I know the first time I have sex with a girl, it usually won't last long, or I can't cum at all, just from anxiety/excitement. by the way, the usual time for sex with men is about 10 min I think. With a partner I am dating and comfortable with, I'm about 15 min, so I would try to have more relationship sex, it is always a million times better than a ONS
1 0 0 0R u fucking kidding me.
according to my experience and i m quite good at sex
no guy can last more than 2-3 mins on first go.
2nd time its like15-20 mins but i have to deviate my mood once to stop ejaculation.
and third time usually 25 mins around without pills.
More than half hr is not possible without taking pills.0 0 0 0
Most Helpful Girl
Over stimulation. Some men play a game in their heads so they won't cum too early. My ex would stop when he was over stimulated, go slow and think about baseball until the urge subsided. Lol. It worked for him. My current just takes it out and holds it for about 15 seconds.
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2 8Tell them you want it longer
0 0 1 0You might be really hot that's why they cum fast.
1 1 0 0Maybe you're too hot to handle? lol
Maybe it was their first time or it's just a coincidence1 1 2 0Too hot to handle? Lol. There's a fine line between someone being extremely excited and Cumming fast and another between just being a one minute man, not making any effort to hold out
Either you're really good or you're their first.
0 0 0 0Nope that's not your fault...
That depends on solely guys how much it takes them to cum..
All have different cum times... Some cum within 2 minutes.. Some 20/30 minutes..
Using delay techniques guys can improve their time0 0 0 0
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