What do you think about virgin girls who have tattoos and piercings?

Isn't that a little trashy? They're calling attention to their bodies, yet apparently they respect their bodies...a little confusing if you ask me.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I think tattoos and piercings always make a person look very low class. I instantly adjust my expectations of such a person to a lower level. It tells me to expect their intelligence, hygiene, and morals to be of a diminished level.

    " yet apparently they respect their bodies" Why do you believe that is apparent? I see nothing that draws me to that conclusion. I am guessing you think that because they are virgin. That just does not work out. There are so many reasons why a person might be virgin, you can't just assume it is due to an enhanced level of respect for their bodies. Maybe they are ugly or personality deficient and nobody they know will touch them. Maybe they fear the possible pain of first time sex. Maybe they are some sort of religious extremist and that does not allow sex. I could list dozens more reasons, but you should be able to grasp my point, virginity is not indicative of enhanced levels of body respect.

    • I would have to agree with your above statements. You explained my thinking better than I could have.

    • Thank you :)

  • Tattoos have nothing to do with whether or not a person is trashy! For me, my tattoos have deep personal meaning and I didn't get them for others to see.(mostly keep them covered) They can't be lost and are a permanent reminder of important things in my life. It is unfortunate when people assume tattoos aren't an art form if you want to see some great art check out these artists link link .

Most Helpful Girl

  • Every one that gets a tattoo gets it for a different reason it not just "look at me" it just the same as having a different taste in music or decorating a room or style of art work. its all different and its all that persons preference. no need to judge or understand it

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  • I don't think there's any necessary correlation between tatts, piercings and any of the things BA lists in his first para articulation of his prejudices on the subject.

    I share his subjective dislike of both, without any of the inferences he makes.

    I don't really think much about tatts, piercings or virgins as I have no real interest in any of these.

  • lol She's probably lying about being a virgin. Tats and piercings chicks are not shy at all, they're just dirty.

    • Yes, probably.

  • Disgusting.