What are some realistic erect nipple and clitoral min and max measurements?
Not intending to be perverted here with this question. Seeking REALISTIC ranges of information on two female body parts for a fiction story I'm writing. Males are no problem. I can be realistic about males because I am one. But even though I'm married, it's not as if I've ever been with a significant enough number of women, and had a chance to gain such information as this, to gain realistic information on these female body parts. over a range of females. I've seen enough pictures over the years, know females differ by age and ethnicity, as well as genetics. I just need some numbers, some measurements, so I can formulate what the female characters in the story LOOK like in certain parts of the story. Examples provided below. I tried to research this information on the internet, but I'm not sure about what I'm finding. I know that the nipples and the clitoris can become erect, but what I don't know are the numbers. On the female nipple, there is the areola, or the ring that surrounds the actual protruding part of the nipple. In one instance, I read that the longest natural protrusion was 1.5 inches, with a diameter of 1 inch, when the nipple was erect. I feel, based on my wife's nipples, that it's reasonable to assume a protrusion at a minimum of just over .25 inch long, with a diameter of about the same to perhaps a half inch. Based on various pictures I've seen over the years, I think it's also reasonable to assume nipples at least 1 inch in length and the diameter of a nickel or penny, hovering around .75 inch, with various sizes and lengths in between that range. What I can't seem to pin down, however, is some sort of maximum to this range. Females ought to be able to judge their own body parts, so I'm asking for input here. What sort of upper range should I operate from? Is it 1 inch on length, or 1.25, or 1.5, or perhaps, potentially, even 2 inches. and what sort of diameter is also reasonable as a sort of maximum? Remember, I'm trying to just be realistic here, so I can describe the female characters physically as I'm describing the male. I have the same problem with the clitoris, seeking some sort of "about this big on the minimum, about this big on the max" kind of numbers. The clitoris would have a certain base to tip measure, and some diameter or width, when erect, and I just need some numbers to go by, again, mainly for a max. Many thanks for all the data that can be provided in order to help me write this story realistically.
Updates:+1 y
Ladies, this is YOUR chance to have the body of your gender represented realistically in writing. If I don’t receive enough information, female characters will end up with VERY unrealistic lengths and diameters on the nipples and clitoris.
+1 y
Come on! Let's have some more responses! 1 person? This is ridiculous! I've heard women aren't good with measurements, but this is just absolutely ridiculous! 37 views and 1 response? I can't leave this question open much longer, I need info!
+1 y
Apparently none of the females viewing this question care to have their gender represented realistically in writing, so I guess it's nipple protrusions 3 in. long, half dollar diameter, and a clit that pokes out about the size of a flaccid penis.
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