What percent of your day do you spend being horny?

i usually spend about 40% being horny. at least 5% with a boner. i was just hard a minute ago even, goddam.
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Girl Guy
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i'm f***in horny! someone help me...
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I say around 90%-100%

    I do have a very high sex drive and can be turned on easily when necessary, but I'm not running around screwing guys or acting like a retard about it.

    But I masturbate multiple times throughout the day & if I had a boyfriend we'd probably screwing multiple times throughout the day

    • HOLLY SHIT Eva, I had noo idea.

    • God Eva! 501-257-9090 call me!

    • WooPigSooie You earned brownie points just by your pic

  • 95%. I'm almost always horny unless something changes that. That being said, I don't have sex with every attractive person I see as much as I want to :P

    • + one for self-control? :) BTW, your dog is cute.

    • haha dam girl, you're not supposed to be answering these!

  • About 2% If that. I'm only horny every once in a while around my boyfriend.

    • dam

Most Helpful Guy

  • An hour. May be two.

    Divided by 24 hours, it roughly corresponds to 8% of the day. So I choose "A".

    • hah alright

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 0
  • Less than 10 %.

    • lucky

  • i could go a whole week without being horny. Damn meds.

    • wtf?! meds?

  • At least 10-20%, but it depends on where I am in my cycle. I could be horny for almost 100% of the day sometimes! lol

    • daaam

  • like 5% or less

    • dam

  • 90%

    • daaam