Things that you don't know about nipples!!!

Things that you don't know about nipples!!!

Nipples continue to fascinate every man. but there a facts which everyone should know about them.

Things that you don't know about nipples!!!

Why do men have nipples???

Nipples remind us that gender is anything but clear-cut, especially in utero. Whatever your sex, everyone starts off as a woman in the womb.For the first several weeks a developing embryo follows a "female blueprint," from reproductive organs to nipples. Only after about 60 days does the hormone testosterone kick in (for those of us with a Y chromosome), changing the genetic activity of cells in the genitals and brain. But by then those mammary papillae aren't going anywhere.

so all guys, ur nipple shows that u were a girl once.

Things that you don't know about nipples!!!

Why they get erect???

Well, temperature matters but beyond that they get erect when you are aroused. so girls dont wear tight clothing when u go to meet a sexy boy. else he will find that u r aroused.

Things that you don't know about nipples!!!

Why girl are ashamed to show them???

Why has western culture developed a belief (by and large) that women showing nipples is nudity, whereas a bikini is not?

The simplest answer would be that the nipple is the only defining line on the breast. There is no other area that you can really say is different from the rest of the skin around the breast.

Things that you don't know about nipples!!!

How does milk come out?

Each nipple has about 15 to 20 tiny openings. Some connect to milk ducts and some to the Montgomery glands . The little whitish bumps you're seeing let you know where some of these openings are.

girls, if u want peep into ur top and check it out.

Triple nipple????

Each nipple has about 15 to 20 tiny openings. Some connect to milk ducts and some to the Montgomery glands I mentioned. The little whitish bumps you're seeing let you know where some of these openings are. does anyone reading this article have three nips?


Things that you don't know about nipples!!!

Japan is home to some pretty bizarre subcultures and fashion trends, the latest of which is an obsession with pink nipples. Since permanent methods of altering nipple color, such as tattooing, can be painful and expensive, some have turned to nipple makeup. As an added bonus, users can choose among a variety of colors to suit their specific preferences or even their mood. You can have a new nipple color every day if you want, just like facial makeup.

Don’t wash your nipples with soap while breastfeeding

Nipples secrete naturally lubricating, bacteria-fighting oils. Of course, hygiene is important as moist breasts are more prone to bacteria. Simple water and air drying is enough to keep them clean and healthy.

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  • nice article. but can u tell me why we must not use soap while breastfeeding.