I know these things get asked a lot or there are a lot of takes on penis size and it can be tedious and annoying but i just want people to understand why i'm insecure about it. I'm 4 inches and i know it's small and it sucks when life gives you an unfortunate hand to deal with. This picture represents how i feel inside because of my size. Ya you may think it's ridiculous but read the rest to understand better.
I know a lot of girls say that guys with small sizes shouldn't be insecure. Okay but how am i and other guys not supposed to be insecure when most girls on this site say that size matters and small penises are a turn-off? It's a confidence crusher and it messes with self-esteem. I know i sound bitter, buy it's more self-hatred for myself. I literally criticize myself and hate myself for my size a lot. It's coming to a point where i feel no girl will ever give me a chance because of my size, almost as if i'm not worthy of sex from a potential partner because of it. I have this belief that most girls would dump and leave a guy for having a small penis and go out with another for having a bigger size.
It's gotten worse to the point where i feel no desire for sex even masturbating. I don't masturbate anymore and i feel my sex drive is going down because i don't desire sex anymore because of my size. I'm envious of guys who have a better sex life because of their size, they seriously have nothing to worry about when they're average or above average, hell it gives them confidence while it makes me feel like shit. I'm coming to conclusion that i should just try and love myself again because if nobody will love me because of a body part, then at least i am my own person that needs to learn to love myself when nobody else will.
It's frustrating, why did i have to be given shitty genetics, while others are blessed and have nothing to fear? 4 inches 10 cm is a curse, i seriously am not even thinking about dating anymore because of it. I'm sure a lot of other guys feel the way i do and are calling it quits because of it. It's not girls faults, i know it's human nature to be attracted to certain things. I also it's human nature to be disgusted by abnormal things and it's fine, nobody's fault but my own. I will try my best to focus on other things in life instead of focusing on sex since i will never experience it because of my size. I know that life is not all about sex and i knows there's more to life.
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