Trimming the Bush: Taking Care Down There

I see lots of questions from women about maintaining pubic hair on here, so what do I do? Decide to write a Take about it, of course. I'm going to explore the options for taking care of your bush, based on both internet research and my own experiences.

Trimming the Bush: Taking Care Down There

Why are you grooming down there in the first place?

Before we get any further, you need to consider why you want to change/get rid of hair down there.

Are you doing it to conform because that seems like the norm?

Are you doing it for someone else?

Are you doing it for you? (i.e. confidence boost, comfort, easier to maintain etc)

Whatever your reasoning may be, I encourage you to do what you want to do, and don't worry about what anyone else is doing or what people are telling you to do.

What you should know:

While not everyone finds pubic hair attractive or convenient, it is there for a reason! It protects and cushions the delicate skin down there, makes sure your vaginal folds don’t stick together, and also protects your vag during sex. The hair also works as a net, trapping bacteria that could otherwise cause infections.

Some studies have also shown that leaving your hair as-is can reduce the risk of STI's, but I don't think it's a *huge* deal in terms of how much difference it makes.


Shaving is most popular and inexpensive method of grooming down there, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind if you do choose to do this. You gotta be careful of nicking yourself, because a) it hurts, and b) it can become infected. You can also get razor burn, which is very common, and it's where you get lots of red bumps that sort of look like pimples, and gets *really* itchy.

Also, the regrowth is something to be wary of, some people even have stubble appear in less than 24 hours, and when the hair does grow back it's generally more prickly, coarse and thick. And, (yes, there's more) you can get ingrown hairs, which are not only painful, but can again lead to infection if not treated.

Trimming the Bush: Taking Care Down There

Some tips if you do decide to go for it:

* Trim your hair down with scissors beforehand (and either wash the scissors afterwards or keep them separate from other stationary).

* Either do it in the shower, or just afterwards, so the hair is a tad softer from being under the water.

* Use shaving cream that's suitable for down there, as that'll help to reduce irritation.

* Take it slow, and shave in the direction of the way the hair is growing, not against it.

* Afterwards, don't apply rich lotion or creams to moisturize, but if it's irritated try aloe vera, baby oil, or baby powder.


Now, while technically there are two options for this, either a DIY kit for at home, or going to a salon, I really don't think it's a good idea to go with the first, for a few reasons. Not only have you got to make sure your technique for applying the wax is okay, it's gotta be just the right temperature, and you've also gotta have the balls to be able to pull those strips off (kudos to you if you can do this, btw).

So if you think that might be a problem, salon is the way to go. You may find it a tad awkward, but you gotta keep in mind they do this day in day out, so they're not going to be fazed by anything. They're trained professionals and will make you feel as comfortable as possible, and are meant to talk you through everything if it's your first time. Talk to friends for places they can recommend, and check out reviews online too.

Trimming the Bush: Taking Care Down There

As for the pain, it really varies person to person, but if it's your first time, I recommend trying the bikini wax, it's the most tame and least painful of the three, and then after that, you can make your mind up. Taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like aspirin or ibuprofen 30 minutes before waxing might help a little too.

There are a lot of different styles, and here's a rundown on some of them, but it's always good to go in to the appointment with an idea of what you want.

- Brazilian, also known as the Hollywood: everything is removed, so you're as bare as you were as a newborn baby.

- Bikini: Removes the hair around your underwear line.

- Landing strip: all your hair is removed, with the exception of a little patch on top. There are lots of different styles and shapes you can get your shaped into, as seen below.

Trimming the Bush: Taking Care Down There

Hair Removal Cream

Now hair removal creams can be pretty painless, but they require careful application and use. The chemical cream actually breaks down the bonds that hold your hair together, in essence dissolving it so that you can just wipe it off your body. This may sound super easy and pain-free, and it can be, but there are also some things to worry about.

I believe most creams are only designed for the outer bikini line area (and who would want to put a shit load of chemical-laden cream right near your bits anyways) and sometimes they can irritate and burn and you could even be left with a chemical burn. For this reason, it's vital that you test it out on a small patch of skin beforehand to make sure there's no reaction.

And if it's left on for too long... all I know is that *bad* things happen.

Trimming the Bush: Taking Care Down There

It’s also important to note that there isn’t any research explicitly assuring us that these creams are in fact safe for use on your genitals. So I would not recommend this to anyone wanting to go the full Hollywood.

Laser Hair Removal

The most expensive option on the list by far, but arguably one of the best, in the long term. Laser hair removal uses a medical grade laser to remove hair follicles. If you Google something along the lines of 'Laser hair removal' you should be able to find your local clinic along with a list of prices. You can get laser done on pretty much any part of your body, and your bush is no exception. You can choose whatever style you like, and depending on the clinic and package, it may take several sessions spaced over however many weeks (along with maintenance sessions once or twice a year following on from that) for it to be fully effective, but you'll notice the difference almost immediately.

Now this doesn't mean all your pubes will drop out in one go, but you'll definitely see a stunt in growth over time, eventually to the point where they're barely growing back at all. It works like this: you are required to shave all the areas you want lasered beforehand, and then they use the machine over the freshly shaved area. In between sessions, you're given an assortment of lotions to apply depending on the clinic, and one of these will help exfoliate the skin and get the dead hair follicles to fall out. You're also permitted to shave in between sessions as well, so no 'regrowth period' necessary.

Trimming the Bush: Taking Care Down There

And as for the pain, some people describe it as a little pinch or zap, but I can assure you it's nothing like waxing and isn't nearly as bad. It can also feel a little sensitive up to 24 hours afterwards down there, but other than that, there are no other painful acts involved. In Summer you are supposed to put on sunscreen on the exposed areas of skin, but for the bikini area, this shouldn't be an issue.

Au Natural

Nothing wrong with going full hippie and keeping it all either, whether you trim it or go wild and free -the choice is up to you!

Trimming the Bush: Taking Care Down There

Hope you found this useful!

Luci :)

6 3

Most Helpful Girl

  • Great take. by the way. You sort of forgot or maybe didn't know about one other hair removal method, Sugaring. It's a lot like waxing I find it much gentler than waxing. It still hurts a bit, but a bit less than waxing. You're still yanking the hair out by the roots! Ouchie!!!

    The sugar is basically candied along with lemon juice and a little water to a soft ball candy stage. Once this cooled, It's then spread thinly either by hand or a popcicle stick. Then you gently either pull up against the grain of the hair growth or roll it back against the direction of hair growth. Use a little baby powder to keep things not so sticky during, then take a cool shower after to get any sticky bits off your girly bits!

    I've tried waxing and sugaring and prefer sugaring like ten to one over waxing. Sugaring is more of a DIY removal method than waxing. I'd prefer not showing my girly bits to anyone but my special guy. That definitely includes the "Waxer" gal at any given salon!

    I'm actually one of those girls who removes all hair down there for me, I prefer being smooth as a baby's bum. Personally, I feel cleaner down there when there's no hair to catch any of the icky stuff that might accumulate when Aunt Flo spends the week. Definitely easier to wipe up after a romp with my special guy! Feels wonderful against real silk undies! ( I just had to get one pair to feel how amazing they feel up against me.). = }

    I've removed what little fine blonde hair from my pubic area nearly as soon as it began appearing; my Mom's a bare girl too. So that probably had a lot to do with my attitude with keeping my lawn mowed all the time too! When I started getting a little bit of a bush I asked my Mom about shaving, cutting, nairing (ouch don't use that stuff there). She introduced me to sugar like products, (Nads was one I think). It takes less growth to remove by sugaring than wax. So at the most there is just a little bit of fine blonde fuzz before smoothing things out again.

    • Sweet! Yeah I knew of it and that it was like waxing, but I didn't realise it was a lot better than that.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Hair rules!

    Both for the feel and the fact it insulates a womans scent making giving oral sex all the more pleasurable

    But, all up to the womans preference

    • Couldn't agree with you more.

    • Where are all these women that have febreze scented crotches? I've only ever smelled bad ones, no smell was ever good. The smell always goes away for a while right after a shower.

    • @Spelling95 Some guys like it and others don't. Kind of like seafood. Personally, I love it, but then I also love seafood, so maybe that helps.

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What Girls & Guys Said

11 20
  • Nice mytake. I like the barbie doll bush designs. lmao 😅

    • Haha I thought they were great too lmao And thanks!

    • Lol. Hahaha your very welcome. Yes they are great and pretty cool. Hahaha

  • Good post. I have lasered my bikini line and it worked well. didn't do further over as you don't know if in the future pubic hair will come back in vogue.

    • Thanks :) and fair point

  • I'll be honest some times I like to see a fully bush. I don't like to look at women that still look like little girls down there. Plus all the trouble going through puberty to get it off. What happens when it comes back in style and you have it lasers off and can't grow it back in. I think everyone has a choice, I just like to see a women look like a women down there once in a while

  • Great Take Chick its totally on point love it love it love it :)

    Just a tip from a professional. .. if diy waxing or creaming.,
    Make sure you coat your pinkbits with vasoline or similar as a barrier cream as you dont want to accidentally burn the sensitive skin down there.

    Also dont rub your privates after a shower always pat dry
    with a fresh dry towel after a shower espeacally when youve just waxed shaved or creamed

    PH NEUTRAL skin calm lotions after removal is your best chance of staving off dry skin and getting rashes along with pat drying

    • Thank you! Very good tips!

    • Nice advice

  • Great take! I trimmed mine and I hate it so I'll keep it natural from now on. I would try to laser it but the only problem with that is I'm broke and I might not like it afterwards.

    • Cheers :) Fair enough, and yeah laser is great, but suuuuuper expensive.

  • While mostly a good Take, there are some mistakes. The first is the use of the word vag, meaning vagina, to describe the vulva. I see it is pretty common to do so recently, but it leads to problems. Such as talk about the hair on the folds of the vag. The vagina is the birth canal and it sure the heck better not have any hair. The folds you are talking about (I hope) are actually the folds of the labia, and very seldom is hair found on the inner labia, which is where the folds are. So the hair is not making "sure your vaginal folds don’t stick together".

    You said "The hair also works as a net, trapping bacteria that could otherwise cause infections." By working as a net, it keeps the bacteria close to the labia, not away from it, which is a bad thing, not a good one.

    The terms Brazilian and Hollywood are actually usually describing a subtle difference. The Brazilian usually (but not always) refers to leaving a landing strip while all else is removed. Hollywood means it all goes, including the landing strip.

    • Ahh okay, thanks for that, it really varied site to site, but I tried to make sure I cross referenced. I wrote this 2am last night hehe and when I posted it, I actually had a gut feeling someone would comment a few errors.

    • As I stated, it is mostly good. A few mistakes are not unexpected. And the difference between Hollywood and Brazilian caught me before, which is why I noticed that.

    • Cheers :)

    • Show All
  • Thanks, this will be useful for me.

  • If girls are going to use baby powder after shaving (or any other time) in their genital region it's important to make sure it doesn't contain talc. Talcum powder has been linked with cervical cancer. I think there are powders that are mainly cornstarch and that don't contain talc.

    • Very good point.

  • I shave sometimes because I like the smooth feeling for when I'm masturbating

    • Nice answer

  • Just a question : how much does laser hair removal cost?

    • I can't give you an answer sorry, it's dependant on so many factors as I explained in the take, so you can just google 'laser hair treatment UK' or something and prices should come up.

  • Great myTake! This is VERY difficult in my case because I got a hyper accelerated hair growth thingy so like I gotta go hairdressers every 2 or 3 weeks unless I do it myself to save money and its the same down there aswell. After I shave or trim its back to its bushy greatness in around 4 - 5 days and im talking from smooth as a baby's butt to a full grown hedge and its annoying! So to deal with this I usually just trim bits off when I take a shower in the morning to keep it tidy but not to cut it all back because that will just take too long in the morning!

    • Thanks :) And that would be hella annoying!

    • @Luci92 yeah it is hahah

  • Good take - I often wonder about the opening part of your take - Why girls make certain decisions about their pubic hair - Even when I was younger hair was very common for women and the shaved/bald look became more popular as time went by but I am not sure why, it seemed to go through trimmed into landing strip into shaved.

    • Yeah people have said that too, I think it might be porn influencing things, but I'm not sure.

  • I am doing laser :P
    the pain is real XD

    • haha feel you

  • I like shaving but would get a professional wax if I didn't have to spread my legs for some random person 😂

    • Fair enough lmao

    • Unless you get it done by someone you know and trust and down mind being down there

    • You should remember the random person you are talking about has already seen a good many legs spread in front of them and really don't pay any attention to it other than doing their job and they have forgotten what they saw probably about as quickly as you were out the door after the process. Also remember everyone knows what our private areas look like so again it's no big deal when it is exposed for something like waxing.

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  • I don't besides the hair down there actually serves a purpose down there, I don't mind hair down there though, as long as it's not like a forest and it's clean.

  • Good take! I certainly prefer trimmed on a woman. No prickly hairs to rub my face raw with shaved, and no large amount of hairs to get in the way like natural.

    • Thanks! Yeah totally get where you're coming from, personally I prefer my own all bare with a little landing patch at the top.

  • Great take!

    I like trimmed or all natural the best. Given all the social pressure women get to shave, I love the self-confidence it shows when a woman keeps a bush.

    • Underrated point. I like a woman who doesn't cave to social pressure. That's way more attractive to me than ANYTHING she does with her damned pubes.

  • I prefer mine natural only trim a little if needed. Goes for guys also.

    • Same, but really it's my future partner who gets final word on it. Shaving my face is already a nuisance, the bush only goes on someone else's request.

    • Great response

  • Not also does public hair protect against bacteria and stuff. But when you shave you actually leave behind very small open wounds that the bacteria that the pubic hair once protected against can get into. So what we are learning in this fad can come with health problems. I saw just trim. Women I've been with they don't like it shaved cuz they don't wanna feel like they are fucking a toddler lol.

    • Another very good point. And yeah I've heard people say 'I don't want to be completely bare, that's for pedos' lmao

    • Lmao never heard that one but maybe that's where it started? Dudes fantasies about younger girls 😱 who the fuck know haha

    • Hahaha yeah I don't even know

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