Uncircumcised guys - does stretching your foreskin really feel good? or is it just for show in p*rn videos?

Do you? I've seen this p*rn videos where guys stretch their foreskin. sometimes its just pulling. other times they use objects to stretch it or put things in the foreskin. one guy put marbles in his. lol! does this really feel good? is this something girls should know about? I've never been with an uncircumcised guy and I probably never will, not because I refuse but because I'm an American and it just doesn't seem likely. but its good to know this stuff.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Honestly... yes and I think one main reason is cuz we have a foreskin to pull.. It's visually stimulating and it Aslo feeeels great. I usually have a girl suck on it until I cum. But I think it's more visual for me then I cum I love to watch a girl handle a foreskin. Specialy cuz most haven't done such a thing

  • Oh yes! At least for me it does! Way better than glans (the "head" of the penis) stimulation. For me, it's all about the foreskin.

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  • Ya'lllllll. If you do s some foreskin stretching exercises once a day things will loosen up nicely down there…. just find some good ones online and do them every day. You need to make sure you are hydrated though before you start doing it, so use a penis care product with Vitamin E to not only protect your penis skin from irritation but to speed up the process.. moisturization is key here. Stay safe friends.

  • Doesn't feel particularly good to me.

  • my foreskin isn't that loose to fit a marble in it, not even close lol. but no, doesn't feel particularly good

  • dafuq did I just read

    • lol sorry, had to ask :)

  • Not really, my foreskin is tight af and it hurts when I try to pull it back.