Hello all,
The title says it all. These are the things that we as men are doing that could be lowering test levels. So if you are a man or a woman who is worried about her mans sex drive. Listen up. This is information that I've researched and felt ablige to pass on to my fellow homosapieans!
1. A Vegan diet
I have nothing against Vegans but this is where eating like one can have serious side effects. Soy is in just about everything that we consume from that "healthy" stuff called tofu to those little Debbie cream pies that some will indulge in every now and then (or is that just me?) #fatkid. Anyways, soy has estrogen like capabilities. And when consumed at high amounts it will increase estrogen in the body. Which women need, not men. And even for women, estrogen dominance can lead to life threatening issues. Did somebody say Breast Cancer or Ovarian cancer? So, putting estrogen into a mans body is like putting antifreeze into your oil pan. That's my manly reference, but you get it. That'd being said our hairy smelly manly bodies need steak, chicken, turkey, eggs (with the yolk as cholesterol increases test and 6/7 grams of protein from one boiled egg is in the yolk). Make sure it's organic vggies or grass fed meat though. As most meats have hormones and biproducts which inadvertently have things called Phytoestrogen and or Xenoestrogens Here's a link.
Men! Change your diets NOW!
2. Alcohol
Now I know we all love getting drunk, acting a fool and having a fun time. Believe me I've done my share, but doing keg stands in the front yard at the frat house will only get you so far in life. #nowherethatswhere
Alright so I know some of you enjoy having beers with the boys during a football or futbol game. But keep doing so on a regular basis and you're sure to turn into a low libido, beer belly carrying, man boob having feminized male. Alcohol is proven to have negative side effects on the male body. Higher estrogen levels being one of them. I for one have opted out of drinking completely. Ehh I'm more of a gym rat anyways. I'm not saying you should stop drinking but think about that the next time you decide to go out drinking. My suggestion to you is that you limit drinking and avoid beer. As Hopps have estrogens in them, also like soy, taking it in at large amounts can wreck havoc on your bodies hormone balances. So, avoid it or limit it significantly. Let's be honest no wine want men with beer bellies and moobs. Don't be this guy below although some women like the #Dadbod thing so maybe you'll be good right? Wrong! 👎
3. How you're exercising
If you're not at least doing some kind of physical activity at a bare minimum of 3 days a week by now. Then you need to get your life together. Enough Said.
But on a serious note, for those of you that exercise good on you. However, how you're exercising can have an effect on your testosterone levels. For instance distance running keeps your cardiovascular system in tremendous shape but doing so can have an impact on your test. Scientists have discovered that how long you run has detrimental influences on testosterone. Which could be why if you look at a marathon runner versus a sprinter they're boddies are completely different. Granted one sport is different than the other but I'm talking about the effects of each.
Okay so this is the minimum amount of information as to why someone's test level may be lowered. Honestly these are big factors but this doesn't include depression, anxiety, or just being to busy at work. These things have influence.
Start rant: This is a serious issue more and more boys are growing up obese. Which is not a good thing on their emotional state. There are many reasons that play a role into this. Babies should never be put on soy formula. As later on in life they will be more feminized and their puberty period will be all out of order. I dont agree with this. If it were up to me I'd boycott soy all together. Boys need fathers, there are more and more single mothers then ever before. This is not a good thing as boys that grow up in a female house hold have no father figure or anybody to teach them these things. How to be a man. How to behave like one. How to eat like one. We as men and women need to stand up against this. I mean why is soy in everything we consume? End rant.
My suggestion is to change your lifestyle. From what you eat to what you're doing.
Here are some helpful sources.
20 Ways to Lower Estrogen Levels.
How I Increased my Test Level 100x
50 Foods that Boost Testosterone
Good luck out there men and remember eat more Steak and Broccoli your manhood depends on it!
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