Hey how's it going, everyone? I am back after another long hiatus. I had a lot of personal things going on. I had to move (which my PC got broken during) and I got engaged! Yay! Anywho, I have been thinking hard about what I want my return article to be. I have decided to take an alternate perspective on the whole "Should we teach men not to rape or Women to defend themselves" debate. So, without further ado, let's begin!

So as many people know I have been the victim of sexual assault by a woman. Being a man I have no support network (besides you lovely people who expressed nothing but support and I love you for it) and nobody I told for help even took me remotely seriously. Honestly, I think this is a bigger problem than the sheer amount of rapes that occur yearly. Having one sex completely alienated from any kind of help for such a traumatic event. Women being seen as weaker or more breakable is a major problem in the western world. Not because it isn't true or because it is damaging but because it affects men in an extremely adverse way. I am not saying it doesn't affect women, but that it doesn't affect women nearly as much as it does men. Let me explain.

When women are seen as weak and fragile it means men are seen as powerful and domineering. The problem with this is that many many men are not that. This means men who have a struggle with being dominant or abrasive have no support structure for when they are inevitably made a target by other people who are more dominant and powerful. The problem is, most men are driven by a sense of honour. A mental note that they should always do the honourable thing and always maintaining a certain sense of personal integrity. This is a critical and integral part of a man's personal identity. When this is stripped from a man, he is stripped of his very manhood. He is stripped of the most important thing. His masculinity. This wouldn't be an issue for men who have the ability to rebuild that but some men don't have this ability. For me, personally, I have the ability to rebuild that by doing good deeds, helping friends or listening to the struggles of a stranger.

What all this means, Grandma is that when women are seen as weak men are seen as strong. We, as a society, see strong things as things that don't need protection. Things that don't need assistance. Things that don't need a hand to hold occasionally. The problem with this is that there is a very large portion of the male population who isn't in a physical position to be that person who doesn't need any of that. Those people are still people. They still deserve protection. They still deserve a helping hand. They still deserve assistance.
However, when women take advantage of these men (usually the type who are overly nice and tend to be uber submissive) they have no ability to defend themselves. Men are typically drugged, gotten drunk or something of that type when they are sexually assaulted by women. I was the latter of the two options. People tend to laugh at these people. These human beings who have had horrible and heinous actions taken upon them are LAUGHED AT. They are mocked. They are belittled and dehumanized. This isn't right. This needs to be rectified.
Well, this is really all I have to say for now people.
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