Understanding Human Sexuality For College Credit

Understanding Human Sexuality For College Credit

After slogging through so many semesters of your standard required college course work, I decided to shake things up and take Understanding Human Sexuality. The only requirements for the course were that you had to have previously taken four semesters of Psych classes, which I had. Let me tell you, the second the class opened up online, it must have been a cattle call, because no sooner did I check the box for the class, than was it filled.

I walked in the first day of class, and the room was as the sign up suggested, filled to the rafters. It was a loud chorus of student voices mixed with excitement, and nervousness, and not knowing what to expect. I think just about everyone there had taken their state mandated health course in high school given by that gym teacher who made everything way awkward, but here we were all of us adults now in an auditorium style classroom, ready to really learn about sex without all the pretense of what could and couldn't be taught to young and impressionable youth.

Understanding Human Sexuality For College Credit

I fully expected this Doc Brown looking teacher to walk in with a clinical air about him, but to my surprise and many others, in walked this young woman. If I had to guess her age, I would have said no older than 25 or 26. The best way I can describe her would be to put the vision of Britney Spears in the "Hit Me Baby One More Time" video into your mind, except sans the blonde hair and pink puff balls. She was legitimately wearing stilettos, a really short pleated plaid skirt, grey sweater, and a tight white top. No one could really believe she was walking up to the front with a briefcase, but she was, and she did.

After she explained her impressive credentials, we were given a bullet point list of how this classroom was to be a safe place where we should all be comfortable with discussing what is usually a private topic and how laughing at or ostracizing someone over a question would get you kicked out of the class, a rule surprisingly no one broke. After the initial introductions, we got down to the business of learning about the business. I have to say, the class was absolutely amazing. The teacher had no fear or apprehension about discussing anything about sex. It was like you were having a conversation about the days weather with how unfazed she was about all the questions and discussions we had in there. Nothing, and I mean, nothing was off limits.

Understanding Human Sexuality For College Credit

The class definitely had its moments. There was the day we had to watch part of a porno. Just imagine for a minute, these like dozens and dozens of students all watching this porn on a big screen in a classroom for credit. I kept looking around like, is this real life?!? Are we allowed to do this?!? It was so crazy. Then there was the week we were learning about sexual deviations like BDSM and there was this film of this guy completely dressed like a horse, with other, uh, horse men being led around like they were actual animals, and a vast majority of the class was just totally weirded out. Or there was the time spent in sexually transmitted disease hell, where we had to see it all. You just can't unsee it, you just can't!

At the end of the semester, our final for the course was to challenge ourselves to do something sexually that we'd never done before and write a paper about it discussing our own experiences and relating it to the material we'd learned over the semester. This was our final! If you read that and so many questions are racing through your head, she did preface it by saying, I'm not telling you to do anything that is dangerous or unhealthy, but the paper should be about exploring a sexual aspect you haven't already like maybe it's exploring masturbation, or some new position with a partner, or talking to a partner about sex for the first time, or getting a first HIV test, etc. The room that day was so silent, you could have heard a pin drop. Everyone had this deer in headlights look on their faces including myself.

Understanding Human Sexuality For College Credit

For my project, I ended up going to a sex shop. I still feel mortified to this day about it. I thought it would be all seedy and gross, but at least the one I went to was filled with people like our teacher, who talked about sex and sex products like the weather. It wasn't a big deal at all to them, but to me it was like, I didn't know these people and they were asking what I liked and making recommendations, and I was looking at my watch like, okay, have a reached what I think is the required amount of time to be here. The teacher was right though. It definitely challenged me because it was something I never in a million years thought I'd do and I just couldn't fathom why others would willingly go out in public to a place like that where they might be seen or have to talk about something they do privately with the employees there that were perfect strangers.

It's a million and a half years later, and among all the classes I took in college, I would have to say for some obvious reasons, it was one of the most memorable. I actually wish more people were allowed to have the option to take the course, because unlike a lot of classes that felt like high school all over again, where here are the rules, and now sit down and learn what we've pre-scripted you to learn, here was a class where legitimately, everyone had questions, and everyone wanted to discuss, and it wasn't the same as what had been taught last semester or the year before. The longer the class went on, the more comfortable people felt talking about sex and sharing their personal stories, and blunders, and even pain. It was one of the few classes where I actually experienced any real freedom in learning in one of the subjects that tends to be one of the most restricted in terms of access to knowledge.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • I took a course in human sexuality in college, and I concur. One of the most memorable classes that I ever took. Learned a lot, and the knowledge I gained actually helped improve my future relationships; go figure.

Most Helpful Girl

  • It sounds like a great experience. I think I will try a class like this in college if I has a chance.
    Thank you for your detail story!

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6 18
  • Wow!! Great story. Which college were you attending?

  • Wow... that actually exists... and is taken seriously...


  • Hmm I would imagine more of a class like that saying all males rape, and only women can be raped. And all men have disgusting sexual urges while woman have healthy and pure urges. Surprised it wasn't like that.

    • How would that EVER be approved by any sort of educational institution, especially considering it's not true. Why would you even think this would be a thing?

    • Because a lot of schools are forcing adults to take classes that say exactly what I said. Also, sex ed classes in colleges usually blame males for everything wrong with sex. I also didn't know what college you went to.

    • Well you must have some pretty bad experiences or whatever, because I've never heard of that happening where I am. The student activists alone would have shut that down if it were happening.

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  • I want to take a class in human sexuality

  • reminds me of 22 jump street

  • Hmmm having to write a paper on a new sexual experience would be problematic as a virgin...

    • Not really. It wasn't necessarily about going out and having sex or trying something that was actually sexual. I didn't want to write about the sex I was having, so I went to a sex shop. A virgin could have done the same. They could also simply buy lingerie they've never bought, or get an HIV test, or go watch a porn. There was such a vast spectrum of the things we talked about in class, there was room for it all, regardless of your virgin or non-virgin status when it came to the paper.

    • Fair enough. Though being in that class amongst all the intricately detailed discussions as a virgin would likely be a bit uncomfortable.

  • Great take - Imagine it is possible to talk about sex without becoming giggling teenagers - Point very well made

  • Nah more important things I could be doing.

    • I can't take that comment seriously as you are on GaG right now, lol.

    • No I'm being serious I could think of more better things to do in my opinion then taking as glorified sex ed class. I'd say the same thing to you if we were face to face.

    • Well you're in luck because I didn't actually tell you to take such a class. This isn't a sign up, it's just my experience, lol!

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  • Interesting. I don't think the two colleges I went to had a class on sexuality.

  • I took a human sexually class. It was my favorite of everything so far.

  • Lol, would hate to be an average joe in that class. sexual experiences would be equivalent to talking about Greek mythology (or that one time he got lucky thanks to alcohol).

    Did she talk about the sexual disparity that exists between men and women? And why some people die virgins or get prostitutes? That would of been a great brain stimulating class.

    • Actually there were a few virgins, that we knew of, who discussed their virginity openly (remember, no judgements in class), and I suppose there had to have been a few more just not as vocal about it or not at all. The class wasn't about you having to be super experienced, it was about all things of a sexual nature whether you'd experienced or done them yourself or not. If anything, if you were a virgin, you left with a crap ton of knowledge you didn't have before. As far as the others, we discussed prostitution for sure. Not sure what is meant by the sexual disparity between men and women... maybe elaborate because that could mean just about anything to anyone.

    • I don't judge;) I'm polyamorous and a sexual deviant x10000000 She sexual disparity meaning the fact that women get sex far more than men (generally) in western society. The sexual worth of a woman vs a man. Knowledge about sex means absolutely dick in the absence of knowledge of attraction. This is almost an exclusive male problem. I find sex classes are akin to telling people what the top of a mountain looks like, but some people are not mountain climbers. Questions I would have brought up: 1) why is there such a demand for prostitution? And why is it almost a male demand? 2) why do men go off the rails when they don't get sex, and females don't? 3) how does an older virgin experience that which he/she missed when they were young? They can't. Which leads me to... 4) should there be a more serious look at sexual growth in late teenage and early 20 years? Just some questions😋

    • Women used to go crazy without sex. It was called hysteria. Doctors would essentially finger their patients until too many of them complained about getting carpel tunnel syndrome. So a doctor invented the vibrator to prevent doctors from getting carpel tunnel and it also cured hysteria. Maybe some doctor needs to create a "male vibrator ".

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  • I'll tell you what, I've never gone to a porn shop for myself but have gone with my ex fiancee who was a cam girl and did a few porn scenes. The people that work there don't judge you because as fucked up as the shit you're buying is someone has asked for something way more fucked up at the counter. I've had a couple counter girls give me contact info and schedules clearly inviting me to freely fuck them. I'm not the kind of guy to have an open relationship on my side but I'm completely cool with my girl being open or poly as long as she follows the rules. If she breaks the rules it becomes cheating. Anyway, back to the point, it's a gross place yeah, but most people make a pass at those shops at least once in their life, I'm glad my whore ex took me to one. We got some fun out of it.

  • Okay I'm takin a human sexuality class and it's absolutely nothing like you described 😱

    • What is your class like, and how do they differ. I mean, I can only speak to my own experience in the class.

  • Great subject. I also took this at college too.

    • How does yours compare?

    • Asker... well I attended this subject so I could be accepted in the uni earlier. Loved it tho. So informative and gives you deep understanding of what humans are in retrospect. I finished in 93 . So it's been awhile since. Comparably speaking , I really enjoyed this spectrum and still remember it quite well.

  • I wanted to take the class when I was in grad school but couldn't tie it in with Math...

    • I honestly felt like it was a class that needed to be open to all regardless of major, because it's something most people do, and when I look back on it and compare it to the very watered down clean version of health class, it's like, honestly, this is the stuff people really need to know and I believe that class helped a lot of people including myself. Bummer, you didn't get to take it.

  • nice post

  • I want to take a class like this.

  • OMG they even teach about fetishes and bdsm in a big projector in a room full of people (of both genders I guess) ?
    They teach, everything about sex, sex drives, turn on's? 😱😱😱

    • Yeah... the class was "Understanding" Human Sexuality, so it's not all vanilla sex, its everything involved in how different people want and are having sex, what drives human desires, disease, sex within marriage, sex outside of marriage, abnormal sexual practices, and since it was a psych class, the psychology behind it.

  • I want to also take a classs in human sexuality. Sounds fun!

  • Sounds like a badass class!!

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