A wise man once said " Say the truth no matter how ugly it is, and you will be happy.. but if you lie, no matter how insignificant it is, it will hunt you down and hurt you more than anything"
I am still virgin, but a guy kissed me 5 years ago .. and I was extremely nervous when I told my boyfriend about it .. I knew I was gonna lose him ( yea in my society kissing is that big of a deal, it's like being previously married lol ) .. he got sad a little, but then called me a day after and told me how much he loves me for being honest ...
Men might care whether you are virgin or not .. but trust me , they care a lot more if you are honest :) , plus that compared to the rest of female population around the world, you are a saint :d , its not that much of a big deal , trust me .. good luck1 1 1 0agreed
If you lie and are caught out you will lose something. Either his trust of his love but if you lie and you aren't caught out you will lose still. Guilt or fear of being caught out.
It doesn't matter that you aren't a virgin.
You could say something like "I never counted that other guy I slept with because too me being with you is really the true meaning of losing my virginity, I always wanted it to be with someone I loved, like you"
Good luck and be honest!0 0 0 0u graduated high school. its not a big deal. its not like you lost v-card in middle school and then went on to f*** the entire football and basketball team. no one normal will look down on you for having had sex in high school. especially if you don't have a reputation. don't lie but you don't have to go into extreme detail. you slept with one person so its not a big deal.
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Tell him the truth. He can handle it (or he can't), and either way, your relationship will be based on honesty and openness, and not on lies. Once you start to lie, you keep adding more to the pile, and it poisons the relationship.
There's nothing wrong with inexperience; you can have fun learning together!0 0 0 0Sure, tell him you are a virgin. Then go on and lie about other things, too. Makes for a relationship with no trust, but so what? Or, maybe you might want to try being honest, that is if you value him as a boyfriend. What is his trust worth to you?
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2 5Just tell him the truth. He's a big boy...man. He can handle it and it would be a silly thing to lie about.
0 0 0 0Then tell him right awy and don't make a big deal about it. How many guys are you going to need to tell about it anyway?
0 0 0 0Update: I understand, so a good reason to tell him right away and not make a drama scene about it, just be matter-of-fact.
Lying only complicates a relationship more. If it's going to work the both of you need to trust each other. You won't keep a relationship healthy if you lie.
1 0 0 0I don't think it's a good idea. It's a bad way to start off a relationship, by lying about something.
Stupid mistake or not, it's you and your past. We all made stupid mistakes.1 0 0 0If a woman lied to me about ANYTHING, I would immediately dismiss her. She shouldn't feel like she has to lie to me, isn't a boyfriend supposed to be there for you, no matter what?
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