Vaginal discharge smells good but the taste is sour?

This is making me a little self conscious about my sex life. Why does this happen? It doesn't smell bad, but it tastes very bad... I don't follow the heatlhiest diet, but I'm not into junk food either :(
+1 y
I went down on my boyfriend after we had intercourse. It's nothing strange if I tasted it smh.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • So long as it doesn't have a bad smell, nothing is wrong with it, from a health perspective anyway. Smell is usually the first sign of something being out of order, we can thank mother Nature for that :)

    If you are bothered about the taste, well, I don't know how bad it is, but it's not supposed to be nice, you know. It's a bodily fluid, it's not going to taste like strawberry. Anyway, if you improve your diet, ie eat more healthily, it may improve a little, but just remember it will never be a delicious drink!

    • Sorry if this is a creepy question, but how does it taste normally? Last time he tasted it, my boyfriend made a very weird face and I don't think you're supposed to like it, but making faces should mean that it's very unpleasant...

    • That sounds pretty accurate! It is indeed not a pleasant taste. I can only perform orally on my wife if I'm either very drunk (ie in a state where I don't care/realise what's going on in the world around me) or *extremely* aroused (and willing to deal with the bad taste for the sake of her pleasure).

  • go to the doctor. vaginal discharge maybe some kind of infection or pelvic inflammatory.. bacterial or viral infections like: Bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, herpes or some STD like chlamydia... it has many causes. to know what is it go to the doctor.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Have you tasted yourself or are you making assumptions? I hear pineapple is suppose to make you taste better.

    • I remember tasting it months ago but I'm not sure. It's very bitter, I don't think it's supposed to be like that anyway

    • I recommend tasting yourself with an open mind and see really how bad it is. It probably is fine.

    • Oh, I thought you were talking about tasting it before to make a comparison and see if there was a change. Sorry. I did taste it just yesterday.

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  • well dear you have a problem, might want to go see a specialist. or eat better.

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2 1
  • You taste yourself or your discharge?

  • Don't taste it :) You are not supposed to taste your pussy. Let it for Men

    • ha ha

  • Same as cum. It smells good but tastes damn sour. I'd always finish on her body or something

    • oh you've tasted what a guy's cum taste like. Good for you.

    • And? You have no reason to comment then. I'm sure I still have more sex than you do