Frankly I think it's crap. human nature is to want what you don't or can't have. it has nothing to do with it being a penis or not.
Women are genetically designed to nurture, support and receive. Men are genetically designed to conquest, declare and thrust. It's unnatural for a woman to want those things, but its not impossible. Our society has largely lost much of its natural gender identity and so society and the media convince us of what we want/need.
in reguards to penis envy its just stems from a environmentally suggested feeling of powerlessness in a mans world and human curiosity towards the percieved source of power and prestiege. but lets face it, penis's are frankly pretty alien looking and just like boobs largely just get in the way of daily activity other than the very specific intended purpose.
If you really want to know, buy a strap on, find a girlfriend and throw her down for a good f***ing. honestly you girls get the much better end of the stick pleasure wise and more or less our enjoyment stems from the psychological portion of it. You aren't missing anything physically. Male sex drive is most appropriately compared to hunger. When your starving everything tastes good. When your horny, any "meal" will do. But certainly a delicious steak burger beats mac and cheese, the same way a playboy bunny beats your neighbors buck toothed cousin. but both get the job done. Just that one has braging rights.
For what it's worth, you'll experience 100x the pleasure of any **** weilding dude by embracing your femine qualities and embelishing the men in your life to do the same with thier role. It's win win and you will be a happier, more popular, and definately more sexually satisfied human.
As for the wank bank... I should have signed up for that a long time ago, I'd be a billionare instead of a thousandaire.0 0 0 0Yeah I know it's called power envy, lol and I was stating that cause that was very controversial at its time cause Sigmund Freud was just a controversial man, with his psycho-sexual stages, dream analysis- and this silly theory.
...because peeing standing up can be such a timesaver...
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Nah, I think there's just a curiosity between men and women to wonder what it would be like to be the opposite sex. And not just in terms of genitals, but also because of the whole "the grass is always greener on the other side" concept---a lot of women think that men have it easier, and a lot of men think that women have it easier. We're curious about what it would be like to be the opposite sex and its something that we could never truly experience, which compounds that curiosity.
Personally, as fas as having a penis goes, I do wonder what it would be like and think it would be cool if I could experience having one. My curiosity is mainly related to sex---what does it feel like to have an erection? What does it feel like to be the one penetrating rather than being penetrated? What does the male orgasm feel like? But I would never want to trade in my vagina for a penis.
That said, I think a lot of guys probably wonder what its like to have a vagina too.1 1 0 1I think that was probably mostly true back when Freud was around, I mean, women were sort of getting equal rights at the time but they were considered "second class citizens" as opposed to men.
I mean, I think penis envy exists, but not in the sense that we want one. I think it's more a matter of wanting the attributes associated with the penis carrying gender.
Chicks are paid to donate eggs, and in fact, we get paid a sh*t ton more for our eggs than men get paid for a couple million/billion sperm. Men can get paid pretty cheaply, because they produce sperm every what, 3 days or so? I forget. But eggs...those require a lot more work to obtain and they're worth more as a result. Last time I contemplated donating eggs I think the pay was anywhere between 7k to 45k, depending on genetics, appearance, etc.
If I had a penis for a day I'd go write my name in the snow or on a wall or something.2 1 0 2Sperm is made constantly,its a case of supply and demand.
Lol, point is, you guys make a sh*t ton of it. Lots of turn around, that's why the payout for donating it isn't that amazing.
but if you donate eggs they give you hormones which can damage your bones, my life science professor told me that.
This was based on his observtions of CHILD psychosexual development. he didn't make this up, he heard what women told him during psychoanalysis.
Not everyone agrees withhis theory, and Freud was modest, recognizing that his observtions were based on a limited social class of people and a particular culture.
But the reaction of our feminists to this idea is a good indication that he was identifying underlying psychological patterns which still exist today!0 0 0 0but I really do think its more like power envy
Freud would probably have agreed that this is another way to describe it...
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6 8No way I want balls sticking to my legs when it's hot outside. I'll stick with my vagina.
However I would definitely take the opportunity to know what sex feels like from a mans perspective. But envying actually having a penis? No. Seems like it would just feel weird.0 0 0 0"However I would definitely take the opportunity to know what sex feels like" LOL! It seems that "intense orgasm guy" convinced you that male orgasms are superior to female orgasms.
No, It's just always something that I've been curious about. Not the orgasm itself, but just what sex feels like in general.
Well guys in general are very sex driven and I wonder what the orgasm feels like myself. They might have a better one lol
Haha that's funny I would definitely be a sperm donor! Haha!
Umm, I disagree with that theory though, I really love penis, but
I wouldn't want one on me. If I had one for a day... I think I would
see how good I am a peeing standing up, see what a man's
orgasm feels like, and get a blow job to see what the big deal
is... if it really is that amazing haha!0 1 0 0I didn't come up with that theory lol. And I don't want one either.
Yeah the "crazy psychology guy" did XD Maybe he had small man's complex haha!
its better to be a man, we don't have periods :)
Hmmm it is possibly true. I don't exactly want a penis, I just want all the luxuries that come with being a man. Sure, they have to pursue us if they want a relationship. But they aren't the ones walking around all emotional, pregnant, in pain, or whatever girls complain about.
0 0 0 0I remember discussing this in psychology class. I still don't understand it to this day. Like, it just seems like such an odd theory that I've never seen in real life before. A girl gaining sexual attraction for her mother, realizing that she can't have any kind of relationship because she lacks a penis, then desiring a penis, then gaining a sexual attraction for her father, then learning from her mother so that one day she may replace her mother...
I just don't understand it and don't see how it applies to anything I've seen before. I could understand a girl wishing she were a boy because of whatever reason, benefit, or reward- and it simply being called "penis envy". But as for having an actual penis, as well as all the other stuff, I just don't get it.
Do girls ever actually wish they had a penis instead of a vagina?0 0 0 0I don't think I'd really wanna be a guy for any extended period of time, but it would be fun just to see what it's like for a few days. Quite happy with my genitals otherwise, though. xD
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