To anyone who has had an std, does this look like one?

*graphic imagery*

I'm going to go get tested this Thursday and I just need to prepare myself a little if this actually seem like an std/sti, help please
To anyone who has had an std, does this look like one?

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Depends where it is... if its on the back of your thighs or butt cheeks it actually looks exactly like folliculitis.
    If it's on your labia (and the photo doesn't look like it is) it could be hpv. If you've had sexual contact you're concerned you could have received something I'd ask them to include hpv in the test panel. It's a good idea to get checked regularly anyway 😊

    • It's on my vulva, near my labia and thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it

  • I am not sure if we are looking at the mole looking spot towards the bottom of the picture or the small white cluster of bumps. Do you shave? It looks like were the hair follicles are clogged and irritated. I still would follow up with your gynecologist.

    • I do shave but I'm getting worried because they aren't going away so I'm getting it checked out

  • possibly herpes. even if so not the end of the world. people still willingly sleep with me and I always disclose it. also herpes like basically doesn't exist besides stigma

    • by the way they won't test for herpes unless you specifically ask. honestly it's better if you just don't know so you don't have to carry around guilt.

  • It looks more like ingrown hair, but yeah just check it out

Most Helpful Guys

  • Where is that location? That definitely looks like HPV, but there is no test for HPV. Because of that, my guess is that the above is indeed HPV but your tests will come back clean.

    • That's not a completely true statement. I had an abnormal pap smear and they were able to test that sample on the slide for HPV.

    • @Deth2AllButMetal That's different. An abnormal pap is almost always caused by HPV, but if the asker is just getting a normal STD screening, it's not going to include HPV.

  • Where is it located? It doesn't as an std sympton, but still you might want to get tested of papillomavirus which is commonly knows as "genital warts".

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 6
  • Yeah Bro you got the HIV. Sorry.

  • That looks like ingrown hairs...

    • I'm definitely hoping that it's nothing 🤞

  • Looks like aids 🤔

  • u need to see a doctor that doesn't look good

  • I can't tell