The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

I'm not sure how many people like drinking teas and taking supplements but I'm one of those people that drinks various kinds of teas and supplements for their health benefits. Here are some the teas and supplements that I take, not all in one day or every day of course. Remember only use them in moderation and ask your doctor if they are safe to take.

1.) Matcha tea

A variant of the popular Japanese Green tea, that has similar benefits as green tea but more potent than green tea. It's a powdered tea. It's most notable benefit is it's ability to give energy to the person that drinks it. It also helps speeding up a persons metabolism and has a lot of catechins. Last but not least, some users have reported that it improves libido.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

2.) Spectro man/woman

A multivitamin that is primarily used for energy. It also carries various kinds of vitamins, mostly natural properties. It's also used for improvement in libido.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

3.) Earl Grey

A tea that helps fight anxiety, it is good for your skin, it is good for your teeth, it's good for the digestive system and is capable of treating various illnesses.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

4.) Cat's claw tea

A tea that helps treat arthritis, is anti carcinogenic, treats high blood pressure, helps immune system and slows down the progression of certain STDs

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

5.) St. John's Wort

A herb that can either be purchased as tea or in tablets. The purpose of this herb is to help alleviate Anxiety and depression. I've tried the tea and Tablet versions of this for a while and it actually helped alleviate my anxiety.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

6.) Chamomile tea

This tea is known to alleviate anxiety, treat upset stomachs, maintain good skin health and healthy hair.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

7.) Passion flower tea

A similar tea to chamomile, it relaxes a person, it helps alleviate anxiety and it lowers blood pressure.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

8.) Catnip tea

Yes, catnip is also used for tea and it provides health benefits such as speeding up the healing process of colds, alleviating insomnia and providing various nutrients.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

9.) Lavender tea

A tea that can alleviate anxiety, provide good skin health and cure inflammatory issues. This tea is often sold combined with chamomile for extra benefits.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

10.) Horny goat weed tea/pills

As the name implies, its primarily used to boost libido however, it's also used to treat erectile dysfunction, and fatigue.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

11.) Damiana tea

A tea used to treat, alleviate asthma symptoms, treat constipation, treat impotence and boost libido. After trying this, I can confirm that it indeed boosts libido.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

12.) Provide multivitamin

A multivitamin that provides various kinds of nutrients. It's roughly about the same as Spectro man/woman.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

13.) GABA

A type of supplement used for alleviating anxiety, stress, help with sleep, may trigger growth hormone and for help with weight loss.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

14.) Probiotics

Basically it's "good bacteria" that keeps your digestive system healthy and help with weight loss.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements

15.) Green tea

It's known to decrease risk of cancer, it's antioxidant, it helps with weight loss, it keeps good dental health, keeps healthy skin(age slower), benefits eye sight.

The Benefits of These Herbal Teas and Supplements
4 0

Most Helpful Girl

  • This is actually kinda funny that I can across this! This morning I was doing research on all kinds of things on skin health and just health in general, so coming across this has been extremely helpful! I have a couple of natural food and health stores near my house and in definitely going to buy some of these things! Loved this MyTake! I'll also have to update ya and tell you what I'm buying and if it works! Thanks so much! 🤗🤗

    • You're welcome.

Most Helpful Guy

  • People... What happened to real tea? Why are people drinking nameless tea with some flavor mixed in and called it awesome?

    Iron Goddess, Dragon Well, Red Robe, Silver Needle... The real tea! Green tea is OK but what happened to Black Tea and White Tea?

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  • catnip tea ! (о´∀`о)

  • Matcha is my favorite tea !