I don't support transgenderism but I find it interesting the lengths people with a mental illness will go to and the people who feed the illness. To begin, male to female genital surgery is easier, less expensive and generally more successful than female to male surgery. Fewer woman choose not to have the surgery because of the success rate and cost.

In male to female surgery, the testicles and most of the penis are removed and the urethra is cut shorter. Some of the skin is used to fashion a largely functional vagina. A "neoclitoris" that allows sensation can be created from parts of the penis. Men retain their prostates.

In female to male surgery, the breasts, uterus and ovaries are removed (in two separate procedures). A "neophallus" can be constructed using tissue from the forearm or other parts of the body that allows sexual sensation, an expensive procedure. Extending the urethra to allow standing urination has proved to be perhaps the most difficult part of the process.
The procedure isn't pretty but interesting.
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