What are your thoughts about a 40 year old having sex with a 20 year old?

Do you think it is gross? Do you even care? Do you see yourself ever dating someone with an age gap that large?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • To each their own. I don't think we should moralise sex too heavily when each person is over the age of consent. One does have to wonder about the motivation of each party though. Given the maturity difference one would have be cynical about the 40 year old, trying to relive his youth, give his ego a boost, or with her for the body? His mentality should be in a completely different place than a young girl, so I'd expect there to be some form of manipulation going on. There's something odd going on from the girl's perspective too. It doesn't sound like she would be psychologically well adjusted either. But, to each their own. It's no one else's business.

    • Thnx for your perspective. The lady that likes me is an ambitious young girl with a bright future. My motivation is that I am looking for someone with less emotional baggage and yes it is nice to have a beautiful female that is in great shape. For some reason as I get older I have been approached by many younger women.

    • Let's not kid ourselves here. You get some titillation off her age! I don't blame you though, I'm sure I'd do the same thing if I was in your position/age. I'm sure it doesn't necessarily mean you won't treat her well though. Good luck.

  • "Pitiful" Is the word that comes to mind, for both the 20 year old and the 40 year old...

    Ten years is 'huge", at 20 years old...

    Getting a life...comes to mind...and I don't know any 20 year old that want a 40 year old unless it might be a musician and a groupie.

Most Helpful Girls

  • It is certainly something you don't see every day, but when it does I see no problem with it. There is not ONE valid reason to oppose a couple with this or greater age difference for not having sex if that is what they want to do. The other thing is that it's none of our business anyway.

    I have had sex with men 30 years my senior and was just as good as with guys my age and maybe even a bit better than with some.

    I'm not dating them nor am I dating guys my age, they are just all fwb's which is the way I want to keep things.

  • i say for go it. who cares what anyone thinks. I'm 20 and I like a guy who's 40 so I know what your going through. if you really love and care about her and have a mental, mental,sexual attraction/connection than that's all that matters. my aunt has a 16 year ago different with her husband and they get have no issues. life is too short to not take chances. if its in your heart follow it :)

    pepper out

  • Nothing wrong with that...why is it gross? Yup the age gap is quite big but if both of you love each other I don't see any problem with it.

    • Maybe some of these young people think men get moldy with age.

    • Might be...

    • Thanks for the BA =D

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  • I don't think it's that big of a deal with that particular age gap. A 20-year-old is an adult and can make his or her decision. If it was any younger then 20 then it would be kind of gross. I actually was very attracted to older guys when I was in my early 20s so it's not a big deal. I think it's quiet normal for young girl's to be attracted to older men and 40 is not old to me.

  • I think the guy is gross doing it

  • I think it's gross, I'm 23 and I wouldn't sleep with someone in their 40s. To me girls that date guys are significantly older than them don't realize they're being taken advantage of and/or have daddy issues...the guys are just creeps who can't get girls closer to their own age.

    • really? then why is my last girlfriend I had in her 40's and one b4 that in her 40's and another one in her late 30's?

    • there's a pretty big difference in maturity level between 20s and 30s...you're old enough to know that. Maybe if you need a girl in her 20s it's because all the good ones your age are taken and now you have to resort to girls who are desperate for attention and validation

  • Yeah I don't care really. If you can pull twenty year olds good for you haha

  • I personally wouldn't do it unless I REALLY REALLY liked the guy, but if both people really love each other, then I don't think there's much wrong with it :)