Virgin = Sexy?

I was just wondering how come (if at all) guys like girls to be virgins. I'm asking because apparently word got around that I was still a virgin and a bunch of guys started being interested in me. And when I dated one of them the first thing he asked was "Is it true that you're still a virgin?" I said that I was and all he wanted to do was have sex. You guessed right if you think I broke up with him .lol. He was nice but damn sex was all he wanted... so I said good-bye. Is being a virgin that much of a turn on? (Girls - feel free to say if you like it when the guy is a virgin or not and why?)
+1 y
Is it just a physical appeal or an emotional one too?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Alright, over all I think most guys just like the thought of it, because it's kinky to them, like having an "innocent" girl and she can only be a virgin once, it's a special thing to a lot of guys that way, makes them feel special. For me, virginity is not something to be given or gotten rid of, it's something you share with someone, it's a meaningful gesture of love and affection to share it with someone you feel very close to and love deeply, I don't know if anyone shares my out look on this topic, but I personally plan on sharing mine with someone very near and dear to me after marriage. So to answer your question to me it is mostly emotional and mental, and a bit physical too, I mean I also I think it's sexy. Hope this helps answer your question.

    • That is the best answer ever and the one I was really hoping for... I'm waiting for marriage too so I guess the man I will fall in love will just have to wait till our honeymoon XD

    • It's not really a have to if they have the same perspective on it as you do, and if it's a good guy that truly loves you it shouldn't be a problem to wait WITH you, not on you.

    • I hope he thinks the way you do XD

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  • guys like a virgin because the p**** is tighter which creates more friction between the penis and vagina. Thus making a more pleasurable experience. And personally I like shoving my penis into tighter things ;) it feels good to give a little extra effort

    • Is that the only reason..... the physical pleasure?

    • Aaactually haha the only thing that can stretch out a vagina is having a baby (: Losing virginity does nothing for the tightness of a girls vagina, it just breaks the hymen. The reason virgins are likely to feel tighter the first time (times) is purely nerves - when a girl is nervous the muscles in her vagina contract

    • Yaa and exactly the muscles are more tight which creates more friction which means better pleasure

Most Helpful Girls

  • I would agree with what most other people said. It just tends to be more special, whether it's because the guy truly loves you or he just likes knowing that he's your first.

    It's not really a big deal to me whether a guy is a virgin, but of course I wouldn't want someone who's had a ridiculous amount of partners, that's not a very good sign lol.

    And I just wanted to add that being a virgin does NOT mean the girl is tighter, that has nothing to do with it. Virgins just tend to be nervous so they're tense, which is why it seems like that. I'm sorry, that misconception just really bugs me haha.

  • Virginity is one of the most sacred things - a woman can ever have or a girl - it doesn't matter! To men it's nowadays just amazing that a girl can still be a virgin at such age (don't get offended please) but a lot of girls your age had sex already multiple times and are already pregnant on their second child and to actually meet any kind of girl who is still a virgin - to guys it's like I'm the first she's ever been with (it's a form of property) she's mine and no one else's - that's basically it! Or in any case these little boys are just plain horny and to deflower a virgin is so great!

    • I'm not offended at all... it's the truth :) thanx for the honesty

    • Your welcome

  • I have had this discussion with a bunch of my guy friends and they said basically what gdavidson said about like it being tighter but also that some guys like the feeling of like being the first one you sleep with in your life. As for me, I'm a virgin but I personally don't really care about the guy. I don't like it though when a. a guy who is a virgin won't shut up about how much he wants to loose his virginity or b. a guy has had sex with 4 out of the 9 girls in my group of friends. I never want to get with someone that has gotten with everyone else

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 8
  • well yea basically its physical. But I guess its emotional too if he loves you. I guess. As well its a fresh chance for the guy to proof his worth as a sexually satisfying being. And since you're a virgin you wouldn't be able to compare him with others. As well if he's a big headed guy a virgin is like a trophy for a guy and he probably just wants to brag about it. but good thing you dumped the guy.

  • Why would it be so shocking that you'd be a virgin if you're under 18? haha

    • Unfortunately, there are not a lot of people who are virgins these days and I hang out with people who like rock music and who are in drama so they probably get the wrong impression it's the sad truth

  • If a woman is a virgin it's usually a deal breaker.

  • yeh I don't really care but if she's girlfriend material id prefer her to be a virgin so I can know I'm the only one whos had her

  • that and they know your not dirty

    • But don't guys like it when girls are dirty?

    • I mean std dirty

    • Oh ok thanx

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