What positions are good for car sex?

me and this guy can only get together in his car as we both live with our parents and can't have sex cause they are always around. I have given him head in the car which was easy but I can't work out what position to have sex. is it on the back seat?front seat? doggie style? or what? I have no idea please help let me know about ur experience or ideas please!
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Aren't there cheap motels in your area? Split the room and at least you'll have more fun than the car.

    And also, you should put the details of the car.is it 4 door, 2 door, suv?

    Of course, easiest thing to do is to get on the back seat and either of you lies down, and the other person gets on top. Also, as the other person said, recline the passenger seat, and the guy lies down on the reclined seat, and then you get on top of him, not facing him.

    If he had a honda element, then things are a bit different of course.

    Now, tips to remember.

    The car most likely will rock back and forth so make sure you're in an isolated area where cop cars don't go by and notice the motion. You could be arrested for indecent exposure; thus, best to have a mini skirt with no panties on, that way you don't get naked all the way, and you can say, if caught of course, that you were making out.

    Also, get one of those winshield sun protectors and put that in the car; that minimizes visibility. hopefully you got tinted windows.

    Once you park the car, if you can, cover the reflective side lights with tape.you know, the little square things on the sides of cars that do reflect the light of another car.

    And of course, lower the window a bit down to let the moisture out! :)

    Also, best places that worked for me were upscalish neighborhoods; low crime area,and thus, not many cops cruising around. If you do choose a neighborhood like that, once you park the car, put the windshield protector in place, cover reflective lights, and observe the houses around the area for about 20 min; if no lights go off, then most likely you're safe to go; the one damn time I broke my own rules of not choosing a scalish neighborhood and not scanning the area properly, yep, got caught by the police! Not a fun time. :D

    • Lol this is so detailed... you must have a well-used car. it sees a lot of love LOL

  • OMG. That takes me back. My first girfriend was older than me so she did all the driving and we had to manage in her VW BUG! Honestly, a lot depends on the car, the seats, and how tall you guys are. I always found (and my girlfriends heartily agreed) that the guy on the bottom sitting facing each other gave the best penetration, the girl controls the action, and the spring in the car seats provide all the bounce needed. Plus you get to look at each other and kiss while you're doing it. Of course, that works best with separate bucket seats. If you have bench seats, you basically have a bed to work with. The back seat does (usually) have more room, but you're also a long ways away from being able to drive off if someone pulls up. Like a cop. Whatever you try, watch out for telltale footprints on the windows. And don't break a hip.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Ok in a car (4 door) its e.z all you have to do is take your pants off. Lay the passenger seat back as if you where sleeping in it. Then you put your lags up the right on the side window the other bent on the center console. ( you'll need to lift your butt kinda on the part your back go's)

    or you can do the same with the seat and turn around face the back and put your lags where your back would go he can but his where you would put your butt. And he can get it from behind.

    however. All this is fine from time to time but isn't for all the time you all need to find a friends house that you can stay over at one night or something lol

  • In the front, you'll have to be on top, but it can be hard in a smaller car because you'll bump your kness and can't get a lot of rhythm going. The backseat is good, as you can go doggy style, woman on top, and a few crazy positions really easy. The best is a truck with a bench seat or an SUV. SUV backseats lay down and voila! a bed. Very comfortable and plenty of room for most positions.

  • Pull over somewhere that nobody really drives, quiet with not too many houses. Stand on the ground and bend over into the car and have him do it doggy style.

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  • is it cold where you live? is there a quiet place in a field you can go to? maybe a rug/airmattress/ tent might be an option ? :P

  • You haven't made love until you'v emade love in a BIG TRUCK! Hahahaha.

    Back seat is idea but only if the car is big enough, too many cars are just too small no matter how you position yourself. Best to try the hotels, but if you are worried about your parents, go out of town.

  • backseat doggie style is amazing, I hated doggie up until the point I tried it in a car

  • Assuming front bucket seats, woman on top, either facing or rear-entry. Just mind the gearshift.

  • passanger seat in front.put the seat way back.and then lean in back.have the guy be on bottom, and you leaning on him