The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined

**Official Fearlessbanana Tinder Guide**

Fearlessbananas's Tinder Guide

This is my guide on how to be successful with girls on tinder. By no means am I misogynist and I’m hoping I don’t offend any viewers because those are not my intentions. If you despise promiscuity and the hookup culture than might I suggest you click the back button. I don’t objectify women in my personal life. This is a guide on how to get laid and not a guide on how to fall in love. This is simply what works. It’s a game that is to be played and nothing more. All of the following conversations that I’ve posted have all been me during the months March and April of 2016.

Guys.. my strategies work.. they have been proven to work. Follow what I say and you will score. If you have any followup questions then feel free to ask on here but please don't flood my PM box. I want you guys to have success using my savage approach.. I'm sick of hearing about guys complaining about their virginities on this website. I will try to help out as best as I can also so feel free to ask me questions. If you ask for any pictures of the girls that I've hooked up with on this thread I will immediately block you.. I will under no circumstances reveal their identities.


First thing you need to know is most all of the women on tinder are very promiscuous. They either want to bent over or they are teasing you and just want a consistent ego boost from guys telling them that they are attractive. So you need to learn how to tell the difference between to two. How do you that? You get straight to point and don’t dance around. What you have to remember is if you matched with a girl.. she has already told you without words that she sexually attracted to you. There are no what ifs.. so go in hard.. you two most likely want the same thing.

The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined


If you’re a classic nice guy.. let tinder force you to challenge your alter ego. The cringiest thing you could possibly do on this app is go on and on about how beautiful she is and asking her questions that aren’t pertaining towards sexual escalation. You need to always be constantly sexually escalating and you do not deviate off of that AT ALL. The moment you get sidetracked into an irrelevant conversation and start using conversation fillers that aren’t working towards your goal of getting her sexually interested you.. You lost already.. it’s done so move on to the next one.

Instead of telling a girl she is the most beautiful thing in the world on tinder.. try telling her she is hot or sexy. You’d be surprised on the positive responses you get. These girls will roll their eyes at you and think you are fake if you go full nice guy. Either that or they will be thinking you’re boring and not even reply.

A tip to you guys.. Women aren’t offended if you make it clear you are attracted to them. If you want to have sex with this girl then you need to make it apparent that she knows that from the moment you start talking to her. They love that and it makes them feel sexy and wanted. Do not ever think it’s a crime to tell a girl she turns you on. Don’t let this radical feminist propaganda poison your brain into thinking that you can’t sexualize women anymore. Women are submissive by nature and men are dominant by nature.. on tinder you play your gender role. You’re not a pig for expressing your sexuality.. you are human.

Don’t ever let others shame you for that. Of course there are limits so use your common sense. All in moderation boyos.. there is a difference from being a fun interesting guy who wants to get in a girls pants to being a complete pervert but don’t be afraid getting creep shamed. The general population of men today don’t have the required testosterone to even think about approaching women in this way. So as a response to that women can appreciate a man that genuinely has the courage to act on his sexual urges and to be unapologetically straight forward about it. It makes them feel sexy and feminine. It makes them feel like a woman.

The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined


The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined

If you can make a girl laugh then you are in. One strategy that has always worked for me is downplaying my masculinity. A guy that is comfortable enough make fun of masculinity in attempt to make a girl laugh will only exude confidence and self assurance. It works great for me.. Women don’t want a robotic GI Joe with no humor trying to act a tough all the time. The smoothest pulls I’ve ever done have always a perfect mixture of humor and sexual escalation. Here are some examples.

The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined

The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined


The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined

The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined


Women on tinder will appreciate wit. This tinder game is a game of chess not checkers. You need to have a game plan and strategize before you even message her. I personally will take a look at her profile and try to get an idea of what type of girl she is (which I’ll get into after this in detail). I will message her with a line and anticipate her response even before that. I think okay.. she could respond in the three following ways and to each of those three possible responses I will followup with this or that. It’s already structured in my head. You need be 3 steps ahead in the conversation at all times but be able to do it at a fast pace as well. You can’t take too long to respond. Ideally you want to reciprocate her response time. If you are doing what I’m telling you to do then she will be responding instantly because she is interested.

This becomes easier with more experience.. eventually you won’t even have to think about it and it will become natural. You will develop your own style with experience. My advice is to follow the basics that I’m presenting to you here today and become comfortable with it before you start stepping into other realms. If you can do the above.. the girl will be kept on her toes.. which is exactly what you want.

Another note that you guys need to make is that once you get the number.. you need to shut your trap unless you really know what you’re doing. It’s a done deal.. You don’t text her.. you don’t say anything! Anything that you say could possibly turn her off and deter her from sex. If it’s already a smash.. then why would you risk it? Go in bold.. make her laugh.. get her horny and disappear till you meet up to have amazing sex.

*ONE OF MY SECRETS..* I like to usually end the conversation with her admitting her sexual kinks. It’s almost 100% bullet proof.

>Get her to open up and tell you what she likes sexually

>When she responds with something cliche like “oh I enjoy dirty talk and my hair being pulled” realize that this is her safe response. EVERY girl has a kink.. she might not be open about it initially but just keep digging.

>In response to her giving you her safe answer you make fun of her by saying “You sound pretty vanilla tbh *yawn*”

>She will either do one or two things.. one she will answer.. or two.. she will try to follow up by putting the pressure on you by asking what you like.

>Do not give into her evasiveness. You DO NOT let her deter you away.

>You respond by mocking her.. saying “I asked first.. and please don’t make me yawn again”

>Once she responds and spits it out.. which she will.. you go no contact for a little (I know it’s evil)

>You just managed to pressure this girl into admitting something she normally wouldn’t tell a guy that she just met. You managed get it out of her and she realizes that right after she says it. She is in a vulnerable spot now.

>You do not respond initially. It will drive her absolutely nuts.. she will feel like embarrassed. 1000 different scenarios will go through her mind. The point is that she will be thinking about you! She will be on her toes.. now she is working to impress you..

>Respond a couple hours later with the deal closer. Come back and say “sry I got busy” don’t even give her a response to her kink or recognize that she even told you anything yet. You don’t want take off the pressure.. you want to continue to keep her on her toes. Leave her wondering with the idea that you might just think she's weird AF. Get the number and close the deal

>Once you get her number.. the next time you will talk to her will be to make plans of meeting up.

The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined

The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined


Not literally but you you have to come off like this. Your time is valuable and she is lucky that you are even giving her attention. You need to present yourself as a valued man by conveying this type of attitude. The strongest negotiating stance in a relationship is the ability to walk away. She needs to know that you will walk away in a second if she isn’t meeting your expectations. She needs to know that you will not even care if she rejects because you have 10 other matches that won’t.

A good way of conveying this sort of attitude is to always treat her like a equal.. who cares if she has a vagina bro?? That’s not reason to put her on a pedestal.. pretty women are used to getting treated on the pedestal.. their minds freak out when you reverse the cards on them. They will think “holy crap this guy must really have something to offer.. he’s different” Boyos.. let me tell you something.. It’s a beautiful feeling once you get this down. Having women chase you and working for your time is empowering.

The Definitive Tinder Guide For the Sexually Inclined


When you match you need to message her within 10-15 minutes.. If you don’t message her within that time frame she will have just matched or messaged another guy. You want to make your move quickly while the excitement is still there. So as soon as you match you go straight to her profile. I’m going to categorize key elements that will pretty much tell you if she is going to put out or not.

NUMBER 1.. 18-19 College Girls: If she is 18 or 19 and has her university listed then she will put out.. she has just left her parents house and if she is on tinder than she most likely is lonely and horny. If she isn’t lonely than she is just horny. 18-19 is PRIME… Hormones are raging. If she is in a sorority.. even better. Know that these younger girls like to act all tough and bad like they have porn star experience. It’s all a facade boyos.. don’t be intimidated. They tend to over sexualize themselves and it makes it obvious. They have little to no experience so you can afford more mistakes.

NUMBER 2.. The 20+ Girls: When you get past 20 the girls will have their experience and are usually more confident in themselves. They most likely have had a relationship by now and might be a bit jaded but they still young so they most likely want to fuck their feelings away. If there is a girl on tinder at age 20+ then there is a good chance she wants to hookup to forget about her ex.

NUMBER 3.. The "I'm not here to hookup": Don’t let the “I’m not here to hookup” on her bio deter you. Some girls feel shameful about being on tinder because of it’s reputation. They care so much that they add that note on their bio because it gives them a little false dignity. They are pretty much trying to rationalize their reasons for being on there. “Oh I just want to meet a nice guy” and “Tinder isn’t all about hookups ..” They most likely want to hook up but don’t want to present themselves as easy. They might not even realize this themselves. This is the same type of girl that made fun of tinder two years ago.

NUMBER 3.. INSTAGRAM: If she does not have her Instagram linked to her profile then that is almost a tall tell sign that she wants to hook up. (Note that if she does have her IG then that doesn’t she won’t put out any any means.) Most younger girls live on social media.. it’s addicting to them because most younger girls in general are insecure and social media is a way for them advertise themselves to male attention. They receive compliments from desperate men in a cringe amount of volume.

*Guys a side note.. you need to publicly shame desperate white knights on spot.. it’s getting to the point where extremely unattractive women are being told they are 10/10s and it’s deluding the whole dating game and throwing it off to a terrible dynamic for men.. you don’t need shame a woman or even a man for that matter because his/her looks EVER because that’s wrong on so many levels. What I’m saying is don’t lose your dignity by making up absurd lies in desperation*

Now..If she doesn’t not have it linked on her profile it’s either one of two things.. she either socially inept and insecure about it or… It’s intertwined back into the dignity factor. She doesn’t want to advertise her friends and personal life to guys that she is just hooking up with. It’s best to keep those two lives separate. Either way.. insecure girls are easier to pull.. and the second girl I described is putting out so much that to the extent that she doesn’t want her personal life involved. You also need to be aware of IG models too. A lot of them are on tinder just to market themselves. Those girls don’t even respond so don’t get too excited if you match with a 9/10 HBB.

Look at her hobbies.. is she active? Play sports? You can sometimes create a really good pickup line from her profile pics. I obviously can't go over every possible scenario because every girl is a little bit different but those are the main elements I personally look for.


Your bio needs to be simple and to the point with a touch of arrogance. No going on about boring hobbies or anything. Keep the mystery alive. Don’t even use sentences. My bio is literally..

“6”1. I bet I’m prettier than you too” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten messages saying things like “No one is prettier than me so you’re lying”

For your pictures.. You only need 3 of them.

Number 1.. One picture of you in a social setting showing that have you have some status.. maybe at a wedding wearing a suit or something. If you are or were military.. dress blues will give you MAJOR points.

Number 2.. A shirtless pic showing your physique.. If you don’t have some type of physique as a young guy on tinder than your options will be limited.. there are absolutely no excuses as to why you don’t have physique.. There is NO reason why you can’t train 4 days a week and eat correctly.. you’re at a severe disadvantage in the dating game if you don’t lift. You don’t have to look like a huge bodybuilder but you have to have some sort of physique in which you can take a picture that is sexually suggestive. Your pic needs to make a girl wet and make her imagine what you look like naked. If you cannot do this and don’t have top tier facial aesthetics then you will not being scoring much at all.

Number 3.. A clear shot of your face(This is your main pic).. Don’t do some cringe mirror selfie.. take a good picture of your face highlighting your best features in an artsy way. I promise you if you take a bathroom mirror selfie you will drive away 80% matches.

This is a good starting point. Once you feel it out and get some experience you can adjust accordingly. If you have a large following on IG doing fitness stuff.. that a also a HUGE plus.


This stuff does work. You guys need to be smart and use protection.. it’s never worth the risk. Know that it’s not morally correct to lead a woman on if she is wanting more than sex out of you. You should make your intentions clear from the beginning that this is all you want and if she starts to catch feelings and you don’t want that then you respectfully communicate that to her and go no contact.

Even if you make this clear you need to be aware that women will often try and manipulate you into relationships if they are insecure. They will tell you that all they need is sex but they really want more and are hoping they are special and will make you want to change for them. It’s self destructing and unhealthy so don’t ever give into that. In other words just have a mutual respect and some sort of moral code when you are hooking up. We’re all human and don’t want to be hurt or taken advantage of. That’s not cool at all.

Goodluck brahs!

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16 26
  • omggggggg this made me never want to get on tinder again lol i can't believe that actually worked

  • "I once handcuffed my mom"
    Haut AF, good advice for dos kids

    • LOL I still smashed. I could literally say anything to that girl at that point and she would just smile and agree.

    • dayum lol it looks like she almost isn't caring with 0 emojis, but i was wrong OP Latinas or Blondes, preference?

    • I love em all boyo

  • "Another note that you guys need to make is that once you get the number.. you need to shut your trap unless you really know what you’re doing. It’s a done deal.."

    THIS A MILLION TIMES. God, I wish I had this tattooed on my hand.

    Aside from that moment of self reflection, awesome take.

  • Am I the only one who has no idea what tinder is?

  • Lmao why the fuk u made a take on it and didn't posted UK stripper fgit, negged for life Gaylord. You forgetting most these nerds are big jacked athletic like us baha

    • He's trying to help We mother Theresa now We Jesus now

    • @ConsultantIsBack help what? If these nerds did it, they gonna end up with restraining order. stats - 5'2 120 bahahahahahah

    • Hahaha Hahaha😂😂😂

    • Show All
  • damn dude. you got game lmao

  • Does this work if you are not jacked?

    I can fuck for hours, but that does me no good if they can't tell...

  • Great myTake

  • no one gives a shit about tinder man, i bet most of those girls u messaged like this were unattractive as fuck, only those girls are that easy

    • No lol... @polocrew can testify. My tinder stuff was originally on bodybuilding misc and I included pictures but it got taken down for that reason.. shit literally blew up misc with over 250k+ views. 20+ pages lol. This is why I said what I did about the pictures. I know you probabaly want to doubt me but they are not ugly at all I wouldn't hook up with a girl that I'm not attracted to. Girls that are attractive are just as sexual as us boyo. This is the point I was trying to prove.

    • Then I am working on my body and appearance now, will try it in a couple of years, as of now, I have had some luck on tinder but only with girls who are not doable at all tbh

  • Having a clean and smooth penis will help too, fellas. Most of us have odors or rough skin down there and don't even know it. But all you have to do is use a penis health creme every morning. These are made just for guys and keep the area in excellent condition. This really helps with confidence both in and out of the bedroom.

    • lmfao aware?

  • Lmfao I seriously can't stop laughing not because of the contents but because its like everything my cousin does to get laid in one article. Lol and he seriously gets laid lol. Seems like it works for you though.

    • lmfao its crazy how it actually does work.. guys can say a lot of shit to a girl and they would be surprised on what they will actually take

    • Yeah I'm honestly not surprised he tells girls exactly how it is and he still gets laid, weird but true.

  • I call BS on you.

    Did you actually meet up with any of these girls?

    It sounds like you are just sexting these girls, because when I sext, all the messages talk about sex, and girls will agree because they are not meeting up with you..

    You want to get laid from Tinder, you actually don't talk about sex and meet up for a drink...

    • No it's confirmed. I had pics up on my bodybuilding misc thread. It got deleted though because of the pics. @polocrew can confirm. @consultantisback can confirm

    • Can confirm, he has pro level game

    • @Polocrew ahahhaa get em

  • i could never do this haha

  • "If you cannot do this and don’t have top tier facial aesthetics then you will not being scoring much at all."

    Guess Tinder is no use for me then.

    Can I ask what's your success rate. If you get 20 matches how many lead to hookups. How many matches a week can you you usually get.

    • I actually meant to say "OR" .. I messed up on that and a lot of people are quoting it lol. If I had to guess.. most likely 6-7/20 would be down to fck.

    • I'm not sure if you were joking about 2.6 inch dick. But if its true, is not a hindrance for you. What happens if a girl sees you naked and she doesn't know your size. Anyone just walk off? Like I said not sure if it was just humour Lol

    • Obvious humour lol

    • Show All
  • So... a guide on how to be a shallow slut using tinder. Interesting.


    Somehow, I feel like I was let in on a few secrets.

  • Juicyy, not bad m8

    • U aware?

    • 12 and fully

  • Very informative. Thanks. Just one question. Is there any reason why you put your height in your profile?

    • If you are 6ft or above that is attractive lol. Touch of arrogance like I said.

  • he's not lying

  • It's long but I appreciate the detail, you're a fucking saint!

    I gave up on Tinder when every girl within 30 miles was either looking for a husband or just kept squawking "no hookups!"

    • Lol read what I said about the "no hookups" it's a facade bro. Try my approach you'll be surprised on the different responses you get.

    • Dude lol... If she says "No hookups!", then, everybody wins: * She has plausible deniability, and doesn't have to go into it feeling like a slut (if that's something that bothers her) * YOU get to feel like YOU are that "special" guy who broke through that glass no-hookup ceiling (whether it's true or not) I mean... wtf? What'd you EXPECT her to say? Imagine all the creepos if she said something else... IMAGINE. Just be an imaginary girl for 5 seconds, and, imagine. I mean, it's tinder, dude. If she REALLY wanted "no hookups"... uhh... yeah. Lol.