And Then Two Dark Pink Lines Appeared...

And Then Two Dark Pink Lines Appeared...
I felt like I was on top of the world; I was attending college, trying to find a job, and being in what seemed to be a loving, stable relationship.

Well, something was about to knock me off of cloud nine and give me a big reality check....

Aunt Flo left me alone for two months straight. I wondered to myself, "huh, that's weird, she has always been on time." And that's when it hit me...."oh no", I whispered to myself. "I could be pregnant...." And then I started to panic. I rushed to my friends for help, and they told me that I was stressing too much and that I would eventually be okay. Like a complete idiot, I listened. Of course, this was my first pregnancy scare, but I still don't think it was a good excuse to ignore the signs...

I didn't wait for long, though. After a couple days, I told my mother. She cried, and I cried too. I could see the disappointment in her eyes and hear the anguish in her voice when she asked why I couldn't tell her sooner. Why didn't I tell her sooner, you ask? Well, mainly because I was scared of how she would react, since she taught me that sex was for after marriage.

She bought me a little dollar store test, and I shook as I took it with me to the bathroom. I did the test and then almost within seconds, two dark pink lines appeared. I thought, "wow, I'm screwed."

And Then Two Dark Pink Lines Appeared...

The rest of my pregnancy was like hell on Earth. My great-grandmother passed, and I was too ashamed to tell her while she was alive. I was afraid that she wouldn't take the news well and didn't want to stress her out. Well, at her funeral, my grandmother said that she was sick of being here, since she had nothing else to look forward to. This brought tears to my eyes and made me wonder, "if I told her what was coming, would she have had the strength to live just a little bit longer?"

At the same time, my grandfather was having health issues. His kidneys were shutting down, and he was put in hospice care. My grandfather was kind of judgmental and crazy, so I also held off on telling him until Mother's Day came around. He was actually pretty excited, but he died about a week before the baby was born. Although my grandfather and most of my family room the news well, others did not. My baby's father didn't want him, and my sister was upset because she liked life as it was. Passers by were giving me dirty looks (and some still do to this day) because it was obvious that I was a young mother.

Currently I am a single mother. Am I proud of myself? Honestly, no, because I should have been more responsible and have either waited to have sex or just told my mother what was going on from the beginning, so that I could of at least got better protection than the natural cycle mapping. But there's no sense in crying over spilled milk, so I suck it up and take care of my son. Do I regret having my son? No, I do not. But I do regret not having my life together before having him. I'm working on picking up the pieces; I just feel so bad for my son, not just cause I struggle to get by, but also because he doesn't have his father around. I wanted a have a whole family for my kids, but I guess it's too late for that.

Now, I could have chosen another topic to write about, such as my first relationship, or my first pet. But I have seen way too much questions here on GirlsAskGuys about "the Pullout Method" or "Ways to Know if I'm Pregnant" to ignore this topic.

So, to those of you who think that the Pullout Method works for you, or just don't use any protection, I ask, what are you going to do when you see two dark pink lines?

And Then Two Dark Pink Lines Appeared...



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15 15
  • i seldom see questions about pulling out.

    • I saw one just recently! Lol. I will link them if you want proof...

    • i've seen one recently as well... far from many ;p

    • Lol, well anyhow, you may be right, but I bet that there are more people out there that think "hey, it's only once," or who want to ask, but know how times they're going to be called retarded when they do.

  • Wow. Sorry but everyone should know that "timing your cycle" only works in the mythology of the Catholic Church.

  • Wow now that's a strong independent woman who don't need a man 👏🏽👏🏽

    • A man would sure help. Her point was that she should have chosen him more wisely. Getting government or family assistance is not strength nor independence, it merely shifts the support and dependency to someone else.

  • Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! 👍🏽🙂

  • I'm so glad u didn't get an abortion.

    Be strong :)

  • You should have immediately thought after the two dark pink lines appeared "How much does an abortion cost?"
    Why you didn't get an abortion bewilders me and defies common sense.

    • I did consider it. I know that it would of cost $800. But I couldn't do it. Is that what you'd tell a girl? Anyways, this wasn't supposed to be a pro or anti abortion argument, but rather a "don't be stupid, think before you fuck, period," tale. But you know, why I didn't press the button to prevent Anon answers bewilders me and defies common sense.

    • I love how some immediately think that monetary consideration is the first thing one should consider in a situation, especially one as emotionally charged, terrifying, and important as this. She's was pregnant, she was now solely responsible for two lives. The fact that you think the first thing any woman in this situation should consider is, "How much does an abortion cost," bewilders me and defies common sense. I am pro choice, but that does not mean that, that we should so easily consider the extinguishing of potential human life. And, although she has already cleared it up for you, why do you think that abortion wasn't considered? Abortion is not a "cure all" for mistakes that are made. I really hope that if a woman ever comes to you in this situation you aren't so insensitive as to ask her, "How much does an abortion cost," the moment you find out.

    • $800 < $800,000 to raise a child. As for why you didn't press the button to prevent anon answers is because you make one bad mistake after another. It's just the kind of person you are.

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  • I sure hope you get child support from him. And if you don't, start. Do not just let a man abandon you emotionally and financially. It takes two to tango and even if he wants nothing to do with you and the kid, it's still his responsibility. You don't have to go through this alone. I'm proud of you for staying strong for your son, taking responsibility for your choices, and speaking out to others. THIS is a real woman, a woman to look up to.

    • Also, you can still have a real family. My brother's girlfriend has a daughter from a man who abandoned them and my brother started dating her and took on the role of father. We all treat her like she's blood-related, let her call us aunt, uncle, grandpa/grandma, etc. Some families are a bit different than others, but they are still happy families. :)

  • there's this great thing called an abortion. You could have got one and all would be fine.

    • Don't listen to those who advocates abortion. It also hurts your uterus and is potentially dangerous for you and your chances of bearing another healthy baby when you do want one.

    • @TheDevilInside im sure giving birth to a baby damages the body more than an abortion. Strange choice of argument

    • It's a natural thing. Nature knows its shit. Abortion is forceful. And forceful is always damaging.

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