Three Cheers for Easier Periods!!!

Three Cheers for Easier Periods!!!

I'm one of those folks that's gotten to live in both the pre-tech and post-tech boom world. My childhood was spent outside, doing homework with pencils, typewriters and physical books. Eventually we started using computers more in school and by high school we were using the Internet for everything.

The Internet isn't the only 'technology' that has completely changed our lives. I've been having periods for over half my life and as every woman knows, periods fucking SUCK!!!! Thankfully, if you pay attention to these things, you'll notice people are constantly coming up with new ways to make our periods less awful.

I thought it'd be good to share with the other ladies on here a couple of the awesome products I wish had existed or I had known about years ago that have made my periods more manageable and invite you to share yours.

So here we go...


These are great!! They're comfortable and they provide me with a sense of ease with their leak proof material. Some women use them in place of tampons or pads on lighter days.

Three Cheers for Easier Periods!!!

I use them as back up for my Diva Cup or tampons when I am sleeping so I don't accidentally leak all over the bed I share with my boyfriend of I have a sudden gush. I also sleep in them if I think I feel my period coming on but it hasn't shown or I'm not sure, just in care is comes in the night.

I use them as back up on long drives as well and wear them during sports when I'm on my period, as they help me feel dry and clean down there.


Oh God do I ever wish I'd known about these babies years ago!!!!! Iheard of them a couple years ago but thought they sounded uncomfortable and weird so I didn't bother. Then I kept hearing women rave about them on feminist forums and other woman friendly Internet forums and decided to give it a try about a year ago.

Three Cheers for Easier Periods!!!


I'm not even kidding. These things are the bomb once you figure out how to place it properly (which, admittedly, does take some practice).

What I love most is that you can leave it in for up to 12 hours!!!!!

It sometimes will take me a few tries to get it places just right, so trying to put it in in a hurry can end quite poorly, but once it's there I can forget about it for hours and hours.

As a highly active woman, this thing has been a life saver. I no longer have to say no to going on hours' long hikes because there won't be a sanitary place to change my tampons every 0.5 to 4 hours.

Three Cheers for Easier Periods!!!

The other great thing is how much waste I'm no longer putting into landfills every month. Not to mention I just feel CLEANER than with pads or even tampons.

The downside is if you need to dump and rinse it while you're not at home. I always carry a spare tampon just in case it gets uncomfortable during the day or there is some other reason I need to take it out and can't put it back in (Eg. Can't clean it). In that case, I'll just dump it in the toilet, wipe it off with toilet paper, wrap it in toilet paper and put it in my purse. Kinda gross but whatever. I have almost never had to do that. Like I said at the beginning, it can stay in for 12 hours so I never have to take it out at work.

Sometimes it'll get a bit out of place when I pee or poop but it only takes a little twist with my finger to get it back into a comfy position.

Livia (Coming Soon)

I can not WAIT to try this product!! Hopefully it isn't too long before they hit the market because I'll be at the store buying one ASAP.

Three Cheers for Easier Periods!!!

It basically is a tiny device that you can use to deliver little electrical pulses or vibrations to relieve pain without medication. As someone who tries to avoid using painkillers as much as possible but always gives up mid-day 1 of my period, this is an exciting possibility!

Thinx + Diva = No More Sleepless Nights!

For me, there have been lots of different benefits to using both Thinx period panties and the Diva Cup, but the biggest relief for me has been finally being able to sleep soundly and not worry about leaking in the night. By using these two products together I no longer fear waking up in a pool of my own blood.

I highly recommend BOTH of these products to ANYONE who has ever leaked or feared leaking in your sleep, on road trips, at work our anywhere else, and to anyone who, like me, enjoys being active and hates having to turn down activities that would require you to be away from a bathroom for a couple hours while on your rag.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • At first I thought your take was gonna be about birth control pills that stop periods frequency and I am glad it wasn't. I always think those would be so unhealthy for a woman. Very interesting take. I wonder if that Liava thing is like TENS therapy thats used for Physical therapy treatment. I'm curious to see if there is anything for PMS. Many women complain about uncomfortable breast tenderness and pain days before they get their period.
    Hopefully women are not embarrassed of leaking in bed with their man. Hey shit happens plus it's only blood.

    • The idea that stopping your period is unhealthy is one that makes sense on the surface, but once you understand the actual process it isn't. I was always leery myself. But things like IUDs for example simply stop the uterus from building up the walls of the uterus each month and eggs from being released, so there is nothing to shed. If there's nothing to shed, there is no need for a period.

Most Helpful Girl

  • My daughter probably has about 3 years left until menarche, so, guess now is as good a time as any to start educating myself on What's Out There for the girls these days.

    Thanks for this.

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  • I have not had a period in 17 years! I was on Depo for 12 and had a Mirena for the rest of the time. My period free world came crashing down until I was diagnosed with a pseudotumor of the brain "fake tumor." My brain makes too much cerberal spinal fluid. My neurosurgeon told me that I need a shunt which is brain surgery to place a tube in my brain to drain the excess fluid from my brain. My body doesn't tolerate hormonal birth control. It was great while it lasted. I don't want brain surgery do I had my Mirena IUD removed today with hopes of reversing this condition. Many women have not been so lucky. Now I have to get used to having a period and I HATE the thought.

  • Great my take, sometimes I suffer from severe cramps, the pain can be that excruciating it causes me to feel weak and I end up fainting, I also get nauseous and dihorrea. I've never been keen on tampons or anything similar. But the period pants and the livia would provide me with comfort and ease the pain a bit more. Im currently on medication for the pain, my doctor prescribed me with mefanamic acid tablets which help but can take a while to kick in.

    • I know it sounds silly but you should try unsulphered blackstrap molasses. It's highly concentrated with several minerals that help ease period symptoms. It won't cure your pain, not by a large margin, but it helps. It tastes really good mixed in with chai tea. I start drinking about 1 tablespoon a day a few days before my period is supposed to start and then every day that I bleed.

    • Yeah I know it won't cure the pain completely. But it might be better than the medication I take. Thanks for the advice though. :)

  • Ugh. Diva cup.

    I love the idea, really I do. I even bought one. Anything to get away from constantly having to dispose of tampons and pads and do something good for the environment, while still staying comfortable.

    Environment can get stuffed.

    Those things kill to take out. I tried it twice, putting it in is fine. Getting it out? No. I've heard about how popping that suction is what hurts initially (but only for a split second, no more than inserting or removing a dry tampon) but that's not what hurt. You can't fold it to an easy size when removing it, which is what hurt.

    Just thank goodness the rod has all but obliterated my periods. Don't have to deal with that cup or disposables.

    I do recommend the cup, really I do, just beware that it is definitely not for everyone.

    Never heard of those panties though. I'll have to look into them.

    • Really? You're the first person I've ever heard say the cup hurts to use. Goes to show how different our bodies all are - that's why it's important we have so many different options for both our periods and birth control. Usually the issue people have with the cups is the ick factor, which I totally understand. It's just been so great for me that I do try to talk other women into getting over the grossness of it because I know that once they do most women will be much happier!

    • And yeah, the panties are fucking awesome. Not cheap tho, but totally worth it.

  • Please do a my take on periods next! great job! 👏

  • I thought this was all gonna be about those ridiculous new age pills that cut a woman's period down to 3 times a year. You gave some more realistic examples though, not bad.

    • Ridiculous? Each woman has different needs and a different body. I think it's a good thing that there are a variety of products available to us to suit our needs.

    • @Sara413 Those reducing periods pills are not good for any woman. If it's bad enough that a woman can have missed periods from too much stress, anorexia, etc., I certainly don't think any techno-pill is helping them out. As much as women can't stand it, taking the easy way out isn't always the answer, or even the best one. You just have to deal with. Just like men have to deal with what we deal with in life.

    • It’s easy to assume that missing periods is unhealthy, but if you understand the processes behind periods and what these various forms of birth control do, you’ll see that the missing periods is the least concerning issue regarding birth control. ALL forms of birth control affect a woman’s hormonal balance, which is why so many women experience both physical and emotional side effects from everything from the pill to IUD’s to tubal ligation. Any change in hormones presents possible negative health effects. It’s all part of the risk-reward calculation every woman must make in partnership with her medical professional. Certain types of birth control products sometimes have the side effect of stopping or reducing the frequency, duration or heaviness of a woman’s period. My initial assumption was also that this MUST be unhealthy – comparing it mentally to stopping your ability to poop. However, this is not the case.

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