A combination of a very important question for the people of the world to address, and a question with completely unconvincing (and conflicting) official explanations.

The most common official story is that HIV-1 started in chimps as a dormant disease that had no major health effects, and then, only after tens of thousands of years or more, suddenly crossed over the species barrier 'some time in the 20th century', becoming a lethal pandemic in humans. Although it might have been caused by infected needles from an immunization program of Polio. Or Smallpox. Or some chimpanzees in Argentina. Or Brazil. And why each strain appeared almost simultaneously in different parts of the world (HIV-2 only in the United States) is anyone's guess.
These are the main (but not the only) major issues that have Still yet to be addressed:
1. HIV is called HIV because it is the disease that is programmed to circumvent and counter the human immune system.
It's as if it somehow 'knows' our immune systems inside-out, and actively anticipates its reactions. In that way, it is the perfect biological weapon.

2. Humans and chimpanzees have co-existed for around 315,000 years - and for most of that time, they lived in much closer contact to each other than they did in the 1900s, when the crossover allegedly happened.
Chimp HIV (called SIV) is allegedly at least tens of thousands of years old. Despite that, HIV was first identified in 1983. AIDS only became recognized as a pandemic in 1981. 1981! Not 1232 AD. Not 440 BC. Not 18,000 BC. Not 94,000 BC. 1981!! After many millennia of closer human-chimpanzee proximity.
3. This timing is particularly relevant.
1981 is just a few years after the golden age of US biological weapon development, which reached its peak between around 1974 - 1978. Their mission was to invent a biological weapon (pandemic disease) specifically targeted to circumvent the human immune system. Sure enough, a few years later, HIV suddenly appears. After at least Tens of Thousands of years of the official 'chimp transfer' NOT happening.
4. This country (the USA) is particularly relevant.
As one of the only 2 or 3 countries (Soviet Union and possibly Britain being the others) in the world that had the scientific means and the confirmed program to develop biological weapons, it is particularly odd that of all the countries in the world, it was also the USA where the first confirmed Western cases of AIDS occurred. These Americans were exclusively homosexual, or men that have sex with men.
5. This demographic is particularly relevant.
If HIV was developed by the government, it is likely that those involved were conservative extremists, and also likely that they were anti-homosexual. The DoD has a documented history of infecting unknowing citizens from disfavored groups, such as 'blacks', prisoners and homosexuals, for human experimentation of biological and chemical weapons - most famously in the 60s and 70s.
6. The alleged origin of all HIV, is the capital city Leopoldville, now called Kinshasa.
What 'a bushman living in the wilderness hunting chimpanzees for food' is doing living in a capital city, is anyone's guess. Kinshasa is also an ideal place to start a pandemic. A major African trade route, Kinshasa and Brazzaville are the two closest capital cities on Earth, visible to eachother on opposite banks of the Congo River. This makes it a good strategic choice for a place to start a rapidly-spreading pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.
7. Some have accused British/American scientists of manipulating the testing and reporting of preserved human tissue, to get vectors (carriers of the virus) that go further back (to the 1960s for example), to legitimise and elongate HIV's alledged 'history'.
Research and publishing on the earliest HIV cases is rife with disagreements and uncertainty, with the unexplained 'contamination of samples' being most common.

8. Means and opportunity have been established. Now the motive.
The effect of HIV is fourfold - and all of these effects fit with an extremist conservative doctrine: 1. To terrorise people into antisexualism. Scaring populations into equating HIV with casual sex, and thus encouraging only conservative, monogamous and religiously-sanctioned relationships. 2. Containing the rapid population-growth of the third world, keeping their numbers managable. 3. Killing homosexuals - as this is a group that Western religious extremists hate. 4. Killing intravenous drug addicts - a group that many believe was already targeted by the govt in 'the war on drugs' and the propagation of heroine in the first place.
Considering these conservative ideals: There have been many such conservative, religious extremists in the US Defense Department. None more so than in the Reagan administration - when the HIV terrorism exploded.
It is just not good enough, that the pathetically weak and conflicting official explanations are not seriously addressed by the people, and pressure given to address them at the highest level. Most of all, the odds are extraordinary that a perfectly-tailored, seemingly intelligent pandemic appears in, primarily, the demographics that those capable happen to hate, in the same 5-year period as the height of tailored pandemic disease research by those capable. After those capable give a completely unbelievable explanation: that HIV suddenly appeared many thousands of years late, and only at the height of the biological weapons development by those capable.
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