, which is understandable, but will only hurt him worse. If you don't wanna do it, dont. All break-ups hurt, especially after three years, the best thing you can do for him right now, Imo, is to cut of all ties...

    • I agree completely with this

    • Thanks :)

  • Do not let him sleep with you! STOP answering his phone calls and text messages..guys play these games and you don't need give in! Stay strong and remember...plenty of other GREAT guys in this world.

  • He doesn't need closure; what he wants is to try to convince you to go back to him. Don't do it. You will get trapped and it will be 1000x harder for you to leave him.

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  • "Closure" is a myth. Closure is a final attempt to solve the problems that broke the relationship--if those were solvable, you'd still be together.

    Wish him a good life, cease contact, let him go.

  • every guy wants sex one last time. sometimes it's just to have sex. in this case, he may be trying to win you back by the intimacy of the experience. if you want to stay broken up with him, it's probably better if you don't do it. and if he's really a mess like you're saying, it's probably better for him in the long run too. maybe if you give it some time, you can do the friends with benefits thing if you're both into it, but right now, there's still too much raw emotion.

  • moved on to some better d*** have you?

    • ?

    • in other words: He wasn't that good in bed was he.

    • Actually he was very good..why does that matter..

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