Things you are doing that could be lowering your Testosterone!!!

Hello all,

The title says it all. These are the things that we as men are doing that could be lowering test levels. So if you are a man or a woman who is worried about her mans sex drive. Listen up. This is information that I've researched and felt ablige to pass on to my fellow homosapieans!

1. A Vegan diet

I have nothing against Vegans but this is where eating like one can have serious side effects. Soy is in just about everything that we consume from that "healthy" stuff called tofu to those little Debbie cream pies that some will indulge in every now and then (or is that just me?) #fatkid. Anyways, soy has estrogen like capabilities. And when consumed at high amounts it will increase estrogen in the body. Which women need, not men. And even for women, estrogen dominance can lead to life threatening issues. Did somebody say Breast Cancer or Ovarian cancer? So, putting estrogen into a mans body is like putting antifreeze into your oil pan. That's my manly reference, but you get it. That'd being said our hairy smelly manly bodies need steak, chicken, turkey, eggs (with the yolk as cholesterol increases test and 6/7 grams of protein from one boiled egg is in the yolk). Make sure it's organic vggies or grass fed meat though. As most meats have hormones and biproducts which inadvertently have things called Phytoestrogen and or Xenoestrogens Here's a link.

Men! Change your diets NOW!

2. Alcohol

Now I know we all love getting drunk, acting a fool and having a fun time. Believe me I've done my share, but doing keg stands in the front yard at the frat house will only get you so far in life. #nowherethatswhere

Alright so I know some of you enjoy having beers with the boys during a football or futbol game. But keep doing so on a regular basis and you're sure to turn into a low libido, beer belly carrying, man boob having feminized male. Alcohol is proven to have negative side effects on the male body. Higher estrogen levels being one of them. I for one have opted out of drinking completely. Ehh I'm more of a gym rat anyways. I'm not saying you should stop drinking but think about that the next time you decide to go out drinking. My suggestion to you is that you limit drinking and avoid beer. As Hopps have estrogens in them, also like soy, taking it in at large amounts can wreck havoc on your bodies hormone balances. So, avoid it or limit it significantly. Let's be honest no wine want men with beer bellies and moobs. Don't be this guy below although some women like the #Dadbod thing so maybe you'll be good right? Wrong! 👎

Things you are doing that could be lowering your Testosterone!!!

3. How you're exercising

If you're not at least doing some kind of physical activity at a bare minimum of 3 days a week by now. Then you need to get your life together. Enough Said.

But on a serious note, for those of you that exercise good on you. However, how you're exercising can have an effect on your testosterone levels. For instance distance running keeps your cardiovascular system in tremendous shape but doing so can have an impact on your test. Scientists have discovered that how long you run has detrimental influences on testosterone. Which could be why if you look at a marathon runner versus a sprinter they're boddies are completely different. Granted one sport is different than the other but I'm talking about the effects of each.

Things you are doing that could be lowering your Testosterone!!!


Okay so this is the minimum amount of information as to why someone's test level may be lowered. Honestly these are big factors but this doesn't include depression, anxiety, or just being to busy at work. These things have influence.

Start rant: This is a serious issue more and more boys are growing up obese. Which is not a good thing on their emotional state. There are many reasons that play a role into this. Babies should never be put on soy formula. As later on in life they will be more feminized and their puberty period will be all out of order. I dont agree with this. If it were up to me I'd boycott soy all together. Boys need fathers, there are more and more single mothers then ever before. This is not a good thing as boys that grow up in a female house hold have no father figure or anybody to teach them these things. How to be a man. How to behave like one. How to eat like one. We as men and women need to stand up against this. I mean why is soy in everything we consume? End rant.

My suggestion is to change your lifestyle. From what you eat to what you're doing.

Here are some helpful sources.

20 Ways to Lower Estrogen Levels.

How I Increased my Test Level 100x

50 Foods that Boost Testosterone

Good luck out there men and remember eat more Steak and Broccoli your manhood depends on it!

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Well that aussie guy ticked me right off. I hate that "real men" bullcrap.

    They mention both feminine and masculine (whatever the hell that means) men being demonized, there's just no winning here. It's not one set of behaviours that are being demonized (for the record I don't feel either are especially good or bad), it's maleness itself being subject to expectations and pressures that make any *percieved* flaw - which every guy is going to have at least on of no matter what - become highlighted. Apparently only an absolutely perfect male, romanticised beyond reason and capable of existing with a paradoxical set of behaviours is good enough to be considered normal and not be demonized, let alone liked.

Most Helpful Girl

  • There's your problem right there. You need to stop watching FOX NEWS.

    • Yeah because shit like CNN isn't the same exact thing for the other side

    • The other side is people with brains, not CNN.

    • whats the problem with this take? It looks like you just made an ad hominem

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4 16
  • "But keep doing so on a regular basis and you're sure to turn into a low libido, beer belly carrying, man boob having feminized male."

    As my profile picture can attest, this is false. I drink on average a pint of whiskey or a 12 pack a day at *minimum* and I've been doing this since high school. I know, it's not becoming of someone my age to drink that much that often. Fuck off you aren't perfect either...

    I've developed a fatty liver and my stomach is basically one giant ulcer, but as you can see I have no man boobs and no beer gut. You're just gonna have to take my word for it, but my libido is just as strong as ever (though whiskey dick has reared its ugly head on some occasions)

    "If you're not at least doing some kind of physical activity at a bare minimum of 3 days a week by now. Then you need to get your life together. Enough Said. "

    My life is quite "together" and I haven't seen the inside of a gym since the late 90's

    You realize not all dudes want to be Jersey Shore gym rats right? What if I were to say to you "If you aren't reading at least one educational book with 300+ pages a week at this point, get your life together. Enough said"?

    You'd think I'm fucking retarded because you don't put the same value on reading and education as I do.. Well now you know what you look like to everyone who isn't chugging preworkout like its our morning coffee..

    I dunno man, I see where you're coming from and I respect that you're just trying to help people stay healthy, but you've got some dated ideas about "manhood".

    • First of all faggot. The title clearly states, that these are things that "could" be could be lowering your test. Not saying that they are exactly the issue. Second of all, everyone's bodies respond differently to different things. So good for you if you can be a functioning alcoholic. Not everyone was meant to ingest vast amounts of beer and whiskey. "Clap clap" what the fuck do you want a medal? Last time I checked beer pong wasn't an Olympic sport. Thirdly, who the fuck cares if you don't go to the gym. I am simply making a suggestion. Do what the fuck you want. Bottom line, if you can't handle opinions or people's takes. Get off the fucking Internet. And go beat off in your beer bottle or whatever the fuck you do with your sad life. In fact kill your self because in life people have opinions whether you like it or not. Go fucking stick a gun barrel in that shitty cock sucking mouth of yours. Do you're fucking research before you post an opinion on a forum again.

    • Lol someones mad... Looks like you're the one who can't handle other opinions. You should probably stay off the internet if you can't handle people disagreeing with you. "Second of all, everyone's bodies respond differently to different things." Is in direct contradiction to "But keep doing so on a regular basis and you're *sure* to turn into a low libido, beer belly carrying, man boob having feminized male." "Thirdly, who the fuck cares if you don't go to the gym. I am simply making a suggestion. " No you specifically said anyone who doesn't go to the gym "needs to get their life together. Enough said" I was just trying to point out the inaccuracies in your article. I even said I got where you were coming from and I respect what you're going for, but you're doing it wrong. Don't worry Pauly D, the world is always gonna need massive douchers like yourself to show kids what ignorance looks like.

  • The first thing kinda bothers me.

    Yes soy, especially processed soy such as in soy milk contains estrogen like substances. which is why most people know to keep their processed soy to a minimum. However especially in the US soy and particulary gmo soy is almost everywhere. Even in foods you wouldn't think of as vegan. Soybean oil is in practically all baked goods you get at the supermarket and all fried foods as it's the cheapest fat you can get, vegetable broths including beefs, chicken and pork also contain soy. soy lecithin again in virtually every junk food. Soy protein is used to stretch ground beef or Mayonnaise. Most cereal contain a mix of soy oil, flour and protein. Soy is also found in baby formula and somehow noone cares that the levels of estrogen there is like giving your baby the pill

    People who are sensetive to soy also often can't eat eggs since chicken are fed a diet of mostly soy. Which brings me to my next point. What about all the hormones in meat and dairy? The ones that naturally there and the ones that inject. Cows milk naturally contains large amounts of estrogen. Because you know it comes from a lactating and often pregnant mother. Dairy in itself makes up 80% of the estrogen consumed from food. Hormone depended cancers are also much lower in countries that don't frequently consume dairy

    I agree eating too much soy is not a good idea but that has nothing to do with a vegan diet. And ask yourself if the alternative is any better. Diet is the right headline, but I think you went in the wrong direction there

    • Excellent points. I had heard about soy a while ago, but I didn't realize about the eggs and milk though. Where did you find this out?

    • @genuinlysensitive I can't really say where I know it from, just that I'm generally quite educated in area of nutrition. I used to struggle with my weight a lot and it took a lot of time and research to find what works me. So this kind of thing is something I picked up on I grew up thinking milk is the perfect food but it's just not true. We know breast milk naturally has a wide range hormones and yet somehow people don't make the connection that cow's milk does as well. Just that cows milk is meant to raise 50 lb calf into a 2000 lb bull/cow and it has the appropriate amount of growth and sex hormones in it to do that. Should be common sense really but somehow people miss that very obvious fact Same for meat. Meat naturally contains hormones, because animals have hormones. And that's just the products natural as they're supposed to be. It doesn't include all the shit we do the animals such as injecting more hormones or pumping them full of anitbiotics It's so bizarre to me

    • that people are worried about the estrogen like substances in soy (which is by the way not uncontroversia and give no second though to the range hormones they get through animal products

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  • YourFutureEx cannot function without milk and eggs.

    I left drinking since the beginning of this year and it's successful.

    Exercising everyday.

    • I too cannot function without milk, cheese, and eggs!

    • @genuinlysensitive - Oh yes cheese too. In fact, I'm eating it right now. :)

  • Watch from 1:27. Vegan men tend to have higher testosterone levels than non-vegan men.

    • Vegan men compared to who? Vegan men compared to the average beer drinking, fast food eating, and video came playing man? Or vegan men compared to a healthy meat eating and veggie eating gym goer type? If you're comparing a vegan man to a fast food eater then yes they will. I have nothing against vegans but everyone's body is different and we people respond differently to different things. What may work for some may not work for another.

      According to Popular Science Vegans are lacking essential nutrition that our bodies need.

    • I don't know. But that's not the point, the point is that animal products are not the factor when it comes to testosterone levels. If it were, then even the junkfood eating men would have higher testosterone levels than vegans. The only problem vegans may have is B12 and that's not found in meat either. It's found in dirt and contaminated water. Farm animals get their B12 supplemented because what they're fed is sterile and not contaminated enough to contain B12 producing bacteria. So it's not unusual for meat eaters to develop B12 deficiencies either. Supplementation is not a bad thing, we all need more B12.

    • Men who eat good wholesome grass fed meat are completely different from those who sit around all day naked eating Cheetos. So comparing the two makes no sense. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that one is better then the other but our ancestors were omnivorous. They were healthy and their testosterone levels were booming because they had to work for their food. I agree you can get your testosterone levels up from eating the right veggies but in order to stay strong you need meat.

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  • I wonder how much of my low drive is the result of bad health, and how much of it is psychological barriers due to one too many bad breakups.

  • With things like this I always wonder... Just how bad is the impact on your test levels? If it drops a little then that wouldn't bother me.

    • It's not bad, though it might slightly impact your behavior. Not necessarily in a negative way at all, it sometimes helps to reduce aggression in people.

    • @Maverickj Thanks. I've also read some pretty interesting info about how low testosterone levels and depression are linked. Which may be one of the many reasons why eating right, exercise and weight lifting makes one feel at least a bit better.

  • @MrChadeo920 Thanks for sharing. The exercise portion of your myTake was news to me and very interesting.

    • You're welcome! I think more men need to know about this issue as it has an impact on your life. I'm not against distance running, in fact it's one of the better forms of cardiovascular exercise, but if that's all you do then that's where problems will come into play.

    • @MrChadeo920 I don't think I will ever start distance running but should probably put in some sprint workouts from a cardio vantage point also.

  • "the wussification of men today"
    wow fox news you know you could about how ISIS is beheading people, women in the middle east are having acid poured on their faces, obama is giving syrian rebels gun to defend themselves yet says there is no reason for American citizens to have them, American citisens are stomping on American flags, we are closer to a nuclear destruction thanks to Russia and Putin, the NAACP rejects helping a black man with a legal gun, or that Akon is about to supply 600 million people with solar power.

    • This is GAG, not a news website. You don't have to have serious topics all the time.

    • well miss under 18 so sorry for telling you all the negative things that are currently happening in society. plus i didn't hear any of this on the news sooooo you had to hear it from somewhere or you know you can be concerned about the wussification of men

    • The "under 18" is right man. This is not a news website. No one came here to hear this shit. And don't think you can talk down to @Jasper912 simply because you are older. You don't know her so don't be do ignorant.

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  • I use soy based protien powder to lose weight an I weightlift. So I feel like my testosterone is high plus my shoulder, legs an pecs are pretty big from powerlifting. If I was not weighlifting and drinking a lot my testosterone would be down but has to do a lot with age.

  • Believe it or not, eating licorice candy lowers your testosterone level.

    • Agreed, but really any type of candy will.

  • Twenty years from now the women will all say where have all the real men gone. They are saying today as well but fail to see that their disdain for men acting like men is reducing the pool of men with the qualities that they want in a mate.

    • Exactly.

    • Yes, that is just the effects of an ever so Feminizing culture. It's sad to say but at this rate, eventually men will only be needed for reproductive purposes.

  • Marathon runners look skinny

  • "Now I know we all love getting drunk, acting a fool"

    You sure about that?

    • Sarcasm broskie

    • Oh, okay...

  • I lost 40 pounds in the past 5 months. My total testosterone levels have went up by 100%. My free testosterone levels have gone up by 75%. I still look and feel fat, I have difficulty exercising. My body refuses to build muscle. It just doesn't make sense. My body should look like an athlete or at least be operating like one. I have intense cravings for sex, but if you look at my username, my success in that department is 0%. I've quit porn and masturbation for over 44 days now because if I'm unattractive to girls, I realized I can't get laid, so what's the point of pleasuring myself. I guess everyone's body uses testosterone differently, or at least my body does. Does my body frame determine at what weight I would look muscular? I'm thin framed. I'm 5'8'' and 139.2 pounds. How much more weight do I have to lose? I can't tell if I got lose skin or high body fat. My skin isn't sagging anywhere, but every part of my body feels like jello. Maybe my HGH is too low. Is being a virgin making my body weaker than other men? I feel as if I'm dying everyday because I can't laid. I've never kissed a girl, either. Never had a girlfriend. Never hugged a girl sexually. I feel so unworthy. Why can't anyone just accept me for who I am? I'm not a bad guy. I'm pretty cool. I may not be the brightest and strongest, but I think I have something special to offer to this world, too. Yet I always seem to have this affect of people just being afraid of me and not interested in my existence. That's not cool. I feel so lonely. What makes it even more confusing is that I've met guys who are ugly, dumb, poor, and weak (either extremely fat, extremely skinny or just out of shape in general) with terrible, belligerent personalities who have the hottest girls in their lives? WTF. How does that even make sense? When I see things like that I lose all hope and start thinking everything just depends on luck. Some people have all the luck in the world while others end up like me, luck never being on their side. I hate thinking like this, but it seems like something is going on that is out of my control. Maybe I don't seem manly enough that's why girls find me unattractive. 26 years of living in this world and it's all been wasted potential, so far. I'm so lost. Help me, please? Is not having a job killing myself? But there are plenty of men out there who are on welfare, who have zero desire to get a job, having sex with girls all the time. WTF. How is that even possible? I feel so angry.

  • Good take, thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • Soy isn't the only alternative yk. I've been vegan for years and I wouldn't say my testosterone is low

    • I would

    • @DaveyYourFavey How found you possibly say that? You don't know anything about me

    • Well that would have been true at first. But I looked into it. You're profile picture is of an innocent little wimpy anime boy wearing a sunhat. I know it's obviously not you but your're obviously okay with that representation of yourself. In an opinion you stated that you didn't have many guy friends at all which is a sign that you are not very widely accepted by guys and perhaps fit in better with girls, suggesting you have low testosterone levels and are the girly guy type. You also asked a question about an earring and how it would look on a guy. I took a look. The earring is very feminine looking. You would certainly be perceived as gay wearing it. (which one guy already told you but apparently you don't see it) Nonetheless, you are interested in the feminine earring again suggesting a low testosterone level. Also I checked out another few of your opinions, you seem to be a more sensitive guy and certainly not very masculine or macho. Again suggesting a low testosterone level. :)

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  • Do what you're saying is I should sprint instead of jog on my cardio days? Dang!

    • I'm not telling you to do anything. I still jog for nearly 3 miles at a time. That being said though I still weight train often. But I think you just need to find that happy medium. Maybe jog on a Monday, then sprint on uhh Tuesday!! Hah but you just have to figure out and know your body.

  • One of the best takes I read here on g@g
    Agree 100%
    The problem. know are things like non gendered up bringing and increased estrogen in the water supplies

    • Thank you. Like I said its some information that most men do not know about.

  • This take is so full of shit haha

    • Indeed sir

  • You say it as if low testosterone is a bad thing

    • Depends on what you want I guess. I myself consider it a bad thing. That's my opinion. What's yours?

    • I think you are making a common but inexcusable mistake, equating testosterone itself with overly aggressive and violent behavior, if that was true the entire human race would be in a fit of uncontrollable rage as, wait for it, even women have testosterone. Also, low levels of the hormone have been linked to a variety of medical issues, so yea, that is a bad thing.

    • I never said anything like that. I assosiate high testosterone with more macho muscular and horny guys, which is not what I want. I think having slightly lower testosterone levels is good, without having low enough to have medical issues

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