The Misinformed Idea of Gender as a "Choice"

The doctor (Dr. Money) who created this idea that we "pick our gender" was a fraud.

In the 1960's he had a boy regendered as a girl (completely *all genitals removed) and he was raised as a girl never knowing that he was actually a boy.

He was forced to believe all the typical female girl ideas. Playing with dolls, not being agressive, etc.

But no matter how much they tried to force the gender, "she" would always show boy traits and want to play with trucks and "boy" based toys. "She" was more agressive. Etc.

Eventually the child became so agressive and depressed because he was being told he was a female and he didn't feel like he should. The parents finally broke down and told the child that they were born a male and turned into a female.

He instantly changed back to a boy and got a medically created penis. He finally felt normal and started to live a somewhat normal life. Except for the torment of what had been done to him which lead him into drugs. He eventually killed himself.

Gender is NOT a social construct!

People who claim this is a scientificly proven truth are basing their stance on THIS doctors corrupt papers.

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11 30
  • I can agree with sentiment I was born male but even as youngster pre school I always never fitted in to the male norm I still to this day feel I should have been born female. All my ways of looking at life are towards that gender. I describe myself as transgender but really are non binary , hate being male but cannot be female. At times life is tough tried suicide a few times couple of times but someone stopped me from dieing...

    • So the part " I always never fitted in to the male norm" seems ok. A lot of people don't fit in with a lot of norms, at first glance of course. But the part "I feel I should have been born female" seems to be where you went wrong. Adding the part "hate being male but cannot be female", sort of implies you have a problem with societies' nosey disapprovals (who doesn't? ) and hate to face it so bad, that instead of getting around it, you are trying to change yourself or more accurately, your gender, in order to fit in. And naturally, you can't force yourself into that, so you are getting yourself confused. This kind of confusion usually leads to depression. I think maybe a traumatic social incident lead you to hate being a male. It's just a theory of course. I feel sad that you should have to go through probably unnecessary pain. So, could you please explain more about how you did not fit into the male norm?

    • There are lots of men out there who are not necessarily interested in aggressive "male" activities, if that's what you mean. For example, we have tons of male artists in painting, music, beauticians, with very sensitive souls, male writers, dancers, clothing designers, cosmetic surgeons, nurses, teachers, cooks, and even OBGYNs. Some of the best ones too. And some of them are EXTREMELY famous and super rich and you probably hear their names everyday. Anyway, before females entered the workplace, who was doing that sort of stuff in the first place?

    • @BeautifulMind59 It's a little complicated what you may find easy to sort looking on but I get physically upset at not being female it's like not being whole. Majority of my friends are female I enjoy the company I find it relaxing and enjoyable to be considered as a equal maybe because I don't hit on them. Even down to my second wife came out with a remark being married to you makes me feel like a lesbian she thought she was being funny I thought it was great made me feel happy. I know you probably think what a weirdo but that's me!!!

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  • Nice

  • I agree with your point fully.


  • Your examples missing some facts that I think should be taken into consideration, first off it was a botched circumcision that caused this that's how this doctor got his foot in the door.

    Secondly the actual "therapy" that was used was basically child abuse which also included his brother who committed suicide before him.

    Lets be honest if gender was just a social construct trans people wouldn't be a thing.

  • Nice

  • Someone understands

  • Of course everyone's preferences are genetic-based. Cons/Reggies, deal with it. Libs/Alts deal with it. But who fucking cares? What people want at the time is important. NUFF SAID

  • Very nice point. Gender IS strictly male or female. And there are no crossing the lines. If you are "unsure who you are" look down when you're in the shower. If you see a penis you ARE a male. If you see a vagina you ARE a female. No matter how hard you try to debate this it is a scientifically and medically proven fact. There is no such thing as a male having a female brain or visa versa. Its it. Done. End of discussion. You were born that way. And the only way to change is with reconstructive surgery. But it WILL NOT change your brain into the brain of your new sex.

    • "There is no such thing as a male having a female brain or visa versa. " Oh? Please enlighten us with the studies that say so. Aw, Christ, who am I kidding? We all know that you're just another bigot who can't accept reality,

    • @JenSCDC the studies conducted either feed false information to you or they misconstrude the information they give you. Gender IS either MALE or FEMALE. Im not a bigot. The bigots are the ones who get on here and hate against those who are confused. Look at the facts. Most of the people going through a so called "gender crisis" are young teens. These people are still trying to find who they are. And they find they get more positive attention from being different than traditional. This whole conceept of more than 2 genders is created solely by the media to put a monkey wrench into things and cause confusion. YOU CANNOT BELIEVE ALL THE MEDIA YOU SEE. The media has an agenda behind it to take us to socialistic and eventually communistic government regimes. You dont see it right now but we are already on our way there unfortunatly. And you think you're discriminated against now... wait till were communistic and the governement controls literally every aspect of your life.

    • @JenSCDC besides. Did you not read the original post that STATED the CREATOR OF THE IDEA was a FRAUD? Why do you bring up studies when he basically ruled out the credibility of any study in the very first post?

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  • Sexual identity is biological. Gender in the modern SJW sense is made up and yes, its a choice

  • I Agree

  • if there are 50 genders, then I guess there can't be a "pay-gap" for women, huh?

  • Only the mentally ill degenerates think it's a 'choice'

  • This was because of a botched circumcision.

    Just another reason why infant circumcision should be banned.

  • Everyone who isn't nuts or brainwashed knows this.

  • No intelligent person ever thought gender was a social construct, no matter how many bullshit made up scientific "researches" they publish. Even science can't tell you what your eyes can see, and can't talk about things that are against nature, logic, common sense etc. Modern science is as credible as a hobo yelling shit in front of Walmart...

  • I see. So if I grow tired of my Johnson I can just switch. Hmmm, I think I'll hold onto them for now

  • You are confusing sex with gender.

    • No he isn't. The idea that gender is separate from sex comes from this theory, which as you can see from the result of his sick experiment was proven untrue.

    • @englisc Thanks. It's amazing how so many fail to see basic logic. But this anon post shows us that even though sex and gender are not separate. It doesn't stop virtue signaling males from being little bitches.

    • Can't wait for your next post about the existence of a master race...

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  • Agree for the most part.

  • Biological gender is not a social construct, but gender roles definitely are a social construct, you need to learn the difference.

    • Actually, I don't need to learn. Roles are NOT a social construct. Roles were defined by the default actions of people. In countries where people are given every opportunity to choose, women almost always go for typical female roles and males go for male roles. Even in infants, boys go for object-based toys (Trucks/guns/etc) and girls go for the humanity toys. (dolls/stuffed animals/etc)

    • Nope, roles were constructed by the patriarchal society, actions of people were influenced by Christian church (as well as analogous religious institutions in Judaism and Islam) - for hundreds or even thousands of years. In countries where people are given every opportunity to choose: There are lots of girls who like playing with guys, as well as lots of boys who don't like it... and vice versa - there are lots of boys who like stuffed animals, and even more girls who don't like playing with dolls (I know cause I was one of them).

    • *girls who like playing with guns* (typo).

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