What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

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What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Recently I had asked one question on GirlsAskGuys.

What would happen if every woman around the world refused to have sex for a week?

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Have you ever heard about Sex Strike in Kenya?

A sex strike a form of nonviolent protest, was held by Kenyan female activists in 2009 to end the deteriorating relationship between the country’s President, Mwai Kibaki, and Prime Minister, Raila Odinga.

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Former President of Kenya

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Former Prime Minister of Kenya

There was a seven-day sex strike, which involved thousands of women who vowed to withhold sex from their partner. This sex strike was aimed at forcing the leaders to reconcile as they had different views on how the country should be run views on how the country should be run as well as issued conflicting policies that did not focus on urgent issues that mattered in Kenya such as dealing with corruption and poverty.

The goal of the strike was to revive the country and fix the bickering leadership. The women had a set of demands they wanted to be fulfilled which involved principles such as respect and good faith from the leaders. The strike lasted seven days which it ended with a joint prayer session where the conflicting leaders finally agreed to talk.

Women's Development Organization.

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

The sex strike was enforced by a women's group called Women's Development Organization a group in Kenya that is a prominent women’s rights group.

The Women's Development Organization group has been around for the longest in Kenya as a form of women’s rights movements. Eleven other women's groups also joined the strike, eventually involving thousands of women. The movement was significant and caused a major challenge because many men in Kenya are polygamous, as it is allowed by law.

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

The sex strike lasted a full week, from May 1, 2009 until May 7. The nonviolent action was the omission of sex by women from men and their husbands.

The act of sex was enough for the government to reconsider the leadership and how the country was being run.


Coming to the question, If it Happens across the Globe?


What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

The UNICEF estimates that an average of 353,000 babies are born each day around the world.

(Source : UNICEF Estimate as of Dec. 2013)

If we assume that all the women who go on a sex strike would have become pregnant then around 7*353,000 children would not have been born (2471000).

Many of those women would not have become pregnant anyway, so only a fraction of that number of babies would not have been born, but it is one thing that would have happened.

Effect on Men

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?


Most men don’t have sex regularly anyway, and of those that do, a week is not a long time to go without it (one can go three days without water, and a month without food), so it would not create much of an effect in terms of deprevation.

They would be threatened with longer sex deprivation

We should also take into consideration men are having less sex now than previous generations.

Ways To Make Love To Your Partner Without Having Sex

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What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

The women who go on strike would need to have a good cause to do so, and depending on what that cause was, there would be other aspects to consider.

Sex as Service

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

As per my knowledge Many women effectively offer sex as a service in Western Countries even in normal relationships, so they might suffer even more than the men.

Lotions and Vaseline

Pricece on all sorts of lotions and Vaseline would skyrocket temporarily.

Effect on Women

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Many women would get physically harmed. As sad as it is but there are men in societies who will not so easily allow women to refuse what they see as their god-given right and womens task.


What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Homosexual Activity would maybe be explored by some men who otherwise would not do that by few All Time Horny Dudes who Keep asking Weird Questions.

Income of Porn Industry

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

The income of pornography related Internet Sites, Shops and Magazines would rise.


What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

The overall productivity in the economy might be measureable sinking a little. Or rising? I bet one of these two would be recognizable.


What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Both marital and gangrapes will happen if BOYS are declined sex for a week as they can't control their hormones.

GirlsAskGuys is International Platform to help opposite gender. Good Indian has written My Take on Steps to Take When You Have Been Raped.

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Closure of Brothels

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

If sex is denied by all women across the world than some illegal brothels will close down in which all payments are done on daily basis.

Unnatural Sex

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Countries in which rape laws are strict men will engage in sex with animals. it is a possibility which can't be declined.

Read this article. It is possible.

Sex With Animals .

Loss for Contraceptive Companies

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

With no sex happening the companies selling Contraceptive products will lose out money due to zero sales.

Sex Dolls and Sexbot Research

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

The investment in sex dolls and sexbot research and development would also go through the roof. Research in artificial skins, AI and motor movement for sexbots will start yielding important results. As it is, sexbot research is speeding up and the models that are available right now do a pretty good job in simulating real sex to a certain extent. Expect this technology to improve.

Conclusion :

A men vs. women gender war is biologically unhealthy and in that regard, a sex strike on a global level, that too for an extended period of time, is simply unlikely to occur.

What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?

Thanks for Reading My Take 😊🇮🇳

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🇮🇳Jai Hind. 🇮🇳

- Being a GOOD INDIAN. 😊✨✍



4 7

Most Helpful Girl

  • #Lysistrata

    thing is though it would be impossible to organize it bc people who are starving will take the opportunity to make money... so there'd have to be organized support provision and work for women of meek means. and youd have to do it for years. not a week lolol

    • Unexpected. :-) :-)

    • Lysistrata 👏👏👏

Most Helpful Guy

  • Please tell me this one was nothing more than a big joke lol.

    • Exactly. 😊👍👍👍

    • 😊😊😊

    • Thx!

    • Show All

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20 42
  • Honestly, one week is not enough to really test a man! One month without sex is painful, the first year is almost hell. Honestly, I can't say what would happen for most men in the world, but I can tell you how to deal without sex.

    The last time I had sex, the first month without it was horrible, the following two months had me feeling like I wanted to cry, missing those sensations that only a woman can give me, and then the first year passed and then the next and I was officially celibate from that point on! I feel like a virgin again, having totally forgotten what sex feels like. (Oh sigh, whimper, whimper!)

    Men can learn to fight the urges, but you do need to masturbate, and dry humping your mattress with a towel rag on standby goes a long way! How many men would do it, that is the question!

  • This would make ME
    have first choice of any man I wanted to use for sex
    no competition = monopoly for me

  • Probably that explains this:

    What Would Happen if EVERY Woman Around the World Refused to Have Sex for a Week?
    • Elucidate.

    • Tweeting after some days/weeks/years of not having sex? Dunno, doesn't seem like FLOTUS being in "touch terms" with POTUS

  • A lot of rapes would happen in that week.

  • Well, credit to you for the very ballanced way you wrote this. No gender bias, which is pretty unusual on that subject.

    Just a suggestion: you say sth like 'most women who have sex in a given week would get pregnant'. Not true, mon amie. If that was the case then my girlfriend would have an awful lot of children. Pregnancy can only happen in a certain time window, and does not necessarily happen even then.

    But the question is as interesting as it is dark. The truth is, women withold sex from men a billion a day. This world is nothing But women denying sex to men. I would even go so far as to say that it is the cornerstone of modern society. If women didn't deny men sex, and instead we had universal free love: why would males compete for money and jobs? Why would they fight eachother? Why would we all be competitors and enemies, and create and enforce a class system and capitalism? There would be nothing to fight over.

    Food for thought, but prompted by an interesting MyTake!